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                                    ;* Number		:DS1820
                                    ;* File Name		:"DS1820.asm"
                                    ;* Title		:AVR alapu DS1820 thermometer + RS232 interface 
                                    ;* 				- LM16x21A Driver via Lattice ispLSI2032
                                    ;* Date	 		:2000.06.12.
                                    ;* Version 		:1.0
                                    ;* Support telephone	:+36-70-333-4034
                                    ;* Support fax		:
                                    ;* Support E-mail
                                    ;* Target MCU		:AT90S2313
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;* kezeli a következő eszközöket:
                                    ;*  - DS1820 Thermometer unit
                                    ;*  - Fulduplex RS232 port
                                    ;*  - SS0=0 & SS1=0 akkor az LCD port az SPI target
                                    ;*	AT90S2313 lábkiosztás
                                    ;*		    RESET 1.	20. VCC 
                                    ;*	    *  RxD (PD0) 2.	19. (PB7) SCK  *
                                    ;*	    *  TxD (PD1) 3.	18. (PB6) MISO *
                                    ;*		    XTAL2 4.	17. (PB5) MOSI *
                                    ;*		    XTAL1 5.	16. (PB4) SS0  *
                                    ;*	      INT0 (PD2) 6.	15. (PB3 OC1)  LED0
                                    ;*	      INT1 (PD3) 7.	14. (PB2) SS1  *
                                    ;*              (T0 PD4) 8.	13. PB1   {AIN1} AT45D CS
                                    ;*	DS1820 	T1 (PD5) 9.	12. PB0   {AIN0}
                                    ;*		     GND 10.	11. {PD6 ICP} 
                                    ;*	Kristályfrekvencia: f=1.8432 MHz (T=0.54253 us)
                                    ;*	* a csillagos IO labak fix huzalozasuak, masra nem hasznalhatok fel!!!
                                    .include ""
                                    ;* Hardware Def.
                                    .EQU	DS1820_BIT = 5		;Dallas 1-Wire bus
                                    .EQU	DS1820_PORT =DDRD	;Dallas Port cime
                                    .EQU	LEDPORT	 = DDRB
                                    .EQU	LED = 3			;A LED bitcime
                                    		;SPI selector -  00 LCD
                                    .EQU	SS0PORT= DDRB
                                    .EQU	SS0= BP4
                                    .EQU	SS1PORT= DDRB
                                    .EQU	SS1= BP2
                                    ;* UART Def
                                    .EQU	BaudRate=11	;11 - 9600
                                    			;7  - 14400
                                    			;5  - 19200
                                    			;1  - 57600
                                    ;***** Divide Subroutine Register Variables
                                    .def	drem16uL=r14
                                    .def	drem16uH=r15
                                    .def	dres16uL=r16
                                    .def	dres16uH=r17
                                    .def	dd16uL	=r16
                                    .def	dd16uH	=r17
                                    .def	dv16uL	=r18
                                    .def	dv16uH	=r19
                                    ;* SPI Master, Mode 0, MSB-first 
                                    ;* MAJOR ROUTINES:
                                    ;*	init_spi: initializes the port lines used for SPI.
                                    ;*			No calling requirements, returns nothing.
                                    ;*	ena_AT:  forces SCK low, and activates /SS signal.
                                    ;*			No calling requirements, returns nothing.
                                    ;*	disa_AT: brings /SS signal hi (inactive).
                                    ;*			No calling requirements, returns nothing.
                                    ;*	rw_spi:   sends/receives an 8-bit data.
                                    ;*			Must set up data to be sent in (spi_lo)
                                    ;*			prior to calling; it returns received data in
                                    ;*			the same register (spi_lo register).
                                    .equ	sck	= 7	;PB7 pin
                                    .equ	miso	= 6	;PB6 pin
                                    .equ	mosi	= 5	;PB5 pin
                                    .equ	ATss	= 1	;PB4=1 , PB2=0 pin AT45D041 CS  ???????
                                    .def	spi_lo	= R0	;change as needed
                                    .def	temp	= R16	;misc usage, must be in upper regs for IMMED mode
                                    .def	ATComm	= R20	;AT45Dxxx command parameter register
                                    .def	ATPoint	= R21	;AT45Dxxx Buffer Pointer register
                                    .def	ATPageL = R21	;AT45Dxxx Page Address low
                                    .def	ATPageH = R22	;AT45Dxxx Page Address hi
                                    .def	LCDLo	= R20	;LCD Low byte
                                    .def	LCDHi	= R21	;
                                    .equ	BFSeg	= 32	;32 byte r/w 
                                    .macro	Select_LCD
                                    	CBI	SS0PORT+1,SS0
                                    	cbi	SS1PORT+1,SS1
                                    ;* SPI MACROS
                                    ;*	Program Macros
                                    .macro	AT_active
                                    	cbi	portb,ATss
                                    .macro	AT_inactive
                                    	sbi	portb,ATss
                                    .macro	sck_hi
                                    	sbi	portb,sck
                                    .macro	sck_lo
                                    	cbi	portb,sck
                                    .macro	mosi_hi
                                    	sbi	portb,mosi
                                    .macro	mosi_lo
                                    	cbi	portb,mosi
                                    ;.macro	addi
                                    ;	subi	@0, -@1		;subtract the negative of an immediate value
                                    .macro	set_delay		;set up the time delay amount, from 1 to 7
                                    	subi	@0, (@1 << 5)	;NOTE: THIS shift affects INC macro (below)!
                                    .macro	inc_delay		;bump the delay counter
                                    	subi	@0, -(1 << 5)	;shift value here must be same as above!
                                    ;**** CONST
                                    ;;;;.EQU	RPMFACT = 17280		;RPM= RPMFACT/IMP*100
                                    .EQU	T0Freq=220		;1.8432MHz = 50Hz
                                    .EQU	Active	= 2		;Imo Active bit
                                    ;**** VARIABLES
                                    DS1:	.BYTE	1		;Flagbitek
                                    				;	0. = 1 RPM overflow  
                                    				;	1. = 1 Velocity overflow
                                    				;	2. = 1 Immo. Active
                                    				;	4. = 1 LED kijelzo frissites kell
                                    CNT1:	.BYTE	2		;Interupt COUNTER
                                    DS3:	.BYTE	4		;RealTime Clock
                                    DS4:	.BYTE	2		;UART Transmit Interrupt rutin cime
                                    DS5:	.BYTE	2		;UART Receive Interrupt rutin cime
                                    DS6:	.BYTE	2		;UART Transmit Buffer Address
                                    DS7:	.BYTE	2		;Fordulatszam binaris
                                    DS8:	.BYTE	2		;Sebesseg bin
                                    DS9:	.BYTE	2		;Fordulatszamalalo start
                                    DS10:	.BYTE	2		;SebessegSZAMLALO start
                                    DS11:	.BYTE	1		;TEMP az UART RX-hez	
                                    CRC:	.BYTE	1		;DS1820 CRC GENERATOR HASZNALJA
                                    DSRD:	.BYTE	10		;Ide olvassa be a DS Chipet
                                    DS12:	.BYTE	1		;Bad CRC szamlalo
                                    IOBuff:	.BYTE	BFSeg		;AT45Dxxx IO munkaterulet
                                    ;*Variables Offset to Y
                                    .EQU	FLAGS	= DS1-DS1		;Z+0 
                                    .EQU	RTC	= DS3-DS1		;RealTime Clock
                                    .EQU	UTx	= DS4-DS1		;UART Transmit Interrupt rutin cime
                                    .EQU	URx	= DS5-DS1		;UART Receive Interrupt rutin cime
                                    .EQU	TXT	= DS6-DS1		;UART Transmit Buffer Address
                                    .EQU	RPMB	= DS7-DS1		;Fordulatszam binaris
                                    .EQU	VELB	= DS8-DS1		;Sebesseg bin
                                    .EQU	RPMC	= DS9-DS1		;Fordulatszamalalo start
                                    .EQU	VELC	= DS10-DS1		;SebessegSZAMLALO start
                                    .EQU	TEMP	= DS11-DS1		;TEMP az UART RX-hez
                                    .EQU	CRCoff	= CRC-DS1		;CRC
                                    .EQU	CNT1L	= CNT1-DS1		;CNT1
                                    .EQU	CNT1H	= CNT1-DS1+1
                                    .EQU	BadCRC = DS12-DS1		;
                                    KEY1:	.DB	0x01
                                    	.DB	0x88
                                    	.DB	0xDD
                                    	.DB	0x07
                                    	.DB	0x02
                                    	.DB	0x00
                                    	.DB	0x00
                                    KEY2:	.DB	0x01
                                    	.DB	0x6D
                                    	.DB	0xB9
                                    	.DB	0x07
                                    	.DB	0x02
                                    	.DB	0x00
                                    	.DB	0x00
                                    ;****		I N T E R R U P T S
                                    	rjmp RESET		;Reset Handle
                                    	rjmp EXT_INTO		;IRQ0 Handle
                                    	rjmp EXT_INT1		;IRQ1 Handle
                                    	rjmp TIM_CAPT1		;Timer1 capture Handle
                                    	rjmp TIM_COMP1		;Timer1 compare Handle
                                    	rjmp TIM_OVF1		;Timer1 overflow Handle
                                    	rjmp TIM_OVF0		;Timer0 overflow Handle
                                    	rjmp UART_RXC		;UART RX Complete Handle
                                    	rjmp UART_DRE		;UDR Empty Handle
                                    	rjmp UART_TXC		;UART TX Complete Handle
                                    	rjmp ANA_COMP		;Analog Comparator Handle
                                    ;* RESET 
                                    RESET:	CLI			;GLOBAL INTERRUP DIS.	
                                    	LDI	R16,42		;Sleep enable, Idle mode,INT0, INT1 fall-edge sens.
                                    	OUT	MCUCR,R16
                                    	LDI	R16,RAMEND
                                    	OUT	SPL,R16		;STACK A BELSO RAM VEGETOL INDUL LEFELE 
                                    	LDI	R16,0		;INT0, INT1 Disabled
                                    	OUT	GIMSK,R16	;7. = 1 EXT INT1 ACTIVE
                                    				;6. = 1 EXT INT0 ACTIVE
                                    	LDI	R16,2
                                    	OUT	TIMSK,R16 	;7. = 1 TC1 OWRF EN.  *
                                    				;6. = 1 TC1 COMP MATCH EN.
                                    				;3. = 1 TC1 INP CAPTURE EN.
                                    				;1. = 1 TC0 OWRF EN.   *
                                    	LDI	R16,0
                                    	OUT	TCCR1A,R16	;TC1 Disconected from OC1 pin, PWM Dis.
                                    	LDI	R16,3
                                    	OUT	TCCR1B,R16	;Input Capture Dis., f=CLK/64
                                    	LDI	R16,T0Freq
                                    	OUT	TCNT0,R16	;50Hz
                                    	LDI	R16,5
                                    	OUT	TCCR0,R16	;f(TC1)=CLK/1024
                                    	LDI	YL,LOW(DS1)
                                    	LDI	YH,HIGH(DS1)	;BAZIS 'X' +0
                                    	LDI	R16,0
                                    	STD	Y+CRCoff,R16	;CRC=0
                                    	STD	Y+CNT1L,R16
                                    	STD	Y+CNT1H,R16	;CNT1=0
                                    	STD	Y+RTC+0,R16	;RealTime Clock=1970\01\01
                                    	STD	Y+RTC+1,R16
                                    	STD	Y+RTC+2,R16
                                    	STD	Y+RTC+3,R16
                                    	STD	Y+BadCRC,R16	;BadCRC=0
                                    	LDI	R16,(1< R0
                                    		ADIW	ZL,1
                                    		MOV	R16,R0
                                    		STD	Y+TXT+0,ZL
                                    		STD	Y+TXT+1,ZH
                                                    CPI	R16,0
                                    		BRNE	MoreTXT			;VAN MEG SZOVEG
                                    		LDI	R16,low(UReti)
                                    		STD	Y+UTx+0,R16
                                    		LDI	R16,high(UReti)
                                    		STD	Y+UTx+1,R16		;UART TX INT. ADDR
                                                    CPSE	R16,R16			;AZERT, HOGY AKOVETKEZO SOR KIMARADJON
                                    MoreTXT:	OUT	UDR,R16
                                                    POP	R0
                                    		POP	R16
                                    		POP	ZL
                                    		OUT	SREG,ZL
                                    		POP	ZH
                                    		POP	ZL
                                    ;*  Text Const
                                    Copyr:	.DB	"(C) 2000, DS1820 Thermometer V1.0 ", 10,13
                                    Ready:	.DB	"Ready>>",0
                                    Hiba:	.DB	"Error..",10,13,0
                                    ;********     M     A      I      N				********
                                    ;********							********
                                    Main:		LDI	R16,10
                                    		STD	Y+CNT1L,R16
                                    		LDI	R16,0
                                    		STD	Y+CNT1H,R16	;CNT1=25 0.5s 
                                    wait:		;SLEEP
                                    		ldd	R16,Y+TEMP
                                    		CPI	R16,'R'
                                    		BREQ	WHTROM
                                    		CPI	R16,'r'
                                    		BREQ	WHTROM
                                    		CPI	R16,'T'
                                    		BREQ	RDTH
                                    		CPI	R16,'t'
                                    		BREQ	RDTH
                                    		rjmp	Csokkent
                                    RDTH:		cli
                                    		rcall	ReadTh
                                    		brcc	CMDsEND		;ha nincs eszkoz a buszon, akkor kihagy	
                                    		rcall	ComuteT		;R22,R23 a korigalt hom
                                    		MOV	R0,R23
                                    		rcall	TOUART
                                    		MOV	R0,R22
                                    		rcall	TOUART
                                    Wt6:		SBIS	USR,UDRE	;a kovetkezo kimarad, ha a TX reg ures
                                    		 RJMP	Wt6    		
                                    		LDI	R16,' '
                                    		OUT	UDR,R16	
                                    Wt7:		SBIS	USR,UDRE	;a kovetkezo kimarad, ha a TX reg ures
                                    		 RJMP	Wt7    		
                                    		LDI	R16,' '
                                    		OUT	UDR,R17	
                                    		LDI	XL,LOW(DSRD)
                                    		LDI	XH,HIGH(DSRD)	;ide olvasta a DS Chipet
                                    		LDI	R19,8		;8 byteot kuldunk ki
                                    		rjmp	WHTR1
                                    WHTROM:		CLI
                                    		rcall ReadROM
                                    		brcc	CMDsEND		;ha nincs eszkoz a buszon, akkor kihagy	
                                    		LDI	R19,8		;8 byteot kuldunk ki
                                    		LDI	XL,LOW(DSRD)
                                    		LDI	XH,HIGH(DSRD)	;ide olvasta a DS Chipet
                                    WHTR1:		LD	R16,X+
                                    		MOV	R0,R16
                                    		rcall	TOUART
                                    Wt4:		SBIS	USR,UDRE	;a kovetkezo kimarad, ha a TX reg ures
                                    		 RJMP	Wt4    		
                                    		LDI	R16,' '
                                    		OUT	UDR,R16	
                                    		dec	R19
                                    		BRNE	WHTR1
                                    CMDsEND:	SBIS	USR,UDRE	;a kovetkezo kimarad, ha a TX reg ures
                                    		 RJMP	CMDsEND    		
                                    		LDI	R16,13
                                    		OUT	UDR,R16	
                                    Wt9:		SBIS	USR,UDRE	;a kovetkezo kimarad, ha a TX reg ures
                                    		 RJMP	Wt9    		
                                    		LDI	R16,10
                                    		OUT	UDR,R16	
                                    		LDI	R16,0
                                    		std	Y+TEMP,R15	;a parancssort kinullazzuk
                                    Csokkent:	LDD	R24,Y+CNT1L
                                    		LDD	R25,Y+CNT1H
                                    		OR	R24,R25
                                    		BRNE	wait
                                    ;Kell-e villogni?
                                    		LDD	R16,Y+FLAGS
                                    		SBRS	R16,Active	;a kovetkezo kimarad ha az Active=1
                                    		 rjmp Main
                                    	;   Led villogtato
                                    LEDvil:		SBIS	LEDPORT+1,LED	;kihagy, ha LED=1
                                    		 RJMP	Led_be 
                                    		CBI	LEDPORT+1,LED	;LED eg
                                    		RJMP	Main
                                    Led_be:		SBI	LEDPORT+1,LED	;LED nem eg
                                    		RJMP	Main
                                    ;CRC-t ellenorzi
                                    ;		LD	R1,X+			;olvasott CRC
                                    ;		LDD	R0,Y+CRCOff		;szamolt CRC
                                    ;		CP	R1,R0
                                    ;		BREQ	CRCOK		;GoodCRC
                                    ;R0-ban levo byte kiirasa az uartra (HEX) 
                                    TOUART:		LDI	R17,48
                                    		LDI	R18,7
                                    Wt1:		SBIS	USR,UDRE	;a kovetkezo kimarad, ha a TX reg ures
                                    		 RJMP	Wt1    		
                                    		MOV	R16,R0
                                    		SWAP	R16
                                    		ANDI	R16,0x0F
                                    		CPI	R16,10
                                    		BRCS	Kicsi1
                                    		ADD	R16,R18
                                    Kicsi1:		ADD	R16,R17
                                    		OUT	UDR,R16
                                    Wt2:		SBIS	USR,UDRE	;a kovetkezo kimarad, ha a TX reg ures
                                    		 RJMP	Wt2    		
                                    		MOV	R16,R0
                                    		ANDI	R16,0x0F
                                    		CPI	R16,10
                                    		BRCS	Kicsi0
                                    		ADD	R16,R18
                                    Kicsi0:		ADD	R16,R17
                                    		OUT	UDR,R16
                                    .include	"div16.asm"
                                    .include	"SPI.asm"
                                    ;*********************** 1-Wire Bus *************************************
                                    ;Kiolvasott DS chip tartalmat osszehasonlitja az EEpromban taroltakkal
                                    ; R14 a KEY Offsetcime
                                    ;C=0	Nem jo
                                    ;C=1	Kulcs jo
                                    	LDI	XL,LOW(DSRD)
                                    	LDI	XH,HIGH(DSRD)	;ide olvassa DS Chipet
                                    	OUT	EEAR,R24	;EEPROM address
                                    	LDI	R16,7		;CRC-vel egyutt 8 byte comp.
                                    Cikl2:	RCALL	EERead_seq	;EEPrombol akovetkezo elem R0-ba
                                    	LD	R1,X+
                                    	SUB	R1,R0
                                    	BRNE	Rossz
                                    	DEC	R16
                                    	BRNE	Cikl2
                                    Rossz:	CLC
                                    ;Read DS1820
                                    ;c=1 Chip kiolvasva
                                    ;c=0 Chip nincs
                                    ;(Beolvas egy chippet az Y-ban megadott cimre)
                                    ;Hasznalja a R18, R17, R16, R3, R2, R0;  
                                    	LDI	XL,LOW(DSRD)
                                    	LDI	XH,HIGH(DSRD)	;ide olvassa DS Chipet
                                    	LDI	R16,0
                                    	STD	Y+CRCoff,R16	;CRC=0		;
                                    	RCALL	TouchReset
                                    	BRCS	RDS1		;ESZKOZ A BUSZON VAN
                                    RDS1:	LDI	R16,0x33	;SEARCH ROM COMMAND
                                    	MOV	R0,R16
                                    	LDI	R19,7		;7-SZER OLVASUNK BE
                                    	RCALL	TouchByte
                                    RDS2:	LDI	R16,0xFF	;BEOLVASUNK 8 BITET
                                    	MOV	R0,R16
                                    	RCALL	TouchByte
                                    	ST	X+,R1
                                    	RCALL	CRCGEN
                                    	DEC	R19
                                    	BRNE	RDS2
                                    	LDI	R16,0xFF	;BEOLVASSUK A CRCT
                                    	MOV	R0,R16
                                    	RCALL	TouchByte
                                    	ST	X+,R1
                                    	LDI	R19,0xFF
                                    RDS3:	DEC	R19
                                    	BRNE	RDS3
                                    	SEC			;CHIP RENDBEN
                                    ;******* TOUCHBYTE
                                    ;R0-ban megadott byte-ot kiküldi a touchmemory-nak
                                    ;és szimultán beolvas egy byte-ot onnan az R1-be
                                    ;Hasznalja a R17, R16 R3, R2
                                    	LDI	R17,8             		;[1]
                                    	ROR	R1				;[1]
                                    	RCALL	TOUCHBIT			;[3]
                                    	ROR	R0				;[1]
                                    	DEC	R17				;[1]
                                    	BRNE	BIT_LOOP			;[1/2]
                                    	RET					;[1]
                                    	SBI	DS1820_PORT,DS1820_BIT		;[2] 
                                    	LDI	R16,3				;[1]
                                    BW0:	DEC	R16 				;[1]
                                    	BRNE	BW0  				;[1/2]
                                    	SBRC	R0,0				;[1/2]
                                    	 CBI	DS1820_PORT,DS1820_BIT		;[2]
                                    	LDI	R16,8				;[1]             
                                    BW1:	DEC	R16 				;[1]
                                    	BRNE	BW1  				;[1/2]
                                    	IN	R2,DS1820_PORT-1		;[1]
                                    	BST	R2,DS1820_BIT			;[1]
                                    	BLD	R1,7				;[1]
                                    	LDI	R16,26				;[1]
                                    TCHL:	DEC	R16				;[1]
                                    	BRNE	TCHL				;[1/2]
                                    	CBI	DS1820_PORT,DS1820_BIT		;[2]
                                    	RET					;[4]
                                    ;****** T O U C H R E S E T 
                                    ;Inicialization procedure "Reset and PreSence Pulses"
                                    ; Ez a rutin egy Reset jelet general a mikrovrzerlo ketiranyu DS_BIT nevu laban,
                                    ;a Touch Memory fele es figyeli a visszajovo PreSence jelet.
                                    ;Ha a PreSence jel megerkezett, akkor C=1 kulonben C=0 (nincs eszkoz a buszon)
                                    ;                              |-Master Rx "Presence Pulse"-|  
                                    ;  |---Master Reset Tx Pulse---| |----t(RSTH)---------------|
                                    ; __         t(RSTL)             _____          _____ \\ ___
                                    ;   \                           /     \        /            \
                                    ;    \_________________________/       \______/               \__ ...
                                    ;                               |-----|-------|
                                    ;                                t(PDH) t(PDL)
                                    ;                     t(R) <-- |-|
                                    ;	480us<=t(RSTL)< . t(RSTL)+t(R)<960us
                                    ;	480us<=t(RSTH)<
                                    ;	15us<=t(PDH)<=60us
                                    ;	60us<=t(PDL)<=240us
                                    ; C-flag = 1 DS1990A a buszon van
                                    ;	  = 0 DS1990A nincs a buszon
                                    ; R16
                                    ; Testelt jol mukodik
                                    ; Cyc: 
                                    	SBI	DS1820_PORT,DS1820_BIT	;[2]   1-wire = Master LOW , Start the reset pulse 
                                    	LDI	R16,222				;[1]             
                                    TR0:	NOP					;[1]
                                    	DEC	R16 				;[1]
                                    	BRNE	TR0  				;[1/2] 480us wait with data low
                                    	SBI	DS1820_PORT+1,DS1820_BIT	;[2]   1-wire =Active Hi  
                                    	nop					;[1]
                                    	CBI	DS1820_PORT,DS1820_BIT	;[2]   1-wire HI (felengedve)
                                    	CBI	DS1820_PORT+1,DS1820_BIT	;[2]   1-wire = Tri-state  
                                    	nop					;[1]
                                    	SBIS	DS1820_PORT-1,DS1820_BIT	;[1/2]
                                    	 RJMP	Short				;[2]    ha egybol Low az rossz
                                    	LDI	R16,21				;[1]             
                                    TR1:	SBIS	DS1820_PORT-1,DS1820_BIT	;[1/2]
                                    	 RJMP	WL				;[2]    Exit loop if line low
                                    	DEC	R16 				;[1]
                                    	BRNE	TR1  				;[1/2] us wait with data low
                                    	RJMP	SHORT				;[2]   Line could not go low
                                    WL:	LDI	R16,87				;[1]             
                                    TR3:	SBIC	DS1820_PORT-1,DS1820_BIT	;[1/2]
                                    	 RJMP	WH				;[2]    Exit loop if line hi
                                    	DEC	R16 				;[1]
                                    	BRNE	TR3  				;[1/2] us wait with data low
                                    SHORT:	CLC					;[1] Error
                                    	RET					;[4]
                                    WH:	SEC					;[1] RESET OK.	
                                    	RET					;[4]
                                    ; DS1990A CRC GENERATOR
                                    ;IN: R1
                                    ;USE: R21,R20, R4,R3, R0, R18
                                    CRCGEN:	PUSH	R1
                                    	LDI	R20,8
                                    	LDI	R18,0x18
                                    	PUSH	R1
                                    CRC_L:	LDD	R3,Y+CRCoff		;CRC	
                                    	EOR	R1,R3
                                    	ROR	R1
                                    	MOV	R1,R3
                                    	BRCC	ZERO
                                    	EOR	R1,R18
                                    ZERO:	ROR	R1
                                    	STD	Y+CRCoff,R1
                                    	POP	R1
                                    	SBRS	R1,0
                                    	ROR	R1
                                    	PUSH	R1
                                    	DEC	R20
                                    	BRNE	CRC_L
                                    	POP	R1
                                    	POP	R1
                                    ;Read DS1820
                                    ;c=1 Chip kiolvasva
                                    ;c=0 Chip nincs
                                    ;(Beolvas egy chippet az Y-ban megadott cimre)
                                    ;Hasznalja a R18, R17, R16, R3, R2, R0;  
                                    	LDI	XL,LOW(DSRD)
                                    	LDI	XH,HIGH(DSRD)	;ide olvassa DS Chipet
                                    	LDI	R16,0
                                    	STD	Y+CRCoff,R16	;CRC=0
                                    	RCALL	TouchReset
                                    	BRCS	DSVAN		;ESZKOZ A BUSZON VAN
                                    DSVAN:	LDI	R16,0xCC	;Skip ROM Command
                                    	MOV	R0,R16
                                    	RCALL	TouchByte
                                    	LDI	R16,0x44	;Convert T Command
                                    	MOV	R0,R16
                                    	RCALL	TouchByte
                                    DSW1:	SBIS	DS1820_PORT-1,DS1820_BIT	;ha 1 akkor a kovetkezo kimarad	
                                    	 RJMP	DSW1			;varunk mig a komvertalas vege nincs
                                    	LDI	R16,0
                                    	STD	Y+CRCoff,R16	;CRC=0		;
                                    	RCALL	TouchReset
                                    	BRCS	DS2VAN		;ESZKOZ A BUSZON VAN
                                           LDI	R16,0xCC	;Skip ROM Command
                                    	MOV	R0,R16
                                    	RCALL	TouchByte
                                    	LDI	R16,0xBE	;Read Scratchpad command.
                                    	MOV	R0,R16
                                    	RCALL	TouchByte
                                    	LDI	R19,8		;8-SZOR OLVASUNK BE
                                    DS2T:	LDI	R16,0xFF	;BEOLVASUNK 8 BITET
                                    	MOV	R0,R16
                                    	RCALL	TouchByte
                                    	ST	X+,R1
                                    	RCALL	CRCGEN
                                    	DEC	R19
                                    	BRNE	DS2T
                                    	LDI	R16,0xFF	;BEOLVASSUK A CRCT
                                    	MOV	R0,R16
                                    	RCALL	TouchByte
                                    	ST	X+,R1
                                    	LDI	R19,0xFF
                                    DS3T:	DEC	R19
                                    	BRNE	DS3T
                                    	RCALL	TouchReset
                                    	SEC			;CHIP RENDBEN
                                    ComuteT:	LDI	ZL,LOW(DSRD)
                                    		LDI	ZH,HIGH(DSRD)		;ide olvassa DS Chipet
                                    		LDD	dd16uL,Z+7		;CPC
                                    		LDI	dd16uH,0
                                    		LDD	R22,Z+6			;CRM
                                    		LDI	R23,0
                                    		LSL	dd16uL			;8*CPC
                                    		ROL	dd16uH
                                    		LSL	dd16uL
                                    		ROL	dd16uH
                                    		LSL	dd16uL
                                    		ROL	dd16uH
                                    		LSL	R22			;8*CRM
                                    		ROL	R23
                                    		LSL	R22
                                    		ROL	R23
                                    		LSL	R22
                                    		ROL	R23
                                    		SUB	dd16uL,R22
                                    		SBC	dd16uH,R23
                                    		LDD	dv16uL,Z+7		;CPC
                                    		LDI	dv16uH,0
                                    		MOV	R0,dv16uL
                                    		OR	r0,dv16uH
                                    		BRNE	DIV1			;0-VAL NEM OSZTUNK
                                    		LDI	R16,0
                                    		LDI	R17,0
                                    		RJMP	LKI1		
                                    DIV1:		RCALL	div16u			;OSZTAS eredmeny az R16,R17-ben	
                                    LKI1:		CLC
                                    		SBCI	dres16uL,2
                                    		SBCI	dres16uH,0		;eredmeny-2
                                    		LDD	R22,Z+0			;Temperature
                                    		LDD	R23,Z+1
                                    		CBR	R22,1			;Truncate 0.5C
                                    		LSL	R22			;8*T
                                    		ROL	R23
                                    		LSL	R22
                                    		ROL	R23
                                    		LSL	R22
                                    		ROL	R23
                                    		ADD	R22,dres16uL		;R22,R23 a korigalt homerseklet
                                    		ADC	R23,dres16uH
                                    ;* EERead_seq
                                    ;* This subroutine increments the address stored in EEAR and reads the 
                                    ;* EEPROM into the register variable "EEdrd_s".
                                    ;* Number of words	:8515 ; 7 + return
                                    ;* Number of cycles	:8515 ; 11 + return (if EEPROM is ready)
                                    ;* Low Registers used	:R0
                                    ;* High Registers used:	:R24
                                    	sbic	EECR,EEWE	;if EEWE not clear
                                    	rjmp	EERead_seq	;   wait more
                                    				;The above sequence for EEWE = 0
                                    				;can be skipped if no write is initiated.
                                    	in	R24,EEAR	;get address low 8515
                                    	inc	R24		;increment address 8515
                                    	out	EEAR,R24	;output address 8515
                                    	sbi	EECR,EERE	;set EEPROM Read strobe
                                    				;This instruction takes 4 clock cycles since
                                    				;it halts the CPU for two clock cycles
                                    	in	R0,EEDR		;get data
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	ena_LCD
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	Init data & clock lines, then assert /CS for LCD.
                                    ;* CODE SIZE:
                                    ;*	4 words
                                    	sck_lo			;(should already be there...)
                                    ;* LCDlo, LCDHi - kikuldese 
                                    	mov	spi_lo,LCDHi	;Mov Command byte
                                    	rcall	ena_LCD		;activate  /CS
                                    	rcall	rw_spi		;send Command byte
                                    	mov	spi_lo,LCDLo	;Mov Command byte
                                    	rcall	rw_spi		;send Command byte
                                    ;**** A P P L I C A T I O N   N O T E   A V R 2 0 0 ************************
                                    ;* Title:		Multiply and Divide Routines
                                    ;* Version:		1.1
                                    ;* Last updated:	97.07.04
                                    ;* Target:		AT90Sxxxx (All AVR Devices)
                                    ;* Support E-mail:
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;* This Application Note lists subroutines for the following
                                    ;* Divide applications. Routines are straight-line implementations
                                    ;* optimized for speed:
                                    ;* 16 / 16 = 16 + 16 bit unsigned
                                    ;* "div16u" - 16/16 Bit Unsigned Division
                                    ;* This subroutine divides the two 16-bit numbers 
                                    ;* "dd16uH:dd16uL" (dividend) and "dv16uH:dv16uL" (divisor). 
                                    ;* The result is placed in "dres16uH:dres16uL" and the remainder in
                                    ;* "drem16uH:drem16uL".
                                    ;* Number of words	:196 + return
                                    ;* Number of cycles	:148/173/196 (Min/Avg/Max)
                                    ;* Low registers used	:2 (drem16uL,drem16uH)
                                    ;* High registers used  :4 (dres16uL/dd16uL,dres16uH/dd16uH,dv16uL,dv16uH)
                                    ;***** Code
                                    div16u:	clr	drem16uL	;clear remainder Low byte
                                    	sub	drem16uH,drem16uH;clear remainder High byte and carry
                                    	rol	dd16uL		;shift left dividend
                                    	rol	dd16uH
                                    	rol	drem16uL	;shift dividend into remainder
                                    	rol	drem16uH
                                    	sub	drem16uL,dv16uL	;remainder = remainder - divisor
                                    	sbc	drem16uH,dv16uH	;
                                    	brcc	d16u_1		;if result negative
                                    	add	drem16uL,dv16uL	;    restore remainder
                                    	adc	drem16uH,dv16uH
                                    	clc			;    clear carry to be shifted into result
                                    	rjmp	d16u_2		;else
                                    d16u_1:	sec			;    set carry to be shifted into result
                                    d16u_2:	rol	dd16uL		;shift left dividend
                                    	rol	dd16uH
                                    	rol	drem16uL	;shift dividend into remainder
                                    	rol	drem16uH
                                    	sub	drem16uL,dv16uL	;remainder = remainder - divisor
                                    	sbc	drem16uH,dv16uH	;
                                    	brcc	d16u_3		;if result negative
                                    	add	drem16uL,dv16uL	;    restore remainder
                                    	adc	drem16uH,dv16uH
                                    	clc			;    clear carry to be shifted into result
                                    	rjmp	d16u_4		;else
                                    d16u_3:	sec			;    set carry to be shifted into result
                                    d16u_4:	rol	dd16uL		;shift left dividend
                                    	rol	dd16uH
                                    	rol	drem16uL	;shift dividend into remainder
                                    	rol	drem16uH
                                    	sub	drem16uL,dv16uL	;remainder = remainder - divisor
                                    	sbc	drem16uH,dv16uH	;
                                    	brcc	d16u_5		;if result negative
                                    	add	drem16uL,dv16uL	;    restore remainder
                                    	adc	drem16uH,dv16uH
                                    	clc			;    clear carry to be shifted into result
                                    	rjmp	d16u_6		;else
                                    d16u_5:	sec			;    set carry to be shifted into result
                                    d16u_6:	rol	dd16uL		;shift left dividend
                                    	rol	dd16uH
                                    	rol	drem16uL	;shift dividend into remainder
                                    	rol	drem16uH
                                    	sub	drem16uL,dv16uL	;remainder = remainder - divisor
                                    	sbc	drem16uH,dv16uH	;
                                    	brcc	d16u_7		;if result negative
                                    	add	drem16uL,dv16uL	;    restore remainder
                                    	adc	drem16uH,dv16uH
                                    	clc			;    clear carry to be shifted into result
                                    	rjmp	d16u_8		;else
                                    d16u_7:	sec			;    set carry to be shifted into result
                                    d16u_8:	rol	dd16uL		;shift left dividend
                                    	rol	dd16uH
                                    	rol	drem16uL	;shift dividend into remainder
                                    	rol	drem16uH
                                    	sub	drem16uL,dv16uL	;remainder = remainder - divisor
                                    	sbc	drem16uH,dv16uH	;
                                    	brcc	d16u_9		;if result negative
                                    	add	drem16uL,dv16uL	;    restore remainder
                                    	adc	drem16uH,dv16uH
                                    	clc			;    clear carry to be shifted into result
                                    	rjmp	d16u_10		;else
                                    d16u_9:	sec			;    set carry to be shifted into result
                                    d16u_10:rol	dd16uL		;shift left dividend
                                    	rol	dd16uH
                                    	rol	drem16uL	;shift dividend into remainder
                                    	rol	drem16uH
                                    	sub	drem16uL,dv16uL	;remainder = remainder - divisor
                                    	sbc	drem16uH,dv16uH	;
                                    	brcc	d16u_11		;if result negative
                                    	add	drem16uL,dv16uL	;    restore remainder
                                    	adc	drem16uH,dv16uH
                                    	clc			;    clear carry to be shifted into result
                                    	rjmp	d16u_12		;else
                                    d16u_11:sec			;    set carry to be shifted into result
                                    d16u_12:rol	dd16uL		;shift left dividend
                                    	rol	dd16uH
                                    	rol	drem16uL	;shift dividend into remainder
                                    	rol	drem16uH
                                    	sub	drem16uL,dv16uL	;remainder = remainder - divisor
                                    	sbc	drem16uH,dv16uH	;
                                    	brcc	d16u_13		;if result negative
                                    	add	drem16uL,dv16uL	;    restore remainder
                                    	adc	drem16uH,dv16uH
                                    	clc			;    clear carry to be shifted into result
                                    	rjmp	d16u_14		;else
                                    d16u_13:sec			;    set carry to be shifted into result
                                    d16u_14:rol	dd16uL		;shift left dividend
                                    	rol	dd16uH
                                    	rol	drem16uL	;shift dividend into remainder
                                    	rol	drem16uH
                                    	sub	drem16uL,dv16uL	;remainder = remainder - divisor
                                    	sbc	drem16uH,dv16uH	;
                                    	brcc	d16u_15		;if result negative
                                    	add	drem16uL,dv16uL	;    restore remainder
                                    	adc	drem16uH,dv16uH
                                    	clc			;    clear carry to be shifted into result
                                    	rjmp	d16u_16		;else
                                    d16u_15:sec			;    set carry to be shifted into result
                                    d16u_16:rol	dd16uL		;shift left dividend
                                    	rol	dd16uH
                                    	rol	drem16uL	;shift dividend into remainder
                                    	rol	drem16uH
                                    	sub	drem16uL,dv16uL	;remainder = remainder - divisor
                                    	sbc	drem16uH,dv16uH	;
                                    	brcc	d16u_17		;if result negative
                                    	add	drem16uL,dv16uL	;    restore remainder
                                    	adc	drem16uH,dv16uH
                                    	clc			;    clear carry to be shifted into result
                                    	rjmp	d16u_18		;else
                                    d16u_17:	sec			;    set carry to be shifted into result
                                    d16u_18:rol	dd16uL		;shift left dividend
                                    	rol	dd16uH
                                    	rol	drem16uL	;shift dividend into remainder
                                    	rol	drem16uH
                                    	sub	drem16uL,dv16uL	;remainder = remainder - divisor
                                    	sbc	drem16uH,dv16uH	;
                                    	brcc	d16u_19		;if result negative
                                    	add	drem16uL,dv16uL	;    restore remainder
                                    	adc	drem16uH,dv16uH
                                    	clc			;    clear carry to be shifted into result
                                    	rjmp	d16u_20		;else
                                    d16u_19:sec			;    set carry to be shifted into result
                                    d16u_20:rol	dd16uL		;shift left dividend
                                    	rol	dd16uH
                                    	rol	drem16uL	;shift dividend into remainder
                                    	rol	drem16uH
                                    	sub	drem16uL,dv16uL	;remainder = remainder - divisor
                                    	sbc	drem16uH,dv16uH	;
                                    	brcc	d16u_21		;if result negative
                                    	add	drem16uL,dv16uL	;    restore remainder
                                    	adc	drem16uH,dv16uH
                                    	clc			;    clear carry to be shifted into result
                                    	rjmp	d16u_22		;else
                                    d16u_21:sec			;    set carry to be shifted into result
                                    d16u_22:rol	dd16uL		;shift left dividend
                                    	rol	dd16uH
                                    	rol	drem16uL	;shift dividend into remainder
                                    	rol	drem16uH
                                    	sub	drem16uL,dv16uL	;remainder = remainder - divisor
                                    	sbc	drem16uH,dv16uH	;
                                    	brcc	d16u_23		;if result negative
                                    	add	drem16uL,dv16uL	;    restore remainder
                                    	adc	drem16uH,dv16uH
                                    	clc			;    clear carry to be shifted into result
                                    	rjmp	d16u_24		;else
                                    d16u_23:sec			;    set carry to be shifted into result
                                    d16u_24:rol	dd16uL		;shift left dividend
                                    	rol	dd16uH
                                    	rol	drem16uL	;shift dividend into remainder
                                    	rol	drem16uH
                                    	sub	drem16uL,dv16uL	;remainder = remainder - divisor
                                    	sbc	drem16uH,dv16uH	;
                                    	brcc	d16u_25		;if result negative
                                    	add	drem16uL,dv16uL	;    restore remainder
                                    	adc	drem16uH,dv16uH
                                    	clc			;    clear carry to be shifted into result
                                    	rjmp	d16u_26		;else
                                    d16u_25:sec			;    set carry to be shifted into result
                                    d16u_26:rol	dd16uL		;shift left dividend
                                    	rol	dd16uH
                                    	rol	drem16uL	;shift dividend into remainder
                                    	rol	drem16uH
                                    	sub	drem16uL,dv16uL	;remainder = remainder - divisor
                                    	sbc	drem16uH,dv16uH	;
                                    	brcc	d16u_27		;if result negative
                                    	add	drem16uL,dv16uL	;    restore remainder
                                    	adc	drem16uH,dv16uH
                                    	clc			;    clear carry to be shifted into result
                                    	rjmp	d16u_28		;else
                                    d16u_27:sec			;    set carry to be shifted into result
                                    d16u_28:rol	dd16uL		;shift left dividend
                                    	rol	dd16uH
                                    	rol	drem16uL	;shift dividend into remainder
                                    	rol	drem16uH
                                    	sub	drem16uL,dv16uL	;remainder = remainder - divisor
                                    	sbc	drem16uH,dv16uH	;
                                    	brcc	d16u_29		;if result negative
                                    	add	drem16uL,dv16uL	;    restore remainder
                                    	adc	drem16uH,dv16uH
                                    	clc			;    clear carry to be shifted into result
                                    	rjmp	d16u_30		;else
                                    d16u_29:sec			;    set carry to be shifted into result
                                    d16u_30:rol	dd16uL		;shift left dividend
                                    	rol	dd16uH
                                    	rol	drem16uL	;shift dividend into remainder
                                    	rol	drem16uH
                                    	sub	drem16uL,dv16uL	;remainder = remainder - divisor
                                    	sbc	drem16uH,dv16uH	;
                                    	brcc	d16u_31		;if result negative
                                    	add	drem16uL,dv16uL	;    restore remainder
                                    	adc	drem16uH,dv16uH
                                    	clc			;    clear carry to be shifted into result
                                    	rjmp	d16u_32		;else
                                    d16u_31:sec			;    set carry to be shifted into result
                                    d16u_32:rol	dd16uL		;shift left dividend
                                    	rol	dd16uH

Programming the AVR Microcontrollers in Assember Machine Language

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Atmel AVR From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Avr) Jump to: navigation, search The AVRs are a family of RISC microcontrollers from Atmel. Their internal architecture was conceived by two students: Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan, at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH] and further developed at Atmel Norway, a subsidiary founded by the two architects. Atmel recently released the Atmel AVR32 line of microcontrollers. These are 32-bit RISC devices featuring SIMD and DSP instructions, along with many additional features for audio and video processing, intended to compete with ARM based processors. Note that the use of "AVR" in this article refers to the 8-bit RISC line of Atmel AVR Microcontrollers. The acronym AVR has been reported to stand for Advanced Virtual RISC. It's also rumoured to stand for the company's founders: Alf and Vegard, who are evasive when questioned about it. Contents [hide] 1 Device Overview 1.1 Program Memory 1.2 Data Memory and Registers 1.3 EEPROM 1.4 Program Execution 1.5 Speed 2 Development 3 Features 4 Footnotes 5 See also 6 External Links 6.1 Atmel Official Links 6.2 AVR Forums & Discussion Groups 6.3 Machine Language Development 6.4 C Language Development 6.5 BASIC & Other AVR Languages 6.6 AVR Butterfly Specific 6.7 Other AVR Links [edit] Device Overview The AVR is a Harvard architecture machine with programs and data stored and addressed separately. Flash, EEPROM, and SRAM are all integrated onto a single die, removing the need for external memory (though still available on some devices). [edit] Program Memory Program instructions are stored in semi-permanent Flash memory. Each instruction for the AVR line is either 16 or 32 bits in length. The Flash memory is addressed using 16 bit word sizes. The size of the program memory is indicated in the naming of the device itself. For instance, the ATmega64x line has 64Kbytes of Flash. Almost all AVR devices are self-programmable. [edit] Data Memory and Registers The data address space consists of the register file, I/O registers, and SRAM. The AVRs have thirty-two single-byte registers and are classified as 8-bit RISC devices. The working registers are mapped in as the first thirty-two memory spaces (000016-001F16) followed by the 64 I/O registers (002016-005F16). The actual usable RAM starts after both these sections (address 006016). (Note that the I/O register space may be larger on some more extensive devices, in which case memory mapped I/O registers will occupy a portion of the SRAM.) Even though there are separate addressing schemes and optimized opcodes for register file and I/O register access, all can still be addressed and manipulated as if they were in SRAM. [edit] EEPROM Almost all devices have on-die EEPROM. This is most often used for long-term parameter storage to be retrieved even after cycling the power of the device. [edit] Program Execution Atmel's AVRs have a single level pipeline design. The next machine instruction is fetched as the current one is executing. Most instructions take just one or two clock cycles, making AVRs relatively fast among the eight-bit microcontrollers. The AVR family of processors were designed for the efficient execution of compiled C code. The AVR instruction set is more orthogonal than most eight-bit microcontrollers, however, it is not completely regular: Pointer registers X, Y, and Z have addressing capabilities that are different from each other. Register locations R0 to R15 have different addressing capabilities than register locations R16 to R31. I/O ports 0 to 31 have different addressing capabilities than I/O ports 32 to 63. CLR affects flags, while SER does not, even though they are complementary instructions. CLR set all bits to zero and SER sets them to one. (Note though, that neither CLR nor SER are native instructions. Instead CLR is syntactic sugar for [produces the same machine code as] EOR R,R while SER is syntactic sugar for LDI R,$FF. Math operations such as EOR modify flags while moves/loads/stores/branches such as LDI do not.) [edit] Speed The AVR line can normally support clock speeds from 0-16MHz, with some devices reaching 20MHz. Lower powered operation usually requires a reduced clock speed. All AVRs feature an on-chip oscillator, removing the need for external clocks or resonator circuitry. Because many operations on the AVR are single cycle, the AVR can achieve up to 1MIPS per MHz. [edit] Development AVRs have a large following due to the free and inexpensive development tools available, including reasonably priced development boards and free development software. The AVRs are marketed under various names that share the same basic core but with different peripheral and memory combinations. Some models (notably, the ATmega range) have additional instructions to make arithmetic faster. Compatibility amongst chips is fairly good. See external links for sites relating to AVR development. [edit] Features Current AVRs offer a wide range of features: RISC Core Running Many Single Cycle Instructions Multifunction, Bi-directional I/O Ports with Internal, Configurable Pull-up Resistors Multiple Internal Oscillators Internal, Self-Programmable Instruction Flash Memory up to 256K In-System Programmable using ICSP, JTAG, or High Voltage methods Optional Boot Code Section with Independent Lock Bits for Protection Internal Data EEPROM up to 4KB Internal SRAM up to 8K 8-Bit and 16-Bit Timers PWM Channels & dead time generator Lighting (PWM Specific) Controller models Dedicated I˛C Compatible Two-Wire Interface (TWI) Synchronous/Asynchronous Serial Peripherals (UART/USART) (As used with RS-232,RS-485, and more) Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) CAN Controller Support USB Controller Support Proper High-speed hardware & Hub controller with embedded AVR. Also freely available low-speed (HID) software emulation Ethernet Controller Support Universal Serial Interface (USI) for Two or Three-Wire Synchronous Data Transfer Analog Comparators LCD Controller Support 10-Bit A/D Converters, with multiplex of up to 16 channels Brownout Detection Watchdog Timer (WDT) Low-voltage Devices Operating Down to 1.8v Multiple Power-Saving Sleep Modes picoPower Devices Atmel AVR assembler programming language Atmel AVR machine programming language Atmel AVR From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Avr) Jump to: navigation, search The AVRs are a family of RISC microcontrollers from Atmel. Their internal architecture was conceived by two students: Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan, at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH] and further developed at Atmel Norway, a subsidiary founded by the two architects. Atmel recently released the Atmel AVR32 line of microcontrollers. These are 32-bit RISC devices featuring SIMD and DSP instructions, along with many additional features for audio and video processing, intended to compete with ARM based processors. Note that the use of "AVR" in this article refers to the 8-bit RISC line of Atmel AVR Microcontrollers. The acronym AVR has been reported to stand for Advanced Virtual RISC. It's also rumoured to stand for the company's founders: Alf and Vegard, who are evasive when questioned about it. Contents [hide] 1 Device Overview 1.1 Program Memory 1.2 Data Memory and Registers 1.3 EEPROM 1.4 Program Execution 1.5 Speed 2 Development 3 Features 4 Footnotes 5 See also 6 External Links 6.1 Atmel Official Links 6.2 AVR Forums & Discussion Groups 6.3 Machine Language Development 6.4 C Language Development 6.5 BASIC & Other AVR Languages 6.6 AVR Butterfly Specific 6.7 Other AVR Links [edit] Device Overview The AVR is a Harvard architecture machine with programs and data stored and addressed separately. Flash, EEPROM, and SRAM are all integrated onto a single die, removing the need for external memory (though still available on some devices). [edit] Program Memory Program instructions are stored in semi-permanent Flash memory. Each instruction for the AVR line is either 16 or 32 bits in length. The Flash memory is addressed using 16 bit word sizes. The size of the program memory is indicated in the naming of the device itself. For instance, the ATmega64x line has 64Kbytes of Flash. Almost all AVR devices are self-programmable. [edit] Data Memory and Registers The data address space consists of the register file, I/O registers, and SRAM. The AVRs have thirty-two single-byte registers and are classified as 8-bit RISC devices. The working registers are mapped in as the first thirty-two memory spaces (000016-001F16) followed by the 64 I/O registers (002016-005F16). The actual usable RAM starts after both these sections (address 006016). (Note that the I/O register space may be larger on some more extensive devices, in which case memory mapped I/O registers will occupy a portion of the SRAM.) Even though there are separate addressing schemes and optimized opcodes for register file and I/O register access, all can still be addressed and manipulated as if they were in SRAM. [edit] EEPROM Almost all devices have on-die EEPROM. This is most often used for long-term parameter storage to be retrieved even after cycling the power of the device. [edit] Program Execution Atmel's AVRs have a single level pipeline design. The next machine instruction is fetched as the current one is executing. Most instructions take just one or two clock cycles, making AVRs relatively fast among the eight-bit microcontrollers. The AVR family of processors were designed for the efficient execution of compiled C code. The AVR instruction set is more orthogonal than most eight-bit microcontrollers, however, it is not completely regular: Pointer registers X, Y, and Z have addressing capabilities that are different from each other. Register locations R0 to R15 have different addressing capabilities than register locations R16 to R31. I/O ports 0 to 31 have different addressing capabilities than I/O ports 32 to 63. CLR affects flags, while SER does not, even though they are complementary instructions. CLR set all bits to zero and SER sets them to one. (Note though, that neither CLR nor SER are native instructions. Instead CLR is syntactic sugar for [produces the same machine code as] EOR R,R while SER is syntactic sugar for LDI R,$FF. Math operations such as EOR modify flags while moves/loads/stores/branches such as LDI do not.) [edit] Speed The AVR line can normally support clock speeds from 0-16MHz, with some devices reaching 20MHz. Lower powered operation usually requires a reduced clock speed. All AVRs feature an on-chip oscillator, removing the need for external clocks or resonator circuitry. Because many operations on the AVR are single cycle, the AVR can achieve up to 1MIPS per MHz. [edit] Development AVRs have a large following due to the free and inexpensive development tools available, including reasonably priced development boards and free development software. The AVRs are marketed under various names that share the same basic core but with different peripheral and memory combinations. Some models (notably, the ATmega range) have additional instructions to make arithmetic faster. Compatibility amongst chips is fairly good. See external links for sites relating to AVR development. [edit] Features Current AVRs offer a wide range of features: RISC Core Running Many Single Cycle Instructions Multifunction, Bi-directional I/O Ports with Internal, Configurable Pull-up Resistors Multiple Internal Oscillators Internal, Self-Programmable Instruction Flash Memory up to 256K In-System Programmable using ICSP, JTAG, or High Voltage methods Optional Boot Code Section with Independent Lock Bits for Protection Internal Data EEPROM up to 4KB Internal SRAM up to 8K 8-Bit and 16-Bit Timers PWM Channels & dead time generator Lighting (PWM Specific) Controller models Dedicated I˛C Compatible Two-Wire Interface (TWI) Synchronous/Asynchronous Serial Peripherals (UART/USART) (As used with RS-232,RS-485, and more) Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) CAN Controller Support USB Controller Support Proper High-speed hardware & Hub controller with embedded AVR. Also freely available low-speed (HID) software emulation Ethernet Controller Support Universal Serial Interface (USI) for Two or Three-Wire Synchronous Data Transfer Analog Comparators LCD Controller Support 10-Bit A/D Converters, with multiplex of up to 16 channels Brownout Detection Watchdog Timer (WDT) Low-voltage Devices Operating Down to 1.8v Multiple Power-Saving Sleep Modes picoPower Devices Atmel AVR assembler programming language Atmel AVR machine programming language Atmel AVR From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Avr) Jump to: navigation, search The AVRs are a family of RISC microcontrollers from Atmel. Their internal architecture was conceived by two students: Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan, at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH] and further developed at Atmel Norway, a subsidiary founded by the two architects. Atmel recently released the Atmel AVR32 line of microcontrollers. These are 32-bit RISC devices featuring SIMD and DSP instructions, along with many additional features for audio and video processing, intended to compete with ARM based processors. Note that the use of "AVR" in this article refers to the 8-bit RISC line of Atmel AVR Microcontrollers. The acronym AVR has been reported to stand for Advanced Virtual RISC. It's also rumoured to stand for the company's founders: Alf and Vegard, who are evasive when questioned about it. Contents [hide] 1 Device Overview 1.1 Program Memory 1.2 Data Memory and Registers 1.3 EEPROM 1.4 Program Execution 1.5 Speed 2 Development 3 Features 4 Footnotes 5 See also 6 External Links 6.1 Atmel Official Links 6.2 AVR Forums & Discussion Groups 6.3 Machine Language Development 6.4 C Language Development 6.5 BASIC & Other AVR Languages 6.6 AVR Butterfly Specific 6.7 Other AVR Links [edit] Device Overview The AVR is a Harvard architecture machine with programs and data stored and addressed separately. Flash, EEPROM, and SRAM are all integrated onto a single die, removing the need for external memory (though still available on some devices). [edit] Program Memory Program instructions are stored in semi-permanent Flash memory. Each instruction for the AVR line is either 16 or 32 bits in length. The Flash memory is addressed using 16 bit word sizes. The size of the program memory is indicated in the naming of the device itself. For instance, the ATmega64x line has 64Kbytes of Flash. Almost all AVR devices are self-programmable. [edit] Data Memory and Registers The data address space consists of the register file, I/O registers, and SRAM. The AVRs have thirty-two single-byte registers and are classified as 8-bit RISC devices. The working registers are mapped in as the first thirty-two memory spaces (000016-001F16) followed by the 64 I/O registers (002016-005F16). The actual usable RAM starts after both these sections (address 006016). (Note that the I/O register space may be larger on some more extensive devices, in which case memory mapped I/O registers will occupy a portion of the SRAM.) Even though there are separate addressing schemes and optimized opcodes for register file and I/O register access, all can still be addressed and manipulated as if they were in SRAM. [edit] EEPROM Almost all devices have on-die EEPROM. This is most often used for long-term parameter storage to be retrieved even after cycling the power of the device. [edit] Program Execution Atmel's AVRs have a single level pipeline design. The next machine instruction is fetched as the current one is executing. Most instructions take just one or two clock cycles, making AVRs relatively fast among the eight-bit microcontrollers. The AVR family of processors were designed for the efficient execution of compiled C code. The AVR instruction set is more orthogonal than most eight-bit microcontrollers, however, it is not completely regular: Pointer registers X, Y, and Z have addressing capabilities that are different from each other. Register locations R0 to R15 have different addressing capabilities than register locations R16 to R31. I/O ports 0 to 31 have different addressing capabilities than I/O ports 32 to 63. CLR affects flags, while SER does not, even though they are complementary instructions. CLR set all bits to zero and SER sets them to one. (Note though, that neither CLR nor SER are native instructions. Instead CLR is syntactic sugar for [produces the same machine code as] EOR R,R while SER is syntactic sugar for LDI R,$FF. Math operations such as EOR modify flags while moves/loads/stores/branches such as LDI do not.) [edit] Speed The AVR line can normally support clock speeds from 0-16MHz, with some devices reaching 20MHz. Lower powered operation usually requires a reduced clock speed. All AVRs feature an on-chip oscillator, removing the need for external clocks or resonator circuitry. Because many operations on the AVR are single cycle, the AVR can achieve up to 1MIPS per MHz. [edit] Development AVRs have a large following due to the free and inexpensive development tools available, including reasonably priced development boards and free development software. The AVRs are marketed under various names that share the same basic core but with different peripheral and memory combinations. Some models (notably, the ATmega range) have additional instructions to make arithmetic faster. Compatibility amongst chips is fairly good. See external links for sites relating to AVR development. [edit] Features Current AVRs offer a wide range of features: RISC Core Running Many Single Cycle Instructions Multifunction, Bi-directional I/O Ports with Internal, Configurable Pull-up Resistors Multiple Internal Oscillators Internal, Self-Programmable Instruction Flash Memory up to 256K In-System Programmable using ICSP, JTAG, or High Voltage methods Optional Boot Code Section with Independent Lock Bits for Protection Internal Data EEPROM up to 4KB Internal SRAM up to 8K 8-Bit and 16-Bit Timers PWM Channels & dead time generator Lighting (PWM Specific) Controller models Dedicated I˛C Compatible Two-Wire Interface (TWI) Synchronous/Asynchronous Serial Peripherals (UART/USART) (As used with RS-232,RS-485, and more) Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) CAN Controller Support USB Controller Support Proper High-speed hardware & Hub controller with embedded AVR. Also freely available low-speed (HID) software emulation Ethernet Controller Support Universal Serial Interface (USI) for Two or Three-Wire Synchronous Data Transfer Analog Comparators LCD Controller Support 10-Bit A/D Converters, with multiplex of up to 16 channels Brownout Detection Watchdog Timer (WDT) Low-voltage Devices Operating Down to 1.8v Multiple Power-Saving Sleep Modes picoPower Devices Atmel AVR assembler programming language Atmel AVR machine programming language