; Program: Bootloader_Mega8.asm
; Writer: Herbert Dingfelder, DL5NEG
; for contact information visit WWW.DL5NEG.DE
; Based on: AVR-Freaks Design Note #32
; Function: Bootloader for ATmega8, works via the UART with the normal
; AVRProg PC-Software
; Hardware: ATmega8 with a 7.3728MHz crystal
; History:
; 13.07.2004 - Source code adapted for Mega8, assembles without errors
; 15.07.2004 - Used crystal is not 7.3 but 3.686 MHz -> UART setting adapted
; - Red LED on PORTB 0 is switched on within the boot section,
; tested in Hardware and works -> processor starts correctly
; within the boot section
; 18.07.2004 - Problem how to download the bootloader is solved: Simply use
; the AVRProg in the "mega8" mode, not in "mega8boot" mode.
; Since the Intel-Hex Format contains the address for the code
; in each line, the programmers recognizes that the code has to
; go to the bootrom part of the flash (provided that the
; ".org MY_BOOTSTART" is put at the beginning of the source code)
; - UART communication between bootloader and host PC works
; (echo mode and character recognition tested and works)
; - Crystal changed to 7.3728MHz in an attempt to fight "flushing"
; problems in AVRProg (without success), UART setting adapted
; - AVRProg is able to read the flash correctly (tested, works)
; - Reading and writing to EEPROM on host commands 'D' and 'd' works.
; - Flash erase did not work in the NRWR section (the last 1024
; words of the flash) The original version from DesignNote #32
; was for ATmega163 which does not have RWR/NRWR sections.
; Problem solved by implementing the wait_for_spm function that
; makes sure that a new SPM does only start when the previous one
; is completed. (tested, works now)
; - function to reenable the RWW section implemented ->
; loading data into the application section tested and works fine
; (Still some problems with sync on the interface between AVRProg
; and the boot loader, messagebox "flushing" appears, fuse bits are
; read differently many times and software download needs to be
; started twice sometimes. As it is known that AVRProg is very sensible
; command/answer sync, this does not point towards real bootloader problems.
; It has to be tracked on the interface.)
; -> Good enough to work with temporarily, Version 1.0 released.
; - Startup-function implemented for 10 second wait after power-on. If
; no ASCII(27) is received via UART within that time, the application starts.
; If the application section is empty (all cells are $FF) e.g. directly
; after uploading the bootloader itself, then software will wait forever
; for a ESC via the UART to start the bootloader software
; (while waiting for the ESC the LED blinks)
; - Function pause implemented for delays in steps of 10ms (tested works)
; - Command 'E' implemented for leaving the bootloader mode and start the
; application
; - With that entry end exit function the bootloader is fully usable, starting
; the downloaded application is tested and works perfectly
; -> Version 1.1 released
; - Still known problem: the above mentioned sync problem in combination
; with AVRProg have to be identified and solved.
; - Only 2 Words are left in the bootloader memory. If Bugfixing needs more,
; the erease counter within the EEPROM can be skipped
; 24.07.2004 - Debug Session with Andy, DG9NDZ to find why AVRProg 1.37 still has some
; problems with the bootloader, especially in the "Advanced" Window.
; - Command 'v' for Hardware Version was not implemented -> fixed
; - Command ':' for tranparent command setting was not implemented
; -> is now implemented in simple version, always returning \0
; By monitoring the PC/AVR interface it was found that AVRProg1.37 does
; not use the defined commands r/F/N for reading the lock and fuse bits,
; but uses the universal command ':' to send the programming instructions
; directly. Additionally the calibration byte is read by the ':' command.
; - Command 'b' is send by AVRProg1.37 but is not implemented. It was found that
; it is fatal for the programming mode to implement 'b' to return 'Y'.
; To simply leave it out (returns ? for unknow command) works perfectly.
; 25.07.2004 - To implement all improvements found on 24.07.2004 without skipping lots of
; of other code made it necessary to increase the boot loader size to 512words
; (=1kByte). Code adapted.
; - Command ':' enlarged to map r/F/N functionality
; - Tested, current status: Works well in AVRProg both for flash reading and writing
; and also in the Advance window the lock and fuse bits are display correctly.
; Only week point remaining to press "write" in advance window, that causes a
; loose of sync between host and bootloader. No harm is done to the target device.
; -> Version 1.2 released.
; 26.07.2004 - Monitoring of interface from host reveals the root cause of the sync problem when
; writing the the lock and fuse bits. AVRProg1.37 uses the "new universal command"
; which is "." + 4 data bytes. This command was not implemented. As changing the
; fuse bits is dangerous when the device is remote (one could lock himself out
; forever), the command is now implemented simply to ignore the inputs but correctly
; serve the interface to the host to avoid sync problems. Tested and works perfectly.
; -> Version 1.3 released
; 07.04.2005 - The code contained the "call" command, which is not supported by ATmega8. Obviously
; the AVR implementation is in a way that lets the software work anyhow. All "call"
; commands are now replaced by the supported "rcall" command now.
; - The definition of E2END was missing in the mega8 definition file of the old
; assembler, so it was included within this source file. Now the definition is
; available in the include file, so it is taken out of this file.
; - Intended Assembler Version is now:
; AVR macro assembler 2.0.28 (build 121 Jan 11 2005 10:28:51)
; - Configuration block implemented for easier user-defining of parameters like
; the number of wait cycles at power on or the LED pin.
; - Code and Comments clean up
; - Version 1.4 decleared which will be used for testing on hardware together with
; AVRProg Version 1.40.
; 09.04.2005 - Goodbye-Message implemented to inform user via UART that bootloader is left
; when command 'E' was sent
; - Tests on hardware successful
; -> Version 2.0 released
; Before or after programming a new ATmega8 with this Boot Loader the fuse bits must
; be set like this:
; The ATmega8 Fuse High bits must be programmed to configure the Boot size to 512 words
; and to move the Reset Vector to word address 0xE00. (BOOTSZ1=0, BOOTSZ0=1)
; I.e. set the check box for BOOTRST in AVR-Prog-Advanced and set the
; selector to 512 words, then press "write". It is important that this selected
; size of the bootrom fits to the .org command within this source code, otherwise
; the processor will not correctly start at the first line of this code after reset.
; (Settings can be checked now or later with "read").
; Optional:
; The Lock bits can be programmed to 0xEF to protect the Boot Flash Section from
; unintentional changes and to allow accessing the Application Flash Section.
; I.e. the setting for BLB0 and BLB1 in AVR-Prog-Advance:
; BLB0 (sets the protection for the application section) must be set to
; Mode 1 (no protection) to allow full access of LPM and SPM commands within
; the application section.
; BLB1 (sets the protection for the boot loader section) can be set to Mode 2
; (SPM cannot write to boot section) or can be left to Mode 1 (no protection).
; The Fuse bits must be programmed before programming the Lock bits.
; AVRProg Commands as defined by Atmel
; Host Writes Host Reads
; ID Data Data
; Enter Programming Mode 'P' 13d (implemented to ignore)
; Auto Increment Address 'a' dd (fully implemented)
; Set Address 'A' ah al 13d (fully implemented)
; Write Program Memory, Low Byte 'c' dd 13d (fully implemented)
; Write Program Memory, High Byte 'C' dd 13d (fully implemented)
; Issue Page Write 'm' 13d (fully implemented)
; Read Lock Bits 'r' dd (fully implemented)
; Read Program Memory 'R' 2*dd (fully implemented)
; Read EEPROM Memory 'd' dd (fully implemented)
; Write EEPROM Memory 'D' dd 13d (fully implemented)
; Chip Erase 'e' 13d (implemented, erases appl. area only)
; Write Lock Bits 'l' dd 13d (implemented to ignore)
; Read Fuse Bits 'F' dd (fully implemented)
; Read High Fuse Bits 'N' dd (fully implemented)
; Read Extended Fuse Bits 'Q' dd (not implemented)
; Leave Programming Mode 'L' 13d (implemented to ignore)
; Select Device Type 'T' dd 13d (implemented to ignore)
; Read Signature Bytes 's' 3*dd (fully implemented)
; Return Supported Device Codes 't' n*dd 00d (implemented, returns only Mega8)
; Return Software Identifier 'S' s[7] (fully implemented)
; Return Software Version 'V' dd dd (fully implemented)
; Return Hardware Version 'v' (fully implemented)
; Return Programmer Type 'p' dd (fully implemented)
; Set LED 'x' dd 13d (implemented to ignore)
; Clear LED 'y' dd 13d (implemented to ignore)
; Exit Bootloader 'E' {13d} (implemented 'E' is not confirmed)
; Check Block Support 'b' 'Y' 2*dd (implemented to return no)
; Start Block Flash Load 'B' 2*dd 'F' 13d (not implemented)
; n*dd
; Start Block EEPROM Load 'B' 2*dd 'E' 13d (not implemented)
; n*dd
; Start Block Flash Read 'g' 2*dd 'F' n*dd (not implemented)
; Start Block EEPROM Read 'g' 2*dd 'E' n*dd (not implemented)
; Universal Command (3 data bytes) ':' 3*dd dd 13d (implemented to ignore)
; New Universal Command (4 data bytes)'.' 4*dd dd 13d (implemented to ignore)
;------------------------------- definition and includes --------------------------------
.INCLUDE "m8def.inc" ; Include Register/Bit Definitions for the mega8
.def dummy = r18 ; Use Reg. R18 for temporary stuff
.def pa_10ms = r19 ; used for selecting the pause time in steps of 10ms
.def uni_cmd1 = r20 ; Universal command ':' send three bytes. These
.def uni_cmd2 = r21 ; are stored for futher usage in r20, r21, r28
.def uni_cmd3 = r10
.equ VER_H = '2' ; bootloader software version higher number
.equ VER_L = '0' ; bootloader software version lower number
.equ VERH_H = '1' ; bootloader hardware version higher number
.equ VERH_L = '0' ; bootloader hardware version lower number
.equ DT = 0x76 ; Device Type = 0x76 (ATmega8)
.equ SB1 = 0x07 ; Signature byte 1
.equ SB2 = 0x93 ; Signature byte 2
.equ SB3 = 0x1e ; Signature byte 3
.equ UBR = 23 ; Baud rate = 19.2 kbps with fCK = 7.3728 MHz
.equ ESC = 27 ; Ascii 27 = Escape
; .equ E2END = 1FF ; This definition is missing in the m8def.inc file
; that came with the older Assembler. In "Assembler2"
; it is correct, so it is not required any more.
.equ MY_BOOTSTART = THIRDBOOTSTART ; here we define where the bootloader starts in the flash
;------------------------------ configuration parameters --------------------------------
.equ STUP_WT_CKL = 10 ; number of waiting loops (LED flashes) at power on
; before the main application starts automatically
.equ LED_PORT = PORTB ; Port B is used for the LED
.equ LED_DIR = DDRB ; Direction register for LED Port is DDRB
.equ LED_PIN = 1 ; LED is connected to pin 1 of Port B
;------------------------------------- here we go ---------------------------------------
.org MY_BOOTSTART ; The code of this bootloader has to be located in
; the bootloader area at the end of the flash. With
; this .org it can be loaded into the device just
; like any other software (normal ATmega8 setting).
; ------------------------------- init stackpointer -------------------------------------
ldi R24, low(RAMEND) ; SP = RAMEND
ldi R25, high(RAMEND)
out SPL, R24
out SPH, R25
; ---------------------------------- init UART ------------------------------------------
ldi R24, UBR ; Baud rate = 19.2 bps
out UBRRL, R24
ldi R24,(1<<RXEN)|(1<<TXEN) ; Enable receiver & transmitter, 8-bit mode
out UCSRB,R24
; -------------------------- check for action on UART -----------------------------------
; After power-on, the processor starts with the bootloader section. Ususally the user
; want the application to start automatircally. Only in special cases, a software update
; is required. So if no ESC (ASCII(27)) is received within the defined number of wait
; cycles after power-on, the application starts.
sbi LED_PORT, LED_PIN ; Switch PortB to output to drive an LED (active low)
ldi R17, STUP_WT_CKL ; Preset the number of LED-flashes (=number of loops)
; for the waiting periode
sbi LED_PORT, LED_PIN ; switch off the LED
ldi pa_10ms, 20
rcall pause ; wait a moment
cbi LED_PORT, LED_PIN ; switch on the LED
ldi pa_10ms, 20
rcall pause ; wait a moment
sbis UCSRA,RXC ; check for incoming data (if RXC==1)
rjmp Lwait ; if not, continue at Lwait
;--- some character was received ---
in R16, UDR ; fetch received character and put it into R16
cpi R16, ESC ; if the received character was ESC
breq bootload_start ; start the bootloader main loop
; LED stays switched on (all other incomming characters
; are simply ignored)
dec R17 ; decrement the loop counter
brne start_wait ; and leave loop if counter has reached zero
sbi LED_PORT, LED_PIN ; switch off the LED
rjmp FLASHEND+1 ; Start the application program
; (flashend+1) = Address 0
;------------------- here starts the real bootloader functionality ----------------------
; To indicate to the user that the attemt to start the bootloader functionality
; was successful, we send a message back on the UART.
ldi ZL,low( 2*uart_msg) ; load the start-address of the startup message
ldi ZH,high(2*uart_msg) ; into the Z-Register
lpm R16,Z+ ; read one character of the string and increment
; string pointer (the Z-register)
tst R16
breq L10 ; exit the character output loop if character was '\0'
rcall uartSend ; send the read character via the UART
rjmp str_output ; go to start of loop for next character
;---------------------------------- start of main loop ----------------------------------
;-------------------- wait for a character from UART other than ESC ---------------------
rcall uartGet ; repeat (R16 = uartGet)
cpi R16, ESC ; while (R16 == ESCAPE)
breq L10
;--------- Command 'E' leaves the bootloader mode and starts the application ------------
cpi R16, 'E' ; if(R16=='E') 'E' = Exit bootloader
brne L11
; Send goodbye-message on UART
ldi ZL,low( 2*goodbye_msg) ; load the start-address of the startup message
ldi ZH,high(2*goodbye_msg) ; into the Z-Register
lpm R16,Z+ ; read one character of the string and increment
; string pointer (the Z-register)
tst R16
breq leave_bootloader ; exit the character output loop if character was '\0'
rcall uartSend ; send the read character via the UART
rjmp goodbye_output ; go to start of loop for next character
sbi LED_PORT, LED_PIN ; switch off the LED
rjmp FLASHEND+1 ; Start the application program
; (flashend+1) = Address 0
;--------- Command 'a' is question from host for autoimcrement capability----------------
; simple anser is 'Y' for yes, autoincrement is done
cpi R16, 'a' ; if(R16=='a') 'a' = Autoincrement?
brne L12
ldi R16,'Y' ; Yes, autoincrement is quicker
rjmp L70 ; uartSend(R16) Send the 'Y' and go up for next command
;--------- Command 'A' is setting the address for the next operation --------------------
; two bytes (in total) for high and low address are sent from the host
cpi R16,'A' ; else if(R16=='A') write address
brne L14
rcall uartGet
mov R27,R16 ; address high byte is stored in R27
rcall uartGet
mov R26,R16 ; address low byte is stored in R26
lsl R26 ; address=address<<1
rol R27 ; convert from byte address to word address
rjmp L68 ; uartSend('\r') send CR and go up for next command
;--------- Command 'c' is write low byte to program memory ------------------------------
; the low byte is simply stored in a register, the actual writing to the flashes
; page-buffer is done later, after the high byte was received
cpi R16,'c' ; else if(R16=='c') write program memory, low byte
brne L16
rcall uartGet ; read the byte to be written from host
mov R22,R16 ; store data low byte in R22
rjmp L68 ; uartSend('\r') send CR and go up for next command
;--------- Command 'C' is write high byte to program memory -----------------------------
; together with the (already received) low byte, the highbyte is writen to the flashes
; page buffer. When the page buffer is completely written, it can be transfered into
; the real flash by the "page write" command.
; If only SPMEN is written, the following SPM instruction will store the value in R1:R0
; in the temporary page buffer addressed by the Z pointer.
cpi R16,'C' ; else if(R16=='C') write program memory,high byte
brne L18
rcall uartGet ; read the high byte from the host
mov R23,R16 ; store the data high byte in R23
movw ZL,R26 ; load the Z pointer with the current address
movw R0,R22 ; transfer the data word (data high and low byte)
; into registers R0 and R1
rcall wait_for_spm ; make sure SPM is ready to accept a new task
ldi R24, (1<<SPMEN) ; set SPMEN in SPMCR
out SPMCR,R24 ; page load (fill temporary buffer)
spm ; Store program memory
adiw R26,2 ; address=address+2
rjmp L68 ; uartSend('\r') send CR and go up for next command
;-------------------------- Command 'e' is chip erase -----------------------------------
; "chip erase" for the boot loader means to erase all flash pages othen than the
; boot loader sector itself
cpi R16,'e' ; else if(R16=='e') Chip erase
brne L28
; the loop that has to be performed to clear the application section is:
; for(address=0; address < (2*MY_BOOTSTART); address += (2*PAGESIZE))
; the "address" variable to be used are the registers R26 and R27
clr R26 ; start with address 0
clr R27
rjmp L24 ; continue the loop at the check for
; "end-criteria reached"
;......... beginning of erase loop ............
; If the PGERS bit is written to one at the same time as SPMEN, the next SPM
; instruction within four clock cycles executes page erase. The page address
; is taken from the high part of the Z pointer.
rcall wait_for_spm ; make sure SPM is ready to accept a new task
movw ZL,R26 ; load the Z-pointer with the address of the
; page to be erased
ldi R24, (1<<PGERS) | (1<<SPMEN); simultaniously set PGERS and SPMEN in SPMCR
out SPMCR,R24 ; to prepare for the page_erase
spm ; Store program memory
subi R26,low(-2*PAGESIZE) ; increment the address by the size of a page
sbci R27,high(-2*PAGESIZE)
; this is the check for end-criteria reached, i.e. has the address already
; reached the beginning of the boot-loader section
ldi R24,low( 2*MY_BOOTSTART) ; load R24, R25 with the address where the boot-loader
ldi R25,high(2*MY_BOOTSTART) ; section starts
cp R26,R24 ; do a word-compare to check if the address is still
cpc R27,R25 ; smaller than the address where the bootloader starts
brlo L20 ; if that is the case, go to the beginning of the erase loop
; ..... remember the number of flash-erases in the EEPROM .....
ldi R26,low( E2END -1) ; increment Chip Erase Counter located
ldi R27,high(E2END -1) ; at address E2END-1
movw R22,R26 ; Save Chip Erase Counter Address in R22
ldi R17,1 ; read EEPROM
rcall EepromTalk
mov R24,R16 ; R24 = Chip Erase Counter low byte
rcall EepromTalk
mov R25,R16 ; R25 = Chip Erase Counter high byte
adiw R24,1 ; counter ++
out EEDR,R24 ; EEDR = R24 Chip Erase Counter low byte
movw R26,R22 ; R26 = Chip Erase Counter Address
ldi R17,6 ; write EEPROM
rcall EepromTalk
out EEDR,R25 ; EEDR = R25 Chip Erase Counter high byte
rcall EepromTalk
; ..........................................................
rcall wait_for_spm ; make sure SPM is ready to accept a new task
rcall enable_rww ; reenable the RWW section so it can be accessed again
rjmp L68 ; uartSend('\r') send CR and go up for next command
;---------------------------- Command 'm' is write page ---------------------------------
; To execute page write, set up the address in the Z pointer, write 'X0000101' to SPMCR
; and execute SPM within four clock cycles after writing SPMCR. The data in R1 and R0
; is ignored. The page address must be written to PCPAGE. Other bits in the Z pointer will
; be ignored during this operation.
cpi R16,'m' ; else if(R16== 'm') Write page
brne L34
rcall wait_for_spm ; make sure SPM is ready to accept a new task
movw ZL,R26 ; load Z-pointer with address
ldi R24, (1<<PGWRT) | (1<<SPMEN); set PGWRT and SPMEN in SPMCR to prepare for Write page
out SPMCR,R24
spm ; Store program memory
rcall enable_rww ; reenable the RWW section so it can be accessed again
rjmp L68 ; uartSend('\r') send CR and go up for next command
;--------------------- Command 'P' is enter programming mode ----------------------------
; nothing is done here, only the command is confirmed to host by sending CR
cpi R16,'P' ; else if(R16=='P') Enter programming mode
breq L32 ; uartSend('\r') Send CR to host and go up for next command
;--------------------- Command 'L' is leave programming mode ----------------------------
; nothing is done here, only the command is confirmed to host by sending CR
cpi R16,'L' ; else if(R16=='L') Leave programming mode
breq L32 ; uartSend('\r') Send CR to host and go up for next command
;--------------------- Command 'p' is Return programmer type ----------------------------
; simply return an 'S' to indicate to host that this is a serial programmer
cpi R16,'p' ; else if (R16=='p') return programmer type
brne L38
ldi R16,'S' ; uartSend('S') for type is serial
rjmp L70 ; uartSend(R16) and go up for next command
;--------------------- Command 'R' is "Read one word from program memory" ---------------
; reads one word from the 'current' address that is stored in R26 and increments R26
cpi R16,'R' ; else if(R16=='R') Read program memory
brne L40
movw ZL,R26 ; load Z-pointer with address of memory to be read
lpm R24,Z+ ; read program memory LSB; store LSB in R24 and Z pointer ++
lpm R16,Z+ ; read program memory MSB; store MSB in R16 and Z pointer ++
rcall uartSend ; uartSend(R16) write back MSB to host
movw R26,ZL ; increment the 'current' address += 2
mov R16,R24 ; LSB stored in R16
rjmp L70 ; uartSend(R16) write back the LSB to host and go
; up for next command
;--------------------- Command 'D' is "write data to EEPROM" ----------------------------
cpi R16,'D' ; else if (R16=='D') Write data to EEPROM
brne L41
rcall uartGet ; fetch the data to write from the UART
out EEDR,R16 ; EEDR = uartGet()
ldi R17,6 ; write EEPROM
rcall EepromTalk
rjmp L68 ; uartSend('\r') Confirm the command to host with CR
;--------- Command 'b' is question from host for block mode capability-------------------
; simple anser is 'N', no bootloader does not support blockmode
cpi R16, 'b' ; if(R16=='b') 'b' = Blockmode?
brne L42
ldi R16,'N' ; send 'N'
rcall uartSend
ldi R16,'N' ; send 'N'
rjmp L70 ; uartSend(R16) Send the 'N' and go up for next command
;--------------------- Command 'd' is "read data from EEPROM ----------------------------
cpi R16,'d' ; else if (R16=='d') Read data from EEPROM
brne L43
ldi R17,1 ; read EEPROM
rcall EepromTalk ; R16 = EEPROM data
rjmp L70 ; uartSend(R16)
;-------------------------- Command ':' is universal command ----------------------------
; Host sends 3 more bytes which must be used to determine the required action. AVRProg
; uses the ':' with parameters to do things that could simply be done by r/F/N.
; We have to map recognized parameters to the refering action.
cpi R16,':' ; else if(R16==':') Universal Command
brne L44
;.............. read in the parameters ...............................
rcall uartGet ; R16 = uartGet()
mov uni_cmd1, r16 ; store the read byte
rcall uartGet ; R16 = uartGet()
mov uni_cmd2, r16 ; store the read byte
rcall uartGet ; R16 = uartGet()
mov uni_cmd3, r16 ; store the read byte
clr r16 ; preset r16 with zero, if parameters are not
; recognized, zero will be returned to host
cpi uni_cmd1, 0x58 ; check if 1st paramter is 0x58
brne cmd1_not_0x58
cpi uni_cmd2, 0x00 ; check if 2nd paramter is 0x00
brne cmd2_not_0x00_1
; -> 58 00 is read lock bits,
ldi ZL,1 ; Z pointer = 0001 (-> readFuseAndLock will read lock)
rcall readFuseAndLock ; go get the requested bits
cpi uni_cmd2, 0x08 ; check if 2nd paramter is 0x08
brne cmd2_not_0x08
; -> 58 08 is read fuse high bits,
ldi ZL,3 ; Z pointer = 0003 (-> readFuseAndLock will read high fuse)
rcall readFuseAndLock ; go get the requested bits
cpi uni_cmd1, 0x50 ; check if 1st paramter is 0x50
brne cmd1_not_0x50
cpi uni_cmd2, 0x00 ; check if 2nd paramter is 0x00
brne cmd2_not_0x00_2
; -> 50 00 is read fuse bits,
clr ZL ; Z-pointer = 0000 (-> readFuseAndLock will read fuse)
rcall readFuseAndLock ; go get the requested bits
rcall uartSend ; uartSend(bits) send the read lock/fuse bits
rjmp L68 ; uartSend('\r') and go up for next command
;--------------------- Command 'F' is "read fuse bits" ----------------------------------
cpi R16,'F' ; else if(R16=='F') Read fuse bits
brne L46
clr ZL ; Z-pointer = 0000 (-> readFuseAndLock will read fuse)
rjmp L50 ; rcall readFuseAndLock
;--------------------- Command 'r' is "read lock bits" ----------------------------------
cpi R16,'r' ; else if(R16=='r') Read lock bits
brne L48
ldi ZL,1 ; Z pointer = 0001 (-> readFuseAndLock will read lock)
rjmp L50 ; rcall readFuseAndLock
;--------------------- Command 'N' is "read fuse high bits" -----------------------------
cpi R16,'N' ; else if(R16=='N') Read high fuse bits
brne L52
ldi ZL,3 ; Z-pointer = 0003 (-> readFuseAndLock will read high fuse)
;-------- for all previous commands F,r,N hear we rcall the readFuseAndLock --------------
; function that will read the bits that are indicated by the Z-register
rcall readFuseAndLock
rjmp L70 ; uartSend(R16)
;--------------------- Command 't' is Return supported devices code ---------------------
; obviously we return only the device code of the mega8 here
cpi R16,'t' ; else if(R16=='t') Return supported devices code
brne L54
ldi R16,DT ; Device Type
rcall uartSend ; uartSend(DT) send Device Type of Mega8
clr R16 ; command set of AVRProg requires the termination of
; the t-command with a \0 not with a CR as other commands
rjmp L70 ; uartSend(0) and go up for next command
; ---------------- ignored commands that are not sensible for boot loader ---------------
; The following 4 commands only make sense for a general programmer, not for a bootloader.
; As theres commands come with an additional byte as parameter, with have to fetch that
; byte from the UART to avoid messing up the UART reading.
cpi R16,'l' ; 'l' = Write Boot Loader lockbits
breq L56
cpi R16,'x' ; 'x' = Set LED
breq L56
cpi R16,'y' ; 'y' = Clear LED
breq L56
cpi R16,'T' ; 'T' = Select device type
brne L60
rcall uartGet ; R16 = uartGet()
rjmp L68 ; uartSend('\r') and go up for next command
;--------------------- Command 'S' is Return software identifier ------------------------
cpi R16,'S' ; else if(R16=='S') Return software identifier
brne L62
ldi ZL,low(2*Soft_Id) ; load address of String into Z-Register
ldi ZH,high(2*Soft_Id)
lpm R16,Z+ ; read one character of the string and increment string pointer
tst R16
breq L72 ; exit the character output loop charcter was '\0'
rcall uartSend ; send the read character via the UART
rjmp L61 ; go to start of loop for next character
;--------------------- Command 'V' is Return software Version ---------------------------
cpi R16,'V' ; else if (R16=='V') Return Software Version
brne L63
ldi R16, VER_H ; send bootloader software version higher number
rcall uartSend
ldi R16, VER_L ; send bootloader software version lower number
rjmp L70 ; uartSend and go up for next command
;--------------------- Command 'v' is Return hardware Version ---------------------------
cpi R16,'v' ; else if (R16=='v') Return hardware Version
brne L64
ldi R16, VERH_H ; send bootloader software version higher number
rcall uartSend
ldi R16, VERH_L ; send bootloader software version lower number
rjmp L70 ; uartSend and go up for next command
;--------------------- Command 's' is Return Signature Byte -----------------------------
cpi R16,'s' ; else if (R16=='s') Return Signature Byte
brne L65
ldi R16,SB1 ; uartSend(SB1) Signature Byte 1
rcall uartSend
ldi R16,SB2 ; uartSend(SB2) Signature Byte 2
rcall uartSend
ldi R16,SB3 ; uartSend(SB3) Signature Byte 3
rjmp L70 ; uartSend and go up for next command
;--------------------- Command '.' is new universal command -----------------------------
; this command will be ignored, only the inteface will be handled correctly
cpi R16,'.' ; else if (R16=='.') New Universal Command
brne L66
;.............. read in the 4 parameters ...............................
rcall uartGet ; R16 = uartGet()
rcall uartGet ; R16 = uartGet()
rcall uartGet ; R16 = uartGet()
rcall uartGet ; R16 = uartGet()
; ......................................................................
clr R16 ; uartSend(/0)
rcall uartSend
rjmp L68 ; uartSend('\r') and go up for next command
;++++++++++++++ handling the different commands is done till here +++++++++++++++++++++++
; only general completion for all commands below
;---------------------- failed commands can end up here ---------------------------------
; an '?' is send via the UART to indicate fail host, then main loop starts again
ldi R16,'?' ; else uartSend('?')
rjmp L70 ; uartSend(R16)
;--------- successfully completed commands without return value can end up here ---------
; an CR is sent via the UART to confirm execution to host, then main loop starts again
ldi R16,13 ; uartSend('\r')
;------------ successfully completed commands with return value can end up here ---------
; the return value is sent via the UART to confirm execution to host
; then main loop starts again
rcall uartSend ; uartSend(R16)
rjmp L10 ; jump up to beginning of main loop
;-------------------------- end of main loop --------------------------------------------
;================= end of main program, only subroutines from here on ===================
;------------------ reads fuse or lock bits (depending on Z-Reg.) -------------
; An LPM instruction within three cycles after BLBSET and SPMEN are set in the SPMCR
; Register, will read either the Lock bits or the Fuse bits
; (depending on Z0 in the Z pointer) into the destination register.
rcall wait_for_spm ; make sure SPM is ready to accept a new task
clr ZH ; Z pointer high byte = 0
ldi R24,(1<<BLBSET)|(1<<SPMEN) ; set BLBSET and SPMEN in SPMCR
out SPMCR,R24 ; read fuse and lock
lpm R16,Z ; read program memory
;------------- does an read or write on the EEPROM (depending on R17) ---------
; if R17 == 6 then Write, if R17 == 1 then Read
out EEARL,R26 ; EEARL = address low
out EEARH,R27 ; EEARH = address high
adiw R26,1 ; address++
sbrc R17,1 ; skip if R17 == 1 (read Eeprom)
sbi EECR,EEMWE ; EEMWE = 1 (write Eeprom)
out EECR,R17 ; EECR = R17 (6 write, 1 read)
sbic EECR,EEWE ; wait until EEWE == 0
rjmp L90
in R16,EEDR ; R16 = EEDR
;---------------- send one character via UART (parameter is r16) --------------
sbis UCSRA,UDRE ; wait for empty transmit buffer (until UDRE==1)
rjmp uartSend
out UDR,R16 ; UDR = R16, start transmission
;---------------- read one character from UART (returned in r16) --------------
sbis UCSRA,RXC ; wait for incoming data (until RXC==1)
rjmp uartGet
in R16,UDR ; return received data in R16
;-------------------- wait for SPM to be ready for new tasks ------------------
; while( SPMCR_REG & (1<<SPMEN) )
in r16, SPMCR ; read the content of SPMCR into register
andi r16, (1<<SPMEN) ; check if bit SPMEN is set
brne wait_for_spm ; and do more loops if bit not yet cleared
sbic EECR, EEWE ; check that no EEPROM write access is present
rjmp Wait_ee
; ---------------------------- re-enable the RWW section ----------------------
; When programming (page erase or page write) to the RWW section, the RWW section
; is blocked for reading (the RWWSB will be set by hardware). To re-enable the RWW
; section, the user software must wait until the programming is completed (SPMEN will be
; cleared). Then, if the RWWSRE bit is written to one at the same time as SPMEN, the
; next SPM instruction within four clock cycles re-enables the RWW section.
; If this is not done, all addresses will read $FF even if they contain other values.
rcall wait_for_spm ; make sure SPM is ready to accept a new task
ldi r16, (1<<RWWSRE) | (1<<SPMEN) ; set rwwsre and spmen in SPMCR to prepare
out SPMCR, r16 ; for reenabling the rww section
spm ; initiate the reenabling
;---------------------------------- Pause -------------------------------------
; Delays the CPU the selected periode, parameter pa_10ms is in 10ms steps
ldi dummy, 0b00000101 ; set prescaler to 1024
out TCCR0, dummy
ldi dummy, 184 ; preset the counter for 72 remaining
out TCNT0, dummy ; cycles till overflow
in dummy, TIFR ; reset the overflow flag
sbr dummy, (1<<TOV0)
out TIFR, dummy
pw: in dummy, TIFR ; check if overflow flag is set
sbrs dummy, TOV0
rjmp pw ; if not, wait more
;--- do this 10ms as often as requested in parameter pa_10ms
dec pa_10ms ; decrement the counter
brne pause ; and do the loop again if not zero yet
;-------------------------- data for identifier string ----------------------------------
.db "AVRB_M8", 0
;--------------- data for message on UART when bootloader starts ------------------------
.db "+--------------------------------------------------+",10,13
.db "| Bootloader for ATmega8, Version ", VER_H, '.',VER_L, " by DL5NEG |",10,13
.db "| Use AVRProg to download new software. |",10,13
.db "| Press E to leave the bootloader and to start the |",10,13
.db "| application software from the flash memory. |",10,13
.db "+--------------------------------------------------+ ",10,13,10,13,0
;------------- data for message on UART when leaving the bootloader ---------------------
.db "Thanks for using DL5NEGs bootloader. ",10,13,10,13,0