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UART 304
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ISP 2313
ISP 1200
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I2C 302
I2C/TWI 128


                                    ;* Title		: AVR ISP (Auto adr inc, 115200bps, supports AVR109 commands)
                                    ;* Version		: 3.7e
                                    ;* Last updated		: Jan 14 2005 
                                    ;* Target		: AT90S2313
                                    ;* File			: avr910_2313_v37e.asm 
                                    ;* Author(s)		:
                                    ;* last Filename	: avr910_2313_V36.asm
                                    ;* initial File		: avr910_31.asm, Author:, source: )
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	The firmware on all programmers now support a unified protocol for 
                                    ;*	program and data memory programming. The host computer do not need
                                    ;*	to know if the programmer operates in serial or parallel mode.
                                    ;*	The following commands are supported. All commands start with a
                                    ;*	single letter. The programmer returns 13d (carriage return) or the
                                    ;*	data read after the command is finished.
                                    ;*                                     +-------------------+-------------+------+
                                    ;*  Commands                           |    Host  writes   | Host reads  |      |
                                    ;*  --------                           +-----------+-------+-------+-----+      |
                                    ;*                                     | ID (hex ) | data  | data  |     | Note |
                                    ;* +-----------------------------------+-----------+-------+-------+-----+------+
                                    ;* | Enter programming mode            | 'P'(0x50) |       |       | 13d |   1  |
                                    ;* | Report autoincrement address      | 'a'(0x61) |       |       | 'Y' |      |
                                    ;* | Set address                       | 'A'(0x41) | ah al |       | 13d |   2  |
                                    ;* | Write program memory, low byte    | 'c'(0x63) |    dd |       | 13d |   3  |
                                    ;* | Write program memory, high byte   | 'C'(0x43) |    dd |       | 13d |   3  |
                                    ;* | Issue Page Write                  | 'm'(0x6d) |       |       | 13d |  13  |
                                    ;* | Read program memory               | 'R'(0x52) |       | dd(dd)|     |   4  |
                                    ;* | Write data memory                 | 'D'(0x44) |    dd |       | 13d |      |
                                    ;* | Read data memory                  | 'd'(0x64) |       |   dd  |     |      |
                                    ;* | Chip erase                        | 'e'(0x65) |       |       | 13d |      |
                                    ;* | Write lock bits                   | 'l'(0x6c) |    dd |       | 13d |      |
                                    ;* | Leave programming mode            | 'L'(0x4c) |       |       | 13d |   5  |
                                    ;* | Select device type                | 'T'(0x54) |    dd |       | 13d |   6  |
                                    ;* | Read signature bytes              | 's'(0x73) |       |  3*dd |     |      |
                                    ;* | Return supported device codes     | 't'(0x74) |       |  n*dd | 00d |   7  |
                                    ;* | Return software identifier        | 'S'(0x53) |       |  s[7] |     |   8  |
                                    ;* | Return sofware version            | 'V'(0x56) |       | dd dd |     |   9  |
                                    ;* | Return hardware version           | 'v'(0x76) |       | dd dd |     |   9  |
                                    ;* | Return programmer type            | 'p'(0x70) |       |   dd  |     |  10  |
                                    ;* | Set LED                           | 'x'(0x78) |    dd |       | 13d |  12  |
                                    ;* | Clear LED                         | 'y'(0x79) |    dd |       | 13d |  12  |
                                    ;* | Universial command                | ':'(0x3a) |  3*dd |   dd  | 13d |  15  |
                                    ;* | New universal command             | '.'(0x2E) |  4*dd |   dd  | 13d |  15  |
                                    ;* |-----------------------------------+-----------+-------+-------+-----+------|
                                    ;* | New Commands since Version 3.3    |           |       |       |     |      |
                                    ;* | Exit (AVR109, Bootloader)         | 'E'(0x45) |       |       | 13d |  15  |
                                    ;* | Return Chip ID (Terminalmode only)| 'i'(0x69) |       |  s[n] |     |  14  |
                                    ;* +-----------------------------------+-----------+-------+-------+-----+------+
                                    ;* | New Commands since Version 3.5    |           |       |       |     |      |
                                    ;* | Implemented Atmel Bootloader commands (Atmel Appl. Note 109)  |     |      |
                                    ;* | Report Block write Mode           | 'b'(0x62) |       |'Y'2*nn| 13d |  16  |
                                    ;* | Block Write                       | 'B'(0x42) |2*nn'M'|  n*dd | 13d |  16  |
                                    ;* | Block Read                        | 'g'(0x67) |2*nn'M'|  n*dd | 13d |  16  |
                                    ;* +-----------------------------------+-----------+-------+-------+-----+------+
                                    ;* | Commands to test (Since V3.6, (Unverified)    |       |       |     |      |
                                    ;* | Return Lockbits                   | 'r'(0x72) |       |   dd  | 13d |  17  |
                                    ;* | Return High Fusebits              | 'N'(0x4E) |       |   dd  | 13d |  17  |
                                    ;* | Return extendet Fusebits          | 'Q'(0x51) |       |   dd  | 13d |  17  |
                                    ;* | Write fuse bits (reserved)        | 'f'(0x66) |    dd |       | 13d |  11  |
                                    ;* | Read fuse and lock bits (reserved)| 'F'(0x46) |       |   dd  |     |  11  |
                                    ;* +-----------------------------------+-----------+-------+-------+-----+------+
                                    ;* NOTE 1
                                    ;*	The Enter programming mode command MUST be sent one time prior to
                                    ;*	the other commands, with the exception of the 't', 'S', 'V', 'v'
                                    ;*	and 'T' commands. The 'T' command must be sent before this command
                                    ;*	(see note 6).
                                    ;*	For programmers supporting both parallel and serial programming
                                    ;*	mode this command enters parallel programming mode. For programmers
                                    ;*	supporting only serial programming mode, this command enters serial
                                    ;*	programming mode.
                                    ;* NOTE 2
                                    ;*	The ah and al are the high and low order bytes of the address. For
                                    ;*	parallel programmers this command issues the Load Address Low/High
                                    ;*	Byte command. For serial programmers the address byte is stored for
                                    ;*	use by the Read/Write commands.
                                    ;* NOTE 3
                                    ;*	For parallel programmers this command issues the Program Flash
                                    ;*	command. For serial programmers this command iussues the Write
                                    ;*	Program Memory Command. For devices with byte-wide program memories
                                    ;*	only the low byte command should be used.
                                    ;* NOTE 4
                                    ;*	The contents of the program memory at the address given by the 'A'
                                    ;*	command are written to the serial port in binary form. For byte
                                    ;*	wide memories one byte is written. For 16 bit memories two bytes
                                    ;*	are written,MSB first.
                                    ;* NOTE 5
                                    ;*	This command must be executed after the programming is finished.
                                    ;* NOTE 6
                                    ;*	The select device type command must be sent before the enter
                                    ;*	programming command
                                    ;* NOTE 7
                                    ;*	The supported device codes are returned in binary form terminated
                                    ;*	by 0x00.
                                    ;* NOTE 8
                                    ;*	This return a 7 character ASCII string identifying the programmer.
                                    ;*	For the development board it is "AVR DEV", for the parallel
                                    ;*	programmer it is "AVR PPR" and for the in-curcuit programmer it is
                                    ;*	"AVR ISP".
                                    ;* NOTE 9
                                    ;*	The software/hardware version are returned as two ASCII numbers.
                                    ;* NOTE 10
                                    ;*	This command should be used to identify the programmer type. The
                                    ;*	return value is 'S' for serial (or SPI) programmers or 'P' for
                                    ;*	parallel programmers.
                                    ;* NOTE 11
                                    ;*	The write fuse bits command are available only on parallel
                                    ;*	programmers and only for AVR devices (device code < 0x80). The host
                                    ;*	should use the return programmer type command to determine the
                                    ;*	programmer type, do not use the  "AVR PPR" idenifier because other
                                    ;*	programmers may be available in the future.
                                    ;* NOTE 12
                                    ;*	Currently only the AVR development board has LEDs. The other boards
                                    ;*	must implement this commands as NOPs.
                                    ;* NOTE 13
                                    ;*  	Devices using Page Mode Programming write one page of flash memory
                                    ;*  	before issuing a Page Mode Write Pulse.
                                    ;* NOTE 14
                                    ;*  	The 'i' command is only used with a Terminal, for debug reasons. 
                                    ;*  	Not used in any Programmer so far
                                    ;* NOTE 15
                                    ;*  	Lock and Fuse Bits are written using the "universal command" (:) and
                                    ;*  	"new universal command" (.) in AVRProg and AVRDUDE.
                                    ;*  	AVRProg has an Exit (E) command implemented, which switches AVRProg offline
                                    ;* NOTE 16
                                    ;*  	Atmel Bootloader commands described in Atmel Application Note 109 implemented. 
                                    ;*  	Very useful if you use USB to serial converter.
                                    ;*  	AVRProg since Version 1.33 checks if Programmer supports Block Mode,
                                    ;*  	IF  Programmer responds 'Y' and the size of the internal Buffer (nn nn), Bootloader commands
                                    ;*  	are used automatically from AVRProg. (faster Protocoll)
                                    ;*  	Block commands send size Buffersize (nn nn) and Type of Memory ('F'=Flash, 'E'=Data)
                                    ;*  	Compatibility to AVR Butterfly command set and Bootloader. Works with AVR911 Open Source
                                    ;*  	Programmer.
                                    ;*  	For avrdude use -c butterfly instead of -c avr910 and you get same behaviour.
                                    ;* NOTE 17
                                    ;*  	Commands implemented but not tested yet.
                                    ;* NOTE 18
                                    ;*  	Device 89S8252 was tested to programm with avrprog. Shows a avrprog bug in "block Mode". Works in "standart"
                                    ;*  	avr910 Programming Mode. To program this Device, disable the "Block Mode" by changing "w53:	rjmp w6"	
                                    ;* HISTORY
                                    ;* V3.7e 11.01.05 (Klaus)	Matched Devicecodes to the new Atmel AVRProgV1.40
                                    ;* V3.7d 05.01.05 (Klaus)	Removed 1200A/B/C devicecodes, Polling 0x7F for AT90S4414, default PollcodeF = 0xFF
                                    ;* V3.7c 04.01.05 (Klaus/Micha)	Some devicecodes changed (Bootloader and "default" mode).
                                    ;* V3.7b 03.01.05 (Klaus/Leo)	Bugfix for Block read of Flash Mamory for AT89Snnnn Controllers.
                                    ;* V3.7a 29.12.04 (Klaus/Micha)	addet devicecodes for m64, m162 and m169.
                                    ;* V3.7	 15.12.04 (Klaus)	Rewriting polled timing for "non Page Mode" Chips, reorganised Table for 
                                    ;*				different polling Codes. Skip 0xFF Byte polling. (was buggy for some Controllers)
                                    ;*				Added ATTiny2313 (device Code 0x23), and ATMega8535 (0x6A)Support.
                                    ;*				Not Supported from avrprog, avrdude Support possible.
                                    ;*				Reorganised Table for Page Mode Chips with Pagesize. Adding different Pagesizes
                                    ;* 				Try to fix S89 write, BUG in avrprog detected. Firmware should be OK now. (NOTE 18)
                                    ;* 				After 256 unsuccesful polls for Flash wait additional standart time.
                                    ;* 				Modified "release_ports" so that RESET is released also. 
                                    ;* V3.6 10.07.04  (Klaus)	Changed Block Mode Commands to AVR109 compatibility.
                                    ;*				Additional AVR109 Commands, not testet yet.
                                    ;* V3.4-V3.5 unreleased (Klaus) cleaning up, tests for Block Modes
                                    ;* V3.3 25.06.04 (Klaus, Thomas) added enhanced Block write commands
                                    ;                           	with own Protocol.
                                    ;                           	Add 0xFF, 0x7F (2313) check for polling Mode
                                    ;* V3.2.1 18.11.03  (Klaus) 	Commented out some Controller Types, which are
                                    ;				not really Supported by the hardware, but from
                                    ;				AVRProg Software. See Comments at the end.
                                    ;* V3.2 16.11.03    (Klaus) 	Correctet typo in Chrystal frequency. 
                                    ;* V3.2 13.10.03    (Klaus)	7,3728 Mhz chrystal for 115.200 Baud.
                                    ;*				            Swap MOSI <-> MISO Pinnumbers.
                                    ;*				            Add dual color LED Support.
                                    ;*				            Add some new Dewices.
                                    ;* V3.0	 02.01.23 (wubble)	Ported from 1200 to 2313.
                                    ;*				            Serial IO modified to use hardware UART.
                                    ;*				            Added support for multiple new devices.
                                    ;*				            Used data polling to short write process.
                                    ;*				            Added LED support to indicate R/W process.
                                    ;* V2.2	 00.03.10 (pkastnes) Added support for multiple new devices.
                                    ;* V2.1	 98.10.26 (mlund)	New date marking.
                                    ;*				            Removed support for AT90S1200C.
                                    ;*				            Added support for AT90S4433A.
                                    ;* V2.0	 98.01.06 (mlund)	ATmega103 support.
                                    ;* V1.7	 97.11.06 (mlund)	Universial command (':') implemented.
                                    ;*				            Releases all pins when not in 
                                    ;*				            programming mode.
                                    ;* V1.6e 97.11.04 (mlund)	mega103 rev D support
                                    ;* V1.6c 97.10.30 (mlund)	Auto incrementing / SPI sync
                                    ;*				            also works for mega103.
                                    ;* V1.6	 97.09.09 (hskar)	Created Page Mode Version (mega103)
                                    ;* V1.5	 97.08.21 (mlund)	Modified / Bugfix / Major cleanup
                                    ;* ...	 ...			    (no records)
                                    ;* V?.?	 97.03.15 (OS)		Created
                                    ;* Device Support List: see table "Devices" at the end of this file.
                                    ;**** includes ****
                                    .include ""
                                    ;* CONSTANTES
                                    ;**** Constant declarations Data Rate ****
                                    ;******** Chrystals for maximum Baudrates
                                    .equ	XTAL = 7373			; XTAL frequency, Khz (7.3728 Mhz)
                                    .equ	BAUD = 115200		; Data rate, bauds
                                    .equ	N = 3				; for 7.3728 Mhz/115.200Baud
                                    ;.equ	BAUD = 38400		; Data rate, bauds
                                    ;.equ	N = 11				; for 7.3728 Mhz/38400Baud
                                    ;**** definitions for different chrystals and 115.200 baud ****
                                    ;.equ	XTAL = 3686			; XTAL frequency, Khz (3.6864 Mhz)
                                    ;.equ	BAUD = 115200		; Data rate, bauds
                                    ;.equ	N = 1				; for 3.6864 Mhz/115.200Baud
                                    ;********* Baudrates for 8 Mhz Chrystal
                                    ;.equ	XTAL = 8000			; XTAL frequency, Khz (8.000 Mhz)
                                    ;.equ	BAUD = 38400		; Data rate, bauds
                                    ;.equ	N = 12				; for 8.00 Mhz/38.400 Baud
                                    ;.equ	BAUD = 19200		;Data rate, bauds
                                    ;.equ	N = 25				; for 8.00 Mhz/19.200 Baud
                                    ;.equ	BAUD = 9600			; Data rate, bauds ! Not valid for AVRProg, use for avrdude only !
                                    ;.equ	N = 51				; for 8.00 Mhz/9.600 Baud
                                    ;********* Baudrates for 4 Mhz Chrystal
                                    ;.equ	XTAL = 4000			; XTAL frequency, Khz (4.000 Mhz)
                                    ;.equ	BAUD = 19200		; Data rate, bauds
                                    ;.equ	N = 12				; for 4.00 Mhz/19.200 Baud
                                    ;.equ	BAUD = 9600			; Data rate, bauds ! Not valid for AVRProg, use for avrdude only !
                                    ;.equ	N = 25				; for 4.00 Mhz/9.600 Baud
                                    .equ RAMSTART = 0x60		; first SRAM Adress of 2313
                                    .equ PAGESIZE = 0x10		; default Page size for Programming
                                    .equ BUFSIZE  = 0x40		; 64 bytes internal RAM for Buffer
                                    ;* PORTS
                                    ;*	Ports Definitions
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	Change the following definitions if the RESET pin to the
                                    ;*	target moves and/or if the SCK/MISO/MISO/LED moves.
                                    .equ	LEDH	= PB3		; dual color LED output, anode green  (output)
                                    .equ	LED	= PB0		; LED output, active low, dual color LED Kathode green  (output)
                                    .equ	MISO	= PB6		; MISO  pin of the target (input)
                                    .equ	MOSI	= PB5		; MOSI  pin of the target (output)
                                    .equ	RESET	= PB4		; RESET pin of the target (output)
                                    .equ	SCK	= PB7		; SCK   pin of the target (output)
                                    .equ	RXD	= PD0		; UART RXD line
                                    .equ	TXD	= PD1		; UART TXD line
                                    ;* MACROS
                                    ;*	Program Macros
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	Change the following macros if the RESET pin to the
                                    ;*	target moves and/or if the SCK/MISO/MISO/LED moves.
                                    .macro	init_ports			; init ports
                                    	ldi	temp2,0xff	
                                    	out	PORTD,temp2
                                    	ldi	temp2,0xff
                                    	out	PORTB,temp2
                                    .macro	catch_ports			; catch ports
                                    	ldi	temp2,(1<<TXD)
                                    	out	DDRD,temp2
                                    	ldi	temp2,(1<<RESET) | (1<<MOSI) | (1<<SCK) | (1<<LED) | (1<<LEDH)
                                    	out	DDRB,temp2
                                    .macro	release_ports		; release ports
                                    	ldi	temp2,(1<<TXD)
                                    	out	DDRD,temp2
                                    	ldi	temp2,(1<<LED) | (1<<LEDH)
                                    	out	DDRB,temp2
                                    .macro	pas_RESET			; set RESET passive
                                    	tst	device
                                    	brmi	m2				; S89 device
                                    	sbi	PORTB,RESET
                                    	rjmp	m3
                                    m2:	cbi	PORTB,RESET
                                    .macro	act_RESET			; set RESET active
                                    	tst	device
                                    	brmi	m4			; S89 device
                                    	cbi	PORTB,RESET
                                    	rjmp	m5
                                    m4:	sbi	PORTB,RESET
                                    .macro	set_LED				; set LED Port -> Standart LED off, dual LED green
                                    	sbi PORTB,LED
                                    	cbi PORTB,LEDH			; added for dual color support
                                    .macro	clr_LED				; clear LED Port --> Standart LED on, dual LED red
                                    	cbi PORTB,LED
                                    	sbi PORTB,LEDH			; added for dual color support
                                    .macro LED_off				; for dual color LED, not in use
                                    	cbi PORTB,LED
                                    	cbi PORTB,LEDH
                                    .macro	sbic_MISO			; skip if MISO cleared
                                    	sbic	PINB,MISO
                                    .macro	set_MOSI			; set MOSI
                                    	sbi	PORTB,MOSI
                                    .macro	clr_MOSI			; clear MOSI
                                    	cbi	PORTB,MOSI
                                    .macro	clr_SCK				; clear SCK
                                    	cbi	PORTB,SCK	
                                    .macro	pulse_SCK			; pulse SCK
                                    	sbi	PORTB,SCK
                                    	ldi	temp2,(XTAL/750+1)	; had to slow down for ATTiny2313 (internal clock) default was (XTAL/1500+1)	
                                    m0:	dec	temp2
                                    	brne	m0
                                    	cbi	PORTB,SCK
                                    	ldi	temp2,(XTAL/1500+1)	; had to slow down for ATTiny2313 (internal clock) default was (XTAL/3000+1)	
                                    m1:	dec	temp2
                                    	brne	m1
                                    .macro	table				; load Z pointer
                                    	ldi	ZL,low(@0*2)		; low
                                    	ldi	ZH,high(@0*2)		; high
                                    ;* Global Register Variables
                                    ;r0 used with lpm instruction
                                    .def	cmd1		= r1	; Universal commands params
                                    .def	cmd2		= r2	; ..
                                    .def	cmd3		= r3	; ..
                                    .def	pol_al		= r4	; Polling address low
                                    .def	pol_ah		= r5	; Polling address high
                                    .def	Bcnt1		= r6	; Block Mode Counter1
                                    .def	Bcnt2		= r7	; Block Mode Counter2
                                    .def	Bcnt3		= r8	; Block Mode Counter2
                                    .def    B_Flag		= r9	; Flag for ws_del Routine
                                    .def    B_Mode		= r10	; Marks Block Mode commands (See Note 16)
                                    .def 	Memtype		= r11	; Flag for Memorytype for Block Commands (See Note 16)
                                    .def	Pagewords	= r12	; Size of Controller page to program in Page Mode (Words!) 
                                    .def 	PollcodeF	= r13	; Code for Polling Flash
                                    .def	temp1		= r16	; Temporary register 1
                                    .def	temp2		= r17	; Temporary register 2
                                    .def	temp3		= r18	; Temporary register 3
                                    .def	s_data		= r19	; SPI data
                                    .def	u_data		= r20	; UART data
                                    .def	device		= r21	; Device code
                                    .def	param1		= r22	; Param to read signature 
                                    .def	rd_s_data	= r23	; Read data on SPI
                                    .def	pol_cmd		= r24	; Polling command
                                    .def	p_data		= r25	; Polling data
                                    ;r26,r27 used as X register
                                    .def	addrl		= r28	; (YL) Low order byte of address
                                    .def	addrh		= r29	; (YH) High order byte of address
                                    ;r30,r31 used as Z register
                                    ;* Interrupt Vectors
                                    	rjmp	INIT			; Reset Handle
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	u_init
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	Initialize UART.
                                    	ldi	temp1,N				; set baud rate
                                    	out	UBRR,temp1
                                    	ldi	temp1,(1<<TXEN)|(1<<RXEN) ; initialize UART for TX and RX
                                    	out	UCR,temp1
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	getc
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	Wait for start bit and receive a character on the UART Rx line.
                                    	sbis	USR,RXC			; wait until a character has been received
                                    	rjmp	getc
                                    	in	u_data,UDR			; Read byte from the UART
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	putc
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	Send a character on the UART Tx line.
                                    	sbis	USR,UDRE		; test for TX register empty
                                    	rjmp	putc			; loop until TX empty
                                    	out	UDR,u_data			; send the byte
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	put_string
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	Send Z - pointed null-terminated string on the UART Tx line.
                                    	tst	r0
                                    	breq	ps_ret			; check for end of string (0x00)
                                    	mov	u_data,r0
                                    	rcall	putc			; putc(char)
                                    	adiw	ZL,1			; next char
                                    	rjmp	put_string
                                    ps_ret:	ret	
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	put_table
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	Send Z - pointed table on the UART Tx line.
                                    	tst	r0
                                    	breq	pt_ret			; check for end of table (0x00)
                                    	mov	u_data,r0	
                                    	rcall	putc			; putc(Byte)
                                    	adiw	ZL,2			; skip MSB
                                    	rjmp	put_table
                                    pt_ret:	ret	
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	bel_table
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	C=0 if device belongs to table.
                                    	lpm						; read table
                                    	tst	r0					; check for end of table
                                    	breq	c1_ret
                                    	cp	device,r0
                                    	breq	c0_ret			; C=0
                                    	adiw	ZL,2			; skip MSB
                                    	rjmp	bel_table	
                                    c1_ret:	sec					; C=1
                                    c0_ret:	ret		
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	set_pagesize
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	sets programming Page size for selected Device.
                                    	lpm				; read table
                                    	tst	r0			; check for end of table
                                    	breq	spa_end			; no Pagesize to set
                                    	cp	device,r0
                                    	breq	spa_set			; C=0
                                    	adiw	ZL,2			; skip MSB
                                    	rjmp	set_pagesize	
                                    	adiw	ZL,1			; Point to high Byte of Word
                                    	lpm				; get Pagesize to R0
                                    	mov Pagewords,r0
                                    	mov Bcnt3,Pagewords		; initiate Counter
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	set_pollcode
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	sets Code for Polling Flash for selected Device.
                                    	lpm				; read table
                                    	tst	r0			; check for end of table
                                    	breq	spo_end			; no Pollcode to set
                                    	cp	device,r0
                                    	breq	spo_set			; C=0
                                    	adiw	ZL,2			; skip MSB
                                    	rjmp	set_pollcode	
                                    	adiw	ZL,1			; Point to high Byte of Word
                                    	lpm				; get Pagesize to R0
                                    	mov PollcodeF,r0		; Set Pollcode for Flash Rom
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	delay
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	 Make delay 1mS (x temp1).
                                    	ldi	temp2,40
                                    dl2:	ldi	temp3,(XTAL/120)
                                    dl1:	dec	temp3
                                    	brne	dl1
                                    	dec	temp2
                                    	brne	dl2
                                    	dec	temp1
                                    	brne	delay
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	 spi123
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	 Write bytes 1 to 3 on the SPI. Byte 1 must be loadet into s_data
                                    ;*       Byte 2 ist addrh, Byte 3 ist addrl
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(s_data) SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrh
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrh)  SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrl	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrl)  SPI write (byte 3)
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	 w1234 (for Code simplification, not used yet)
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	 Write SPI bytes 1 to 4.
                                    ;            Byte 1 must be loadet into cmd1
                                    ;            Byte 2 must be loadet into cmd2
                                    ;            Byte 3 must be loadet into cmd3
                                    ;            Byte 4 must be loadet into u_data
                                    	mov s_data,cmd1
                                    	rcall wrser
                                    	mov s_data,cmd2
                                    	rcall wrser
                                    	mov s_data,cmd3
                                    	rcall wrser
                                    	mov s_data,u_data
                                    	rcall wrser
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	 w123r4 (for Code simplification, not used yet)
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	 Write SPI bytes 1 to 3, read Byte 4 to serial.
                                    ;            Byte 1 must be loadet into cmd1
                                    ;            Byte 2 must be loadet into cmd2
                                    ;            Byte 3 must be loadet into cmd3
                                    	mov s_data,cmd1
                                    	rcall wrser
                                    	mov s_data,cmd2
                                    	rcall wrser
                                    	mov s_data,cmd3
                                    	rcall wrser
                                    	rcall rdser
                                    	mov u_data,s_data
                                    	rcall wrser			; get Byte 4 from serial
                                    	rcall putc
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	rdser, wrser
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	 Write and read bytes on the SPI.
                                    	clr	s_data
                                    	ldi	temp1,8			; load bit counter
                                    	ldi	rd_s_data,0
                                    	rol	s_data
                                    	brcc	wrs1
                                    	set_MOSI			; MOSI = 1
                                    	rjmp	wrs2
                                    	clr_MOSI			; MOSI = 0
                                    	lsl	rd_s_data
                                    	sbic_MISO			; read MISO
                                    	ori	rd_s_data,1
                                    	pulse_SCK			; pulse SCK
                                    	dec	temp1			; advance bit counter
                                    	brne	wrs0			; loop
                                    	mov	s_data,rd_s_data
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	read_send_progmem
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	 Read one adress (2 Byte) from Program Memory and send it through UART
                                    	tst	device
                                    	brmi	rsp1			; S89 device
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x20		; read low Byte
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x28)  SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrh
                                    	rjmp	rsp2
                                    	mov	s_data,addrh		; s_data = (addrh << 3) | 0x01;
                                    	rcall	shift_s_data3
                                    	ori	s_data,0x01
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrh) SPI write (byte 2) (S89=byte1)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrl	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrl) SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	rcall	rdser			;              SPI read  (byte 4)
                                    	mov	u_data,s_data
                                    	rcall	putc			; send data
                                    	tst	device
                                    	brmi	rsp3			; S89 device
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x28			; read High Byte
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x20)  SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrh	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrh) SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrl	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrl) SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	rcall	rdser			;              SPI read  (byte 4)
                                    	mov	u_data,s_data
                                    	rcall	putc			; send data
                                    	adiw	addrl,1			; Auto increment address
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	read_send_datamem
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	 Read one Byte from Data Memory (eeprom) and send it through UART
                                    read_send_datamem:			; Subroutine to read one eeprom Address
                                    	tst	device
                                    	brmi	rsd1			; S89 device
                                    	ldi	s_data,0xa0
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0xa0)   SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrh
                                    	rjmp	rsd2
                                    	cpi	device,0x87		; if (device == S53)
                                    	breq	rsd3			; no Support for 89S53 device due to Bug in AVRProg V1.37
                                    	mov	s_data,addrh
                                    	rcall	shift_s_data3
                                    	ori	s_data,0x05
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrh)  SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrl	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrl)  SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	rcall	rdser			;               SPI read  (byte 4)
                                    	mov	u_data,s_data
                                    	rcall	putc			; send data
                                    	adiw	addrl,1			; Auto increment address
                                    	pop	temp1			; remove return Adress from Stack in case of Error
                                    	pop	temp1
                                    	rjmp	put_err
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	eeprom_write
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	 Write u_data to Data Memory (eeprom)
                                    	tst	device
                                    	brmi	eew1			; S89 device
                                    	ldi	s_data,0xc0
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0xc0)   SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrh
                                    	rjmp	eew2	
                                    	cpi	device,0x87		; if (device == S53)
                                    	breq	eew3
                                    	mov	s_data,addrh
                                    	rcall	shift_s_data3
                                    	ori	s_data,0x06
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrh)  SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrl
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrl)  SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	mov	s_data,u_data
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(u_data) SPI write (byte 4)
                                    	ldi	temp1,10		; delay 10mS
                                    	rcall	delay
                                    	adiw	addrl,1			; Auto increment address
                                    	pop temp1			; remove return Adress from Stack in case of failure
                                    	pop temp1
                                    	rjmp	put_err
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	shift_s_data3
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	 Shift s_data 3 times left for S89 device.
                                    	lsl	s_data
                                    	lsl	s_data
                                    	lsl	s_data
                                    	brcc	s3_ret
                                    	cpi	device,0x87		; if (device != S53)
                                    	brne	s3_ret	
                                    	sbr	s_data, 4		; a13 +
                                    s3_ret:	ret
                                    ;* FUNCTION
                                    ;*	healthcheck
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	 changes color of dual color led.
                                    healthcheck:				; for dual color LED
                                    	clr_LED					; LED red
                                    	ldi temp1,200			; 200 ms
                                    	rcall delay		
                                    	ldi temp1,200			; again 200 ms
                                    	rcall delay
                                    	ldi s_data,200			; counter Register
                                    LEDloop:				; Pulse for yellow LED
                                    	set_LED				; LED green
                                    	ldi temp1,2			; 2 ms
                                    	rcall delay
                                    	clr_LED				; LED red
                                    	ldi temp1,1			; 1 ms
                                    	rcall delay
                                    	dec s_data			; dec. counter
                                    	brne LEDloop
                                    	set_LED				; LED green
                                    ;* INIT
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	Initialization
                                    	ldi	temp1,RAMEND
                                    	out SPL,temp1			; Locate stack
                                    	ldi	temp1,PAGESIZE		; default Pagesize
                                    	mov Pagewords,temp1
                                    	mov Bcnt3,Pagewords		; set counter for Pagesize
                                    	ldi	device,0x20		; S2313 as default
                                    	clr B_Mode			; Flag for Block Modes (see Note 16)
                                    	clr B_Flag			; Flag for eNhanced Block write
                                    	init_ports			; Initialize ports
                                    	release_ports			; Release ports
                                    	rcall	u_init			; Initialize UART
                                    	rcall healthcheck		; show that Prog is working after Powerup (LED test)
                                    ;* PROGRAM
                                    ;*	waitcmd -> main
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	Wait for and execute commands.
                                    	rcall	getc			; while (getc() == ESC) {};
                                    	cpi	u_data,0x1b
                                    	breq	waitcmd
                                    ;====== 'T' - Device Type ==================================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'T'		; 'T' Device type
                                    	brne	w0
                                    	rcall	getc
                                    	mov	device,u_data		; get device type
                                    	table Dev_M			; prepare to set Pagesize
                                    	rcall set_pagesize		; If device has Page Mode support, set Pagesize
                                    	ldi	temp1,0xFF
                                    	mov	PollcodeF,temp1		; preset PollcodeF with 0xFF, will be overwritten if Pollcode known
                                    	table Dev_S			; prepare to set Polling Code
                                    	rcall set_pollcode		; If device has no Page Size support, set code for Polling Flash
                                    	rjmp	put_ret
                                    ;====== 'S' - Return Software Identifier ===================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'S'		; 'S' Return software identifier
                                    	brne	w1
                                    	table	ID_Str
                                    	rcall	put_string		; put string "AVR ISP"
                                    	rjmp	waitcmd
                                    ;====== 'V' - Return Software Version ======================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'V'		; 'V' Return software version
                                    	brne	w2
                                    	table	SW_Ver
                                    	rcall	put_string		; put software version
                                    	rjmp	waitcmd
                                    ;====== 'v' - Return Hardware Version ======================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'v'		; 'v' Return hardware version
                                    	brne	w3
                                    	table	HW_Ver
                                    	rcall	put_string		; put hardware version
                                    	rjmp	waitcmd
                                    ;====== 't' - Show Supported Devices =======================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'t'		; 't' Show supported devices
                                    	brne	w4
                                    	table	Dev_S
                                    	rcall	put_table		; put supported devices codes
                                    	table	Dev_M
                                    	rcall	put_table		; put supported devices codes
                                    	ldi	u_data,0x00		; putc(0x00) - end of device list
                                    	rcall	putc
                                    	rjmp	waitcmd
                                    ;====== 'p' - Return Programmer Type =======================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'p'		; 'p' Return programmer type
                                    	brne	w5
                                    	ldi	u_data,'S'		; putc('S') - serial programmer
                                    	rcall	putc
                                    	rjmp	waitcmd
                                    ;====== 'a' - Return autoincrement address support =========================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'a'		; 'a' Return address auto increment
                                    	brne	w51
                                    	ldi	u_data,'Y'		; putc('Y') - supports autoinc
                                    	rcall	putc
                                    	rjmp	waitcmd
                                    ;====== 'M' - Return enhanced Mode support (Note 14) ========================
                                    ;	cpi	u_data,'M'		; 'M' Return enhanced mode Support
                                    ;	brne	w52
                                    ;	ldi u_data,'Y'			; putc('Y') - supports enhanced Mode
                                    ;	rcall putc
                                    ;	rjmp	waitcmd
                                    ;====== 'i' - Return Chip ID (Note 14) ======================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'i'		; 'i' Return Chip ID
                                    	brne	w53
                                    	table	ChipID
                                    	rcall	put_string		; put Chip ID string 
                                    	ldi u_data,0x0a			; putc(LF)
                                    	rcall 	putc
                                    	rjmp	put_ret
                                    ;====== 'b' - Return Block write Mode support (Note 17) ========================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'b'		; 'b' Return enhanced mode Support
                                    	brne	w6
                                    	ldi u_data,'Y'			; putc('Y') - supports enhanced Mode
                                    	rcall putc
                                    	ldi	u_data,high(BUFSIZE)	; putc((BUFSIZE>>8) & 0xff);
                                    	rcall putc
                                    	ldi	u_data,low(BUFSIZE)	; putc(BUFSIZE&0xff);
                                    	rcall putc
                                    	rjmp	waitcmd
                                    ;====== 'x' - Set LED ======================================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'x'		; 'x' Set LED (LED off or green)
                                    	brne	w61
                                    	rcall	getc			; get parameter
                                    	rjmp	put_ret
                                    ;====== 'y' - Clear LED ====================================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'y'		; 'y' Clear LED (LED on or red)
                                    	brne	w7
                                    	rcall	getc			; get parameter
                                    	rjmp	put_ret
                                    ; We require that the device code be selected before any of the other commands
                                    	table	Dev_S			; load pointer
                                    	rcall	bel_table
                                    	brcc	w71			; device belongs to table
                                    	table	Dev_M	
                                    	rcall	bel_table
                                    	brcc	w71			; device belongs to table
                                    	rjmp	put_err			; not match, goto put_err();
                                    ;====== 'P' - Enter Programming Mode =======================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'P'		; 'P' Enter programming mode
                                    	breq	w70
                                    	rjmp	w8
                                    	clr_LED				; LED on
                                    	catch_ports			; catch ports
                                    	clr_SCK				; clear SCK
                                    	pas_RESET			; set RESET passive
                                    	ldi	temp1,50		; delay 50mS;
                                    	rcall	delay
                                    	act_RESET			; set RESET active
                                    	ldi	temp1,50		; delay 50mS;
                                    	rcall	delay	
                                    	ldi	s_data,0xac	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0xac) SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x53	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x53) SPI write (byte 2)
                                    					; SPI Synchronization (fix!)
                                    	cpi	device,0x20		; if ( (device >= 0x20) && (device <= 0x7F) )
                                    	brlo	s2
                                    	tst	device
                                    	brmi	s2	
                                    	ldi	temp3,32		; count = 32;
                                    s1:	rcall	rdser			; SPI read  (byte 3)
                                    	cpi	s_data,0x53		; if (rdser == 0x53)
                                    	breq	s3			; break
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x00					
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x00) SPI write (byte 4)
                                    	pulse_SCK			; pulse SCK
                                    	ldi	s_data,0xac		
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0xac) SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x53		
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x53) SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	dec	temp3			; count-1
                                    	brne	s1			; loop
                                    	rjmp	s3			; else
                                    s2:	ldi	s_data,0x00	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x00) SPI write (byte 3)
                                    s3:	tst	device
                                    	brmi	s4			; S89 device
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x00	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x00) SPI write (byte 4)
                                    s4:	ldi	temp1,4			; delay 4mS;
                                    	rcall	delay
                                    	rjmp	put_ret
                                    ;====== 'c' - Write Program Memory, Low Byte ===============================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'c'		; 'c' Write program memory, low byte
                                    	brne	w9
                                    	rcall	getc			; get data byte
                                    w8b: 	ldi	s_data,0x40
                                    	mov	pol_cmd,s_data		; save command for polling	
                                    	tst	device
                                    	brmi	w81			; S89 device
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x40)   SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrh
                                    	rjmp	w82
                                    	mov	s_data,addrh		; s_data = (addrh << 3) | 0x02;
                                    	rcall	shift_s_data3
                                    	ori	s_data,0x02
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrh)  SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrl	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrl)  SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	mov	s_data,u_data	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(u_data) SPI write (byte 4)
                                    	mov	p_data,u_data		; save data for polling
                                    	mov	pol_al,addrl		; save address for polling
                                    	mov	pol_ah,addrh
                                    	tst	device
                                    	brpl	w83 
                                    	adiw	addrl,1			; Auto increment address for S89 device
                                    	rjmp	wait_S			; write FLASH delay
                                    ;====== 'C' - Write Program Memory, High Byte ==============================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'C'		; 'C' Write program memory, high byte
                                    	brne	w92
                                    	rcall	getc			; get data byte
                                    w9a:	tst	device
                                    	brmi	w91			; S89 device
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x48	
                                    	mov	pol_cmd,s_data		; save command for polling	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x48)   SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrh	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrh)  SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrl	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrl)  SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	mov	s_data,u_data		; wrser(u_data) SPI write (byte 4)
                                    	rcall	wrser
                                    	mov	p_data,u_data		; save data for polling
                                    	mov	pol_al,addrl		; save address for polling
                                    	mov	pol_ah,addrh
                                    	adiw	addrl,1			; Auto increment address
                                    	rjmp	wait_S			; write FLASH delay
                                    	rjmp	put_err			; S89 device have byte wide program memory!	
                                    ;====== 'B' Block Write Memory (see Note 17) ======================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'B'		; 'B' Block Write Program Memory
                                    	breq w92a
                                    	rjmp w10
                                    	rcall	getc			; get count High Byte
                                    	tst u_data
                                    	breq w92b
                                    	ldi u_data,1
                                    	rjmp put_err	
                                    	rcall	getc			; get count Low Byte
                                    	cpi u_data,BUFSIZE+1		; check maximum count 
                                    	brlo w92c
                                    	ldi u_data,2
                                    	rjmp put_err
                                    	mov Bcnt1, u_data		; ignore BUFSIZE high Byte (must be 0 here)
                                    	mov Bcnt2, u_data
                                    	rcall	getc			; get Memory type to write
                                    	mov Memtype,u_data		; Flag for Memtype
                                    	clr XH
                                    	ldi XL, RAMSTART		; set X pointer to SRAM begin
                                    	rcall	getc			; get data until Bcnt1 is reached	
                                    	st X+, u_data			; store data to SRAM
                                    	dec Bcnt1
                                    	brne w93
                                    	clr XH
                                    	ldi XL, RAMSTART		; set X pointer to SRAM begin
                                    	ldi temp3,1
                                    	mov B_Mode,temp3		; B_Mode != 0
                                    	mov u_data,Memtype		; restore Memtype 
                                    	cpi	u_data,'F'		; 'F' Flash Memory ist to write
                                    	breq	w94a
                                    	cpi	u_data,'E'		; 'E' eeprom Memory ist to write
                                    	breq	w94			; Entry Point for Data Memory Block write
                                    	ldi u_data,3
                                    	rjmp put_err
                                    w94:					; write Data Memory
                                    	ld u_data,X+
                                    	rcall eeprom_write
                                    	dec Bcnt2
                                    	brne w94
                                    	rjmp put_ret
                                    ;Entry Point for Flash Block write
                                    	table	Dev_M	
                                    	rcall	bel_table
                                    	brcc w95			; device belongs to table
                                    	rjmp	w96			; not match, goto "non Paged" Mode
                                    w95:					; Entry Point for AVRProg Block Flash write
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x40		; write low byte
                                    	rcall spi123
                                    	ld	s_data, X+
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(s_data) SPI write (byte 4)
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x48		; write high byte
                                    	mov	pol_cmd,s_data		; save command for polling	
                                    	rcall spi123
                                    	ld	s_data, X+
                                    	mov	p_data,s_data		; save data for polling
                                    	mov	pol_al,addrl		; save address for polling
                                    	mov	pol_ah,addrh
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(u_data) SPI write (byte 4)
                                    	adiw	addrl,1			; Auto increment address
                                    	dec Bcnt2
                                    	breq w95b
                                    	dec Bcnt2
                                    	breq w95b
                                    	tst B_Mode
                                    	breq w95			; Loop for "Block Mode Commands" see Note 16
                                    	dec Bcnt3			; count Bytes for Pagesize
                                    	brne w95
                                    	tst B_Mode
                                    	brne w95c
                                    	rjmp put_ret
                                    	dec Bcnt3			; Bcnt3 will be set correct after write
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x4c		; write Memory Page
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x4c)  SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	mov	s_data,pol_ah		; last written Adress is in Page to be programmed!
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrh) SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	mov	s_data,pol_al		; last written Adress is in Page to be programmed!
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrl) SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x00
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x00)  SPI write (byte 4)
                                    	mov Bcnt3,Pagewords		; reload Counter für Pagesize
                                    	rjmp wait_M
                                    ;#@KL4 test for 89S8252 Device
                                    w96:					; Non Page Mode Flash write
                                    	tst	device
                                    	brmi	w96b			; S89 device
                                    	ld	p_data, X+		; load byte to Poll data
                                    	cpi	p_data,0xFF		; if (p_data == 0xFF) 
                                    	breq	w961			; skip burning
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x40		; write low byte
                                    	mov	pol_cmd,s_data		; save command for polling	
                                    	rcall spi123
                                    	mov	s_data,p_data		; reload data from Poll data
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(s_data) SPI write (byte 4)
                                    	mov	pol_al,addrl		; save address for polling
                                    	mov	pol_ah,addrh
                                    	rcall Bws_pol
                                    	dec Bcnt2
                                    	ld	p_data, X+		; load byte to Poll data
                                    	cpi	p_data,0xFF		; if (p_data == 0xFF) 
                                    	breq	w962
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x48		; write high byte
                                    	mov	pol_cmd,s_data		; save command for polling	
                                    	rcall spi123
                                    	mov	s_data,p_data		; reload data from Poll data
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(u_data) SPI write (byte 4)
                                    w96a:	mov	pol_al,addrl		; save address for polling
                                    	mov	pol_ah,addrh
                                    	rcall Bws_pol
                                    	adiw	addrl,1			; Auto increment address
                                    	dec Bcnt2
                                    	brne w96
                                    	rjmp put_ret			; reply
                                    w96b:					; Code for 89S8252
                                    ;	ldi	s_data,0x40
                                    ;	mov	pol_cmd,s_data		; save command for polling	
                                    	mov	s_data,addrh		; s_data = (addrh << 3) | 0x02;
                                    	rcall	shift_s_data3
                                    	ori	s_data,0x02
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrh)  SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrl	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrl)  SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	ld	s_data, X+	
                                    	mov	p_data,s_data		; save data for polling
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(u_data) SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	rjmp	w96a
                                    ;====== 'R' - Read Program Memory ==========================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'R'		; 'R' Read program memory
                                    	brne	w10B
                                    	tst	device
                                    	brmi	rpm1			; S89 device
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x28			; read high Byte (order is different from Block Read!)
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x28)  SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrh
                                    	rjmp	rpm2
                                    	mov	s_data,addrh		; s_data = (addrh << 3) | 0x01;
                                    	rcall	shift_s_data3
                                    	ori	s_data,0x01
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrh) SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrl	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrl) SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	rcall	rdser			;              SPI read  (byte 4)
                                    	mov	u_data,s_data
                                    	rcall	putc			; send data
                                    	tst	device
                                    	brmi	rpm3			; S89 device
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x20			; read Low Byte
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x20)  SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrh	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrh) SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	mov	s_data,addrl	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrl) SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	rcall	rdser			;              SPI read  (byte 4)
                                    	mov	u_data,s_data
                                    	rcall	putc			; send data
                                    	adiw	addrl,1			; Auto increment address
                                    	rjmp	waitcmd			; goto waitcmd();
                                    ;====== 'g' - Block Read Memory (See Note 17) ======================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'g'		; 'g' Block Read Program Memory
                                    	brne	w11
                                    	rcall	getc			; XH = getc();
                                    	mov	XH,u_data
                                    	rcall	getc			; XL = getc();
                                    	mov	XL,u_data
                                    	rcall	getc			; getc(Memorytype);
                                    	cpi u_data,'F'
                                    	breq w10B2
                                    	cpi u_data,'E'
                                    	breq w10B1
                                    	rjmp put_err
                                    	rcall read_send_datamem
                                    	sbiw XL, 1
                                       	brne w10B1
                                    	rjmp waitcmd			; goto waitcmd();
                                     	rcall read_send_progmem
                                    	tst device
                                    	brmi w10B3
                                    	sbiw XL, 2
                                    	brne w10B2
                                    	rjmp waitcmd
                                    	sbiw XL, 1
                                       	brne w10B2
                                    	rjmp waitcmd			; goto waitcmd();
                                    ;====== 'A' - Load Address =================================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'A'		; 'A' Load address
                                    	brne	w12
                                    	rcall	getc			; addrh = getc();
                                    	mov	addrh,u_data
                                    	rcall	getc			; addrl = getc();
                                    	mov	addrl,u_data
                                    	rjmp	put_ret			; goto reply();
                                    ;====== 'D' - Write Data Memory ============================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'D'		; 'D' Write data memory
                                    	brne	w13
                                    	rcall	getc			; get data
                                    	rcall eeprom_write
                                    	rjmp	put_ret
                                    ;====== 'd' - Read Data Memory =============================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'d'		; 'd' Read data memory
                                    	brne	w14
                                    	rcall   read_send_datamem
                                    	rjmp	waitcmd			; goto waitcmd();
                                    ;====== 'L' - Leave Programming Mode =======================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'L'		; 'L' Leave programming mode
                                    	brne	w142
                                    	pas_RESET			; set RESET passive
                                    	release_ports			; release ports
                                    	set_LED				; LED off
                                    	rjmp    put_ret
                                    ;====== 'E' - Exit , release all Ports, inhibit AVR910 =====================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'E'		; 'E' xit
                                    	brne	w15
                                    	rjmp w141			; exit command for AVR Prog
                                    ;====== 'e' - Chip Erase ===================================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'e'     		; 'e' Chip erase
                                    	brne	w16
                                    	ldi	s_data,0xac
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0xac) SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	tst	device
                                    	brmi	w151			; S89 device
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x80
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x80) SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x04
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x04) SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x00
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x00) SPI write (byte 4)
                                    	ldi	temp1,40		; delay 40mS
                                    	rcall	delay
                                    	rjmp	put_ret
                                    ;====== 'l' - Write Lock Bits ==============================================
                                    ; Some more different Adresses for other devices?
                                    	cpi	u_data,'l'		; 'l' Write lock bits
                                    	brne	w17
                                    	rcall	getc			; get data
                                    	ldi	s_data,0xac
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0xac)   SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	tst	device
                                    	brmi	w161			; S89 device
                                    	cpi	device,0x5e		; if (device == tn26)
                                    	breq	w163	
                                    	mov	s_data,u_data 
                                    	andi	s_data,0x06		; (u_data & 0x06) | 0xe0
                                    	ori	s_data,0xe0
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(u_data) SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x00
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x00)   SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	rjmp	w162
                                    	ldi	s_data,0xe0		; tn26 device
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0xe0)   SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x00
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x00)   SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	mov	s_data,u_data 
                                    	ori	s_data,0xfc
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(u_data) SPI write (byte 4)
                                    	rjmp	w164
                                    	mov	s_data,u_data 
                                    	andi	s_data,0xe0		; S89 device
                                    	ori	s_data,0x07
                                    	rcall	wrser
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x00
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x00)   SPI write (byte 4)
                                    	ldi	temp1,10		; delay 10mS
                                    	rcall	delay
                                    	rjmp	put_ret
                                    ;====== 's' - Read Signature Bytes =========================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'s'		; 's' Read signature bytes
                                    	brne	w18
                                    	tst	device
                                    	brmi	w171			; S89 device
                                    	ldi	param1,0x02		; param1 = 0x02
                                    	rcall	ca17
                                    	ldi	param1,0x01		; param1 = 0x01
                                    	rcall	ca17
                                    	ldi	param1,0x00		; param1 = 0x00
                                    	rcall	ca17
                                    	rjmp	waitcmd
                                    	rjmp	put_err
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x30
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x30)   SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x00
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x00)   SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	mov	s_data,param1
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(param1) SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	rcall	rdser			;               SPI read  (byte 4)
                                    	mov	u_data,s_data
                                    	rcall	putc			; send data
                                    ;====== 'm' - Write Program Memory Page ====================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'m'		; 'm' Write Program Memory Page
                                    	brne	w19
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x4c	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x4c)  SPI write (byte 1)
                                    ;	mov	s_data,addrh		; original, reload address
                                    	mov	s_data,pol_ah		; for speeding up transfer
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrh) SPI write (byte 2)
                                    ;	mov	s_data,addrl		; original, reload address
                                    	mov	s_data,pol_al		; for speeding up transfer
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(addrl) SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x00
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x00)  SPI write (byte 4)
                                    	rjmp	wait_M			; write FLASH delay
                                    ;====== ':' - Universal Command ============================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,':'		; ':' Universal Command
                                    	brne	w20
                                    	rcall	getc			; get data1
                                    	mov	cmd1,u_data		; cmd1 = data1
                                    	rcall	getc			; get data2
                                    	mov	cmd2,u_data		; cmd2 = data2
                                    	rcall	getc			; get data3
                                    	mov	cmd3,u_data		; cmd3 = data3
                                    	mov	s_data,cmd1
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(cmd1)  SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	mov	s_data,cmd2
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(cmd2)  SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	mov	s_data,cmd3
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(cmd3)  SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	rcall	rdser			;              SPI read  (byte 4)
                                    	mov	u_data,s_data
                                    	rcall	putc			; send data
                                    	ldi	temp1,50		; delay 50mS
                                    	rcall	delay
                                    	rjmp	put_ret
                                    ;====== '.' - New Universal Command ========================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'.'		; '.' New Universal Command
                                    	brne	w21
                                    	rcall	getc			; get data1
                                    	mov	cmd1,u_data			; cmd1 = data1
                                    	rcall	getc			; get data2
                                    	mov	cmd2,u_data			; cmd2 = data2
                                    	rcall	getc			; get data3
                                    	mov	cmd3,u_data			; cmd3 = data3
                                    	rcall	getc			; get data4
                                    	mov	s_data,cmd1	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(cmd1)   SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	mov	s_data,cmd2	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(cmd2)   SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	mov	s_data,cmd3
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(cmd3)   SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	mov	s_data,u_data
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(u_data) SPI write (byte 4)
                                    	mov	u_data,rd_s_data
                                    	rcall	putc			; send data
                                    	ldi	temp1,50		; delay 50mS
                                    	rcall	delay
                                    	rjmp	put_ret
                                    ;====== 'r' - Read Lock Bits ==============================================
                                    	cpi	u_data,'r'		; 'r' Read lock bits
                                    	brne	w30
                                    	ldi	s_data,0x58
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x58)   SPI write (byte 1)
                                    ;	ldi	s_data,0x00
                                    	clr s_data
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x00) SPI write (byte 2)
                                    ;	ldi	s_data,0x00
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(0x00)   SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	rcall	rdser			;              SPI read  (byte 4)
                                    	mov	u_data,s_data
                                    	rcall	putc			; send data
                                    	rjmp	put_ret
                                    ;====== Unknown Command ====================================================
                                    w30:	rjmp	put_err
                                    ;====== Wait for FLASH write in avr910 mode ==================================
                                    	table	Dev_M	
                                    	rcall	bel_table
                                    	brcs	ws_pol			; No Page Mode, poll last Byte
                                    	rjmp	put_ret			; in Byte Mode time is long enougt to get next Byte...
                                    Bws_pol:				; entry adress for Block mode delay
                                    	ldi temp3,1
                                    	mov B_Flag,temp3		; set Flag that ws_poll comes back with ret ...
                                    	tst	PollcodeF		; if polling not applicable, standart delay
                                    	breq	ws_del			; polling not used
                                    	cp 	p_data,PollcodeF	; if (data == PollcodeF)
                                    	breq 	ws_del			; wait default delay
                                    	andi	pol_cmd,0x0f		; write command: 0x48, 0x40
                                    	ori	pol_cmd,0x20		; read  command: 0x28, 0x20
                                    	clr	temp3			; clear polling counter
                                    	tst	device
                                    	brmi	ws_89			; S89 device
                                    	mov	s_data,pol_cmd	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(pol_cmd) SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	mov	s_data,pol_ah
                                    	rjmp	ws_90
                                    	mov	s_data,pol_ah		; s_data = (pol_ah << 3) | 0x01;
                                    	rcall	shift_s_data3
                                    	ori	s_data,0x01
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(pol_ah) SPI write (byte 2) (S89=byte1)
                                    	mov	s_data,pol_al	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(pol_al) SPI write (byte 3) (S89=byte2)
                                    	rcall	rdser			;               SPI read  (byte 4) (S89=byte3)
                                    	tst	device
                                    	brpl	ws_cb
                                    	andi	s_data,0x80		; compare only MSB for S89 device
                                    	andi	p_data,0x80
                                    	cp	s_data,p_data
                                    	breq	ws_ok			; s_data = p_data
                                    	dec	temp3
                                    	brne	ws_cy			; loop
                                    ws_del:					; 256 polling cycles are over, give additional standart Time
                                    	ldi	temp1,10		; delay 10mS
                                    	rcall	delay
                                    	tst B_Flag
                                    	breq put_ret
                                    	clr B_Flag			; Reset B_Flag for normal operation 
                                    ;====== Wait for FLASH write in page mode ==================================
                                    	cpi	device,0x41
                                    	breq	wm_del			; polling inapplicable for m103
                                    	cpi	device,0x23
                                    	breq	poll_t2313		; polling different for t2313
                                    	cpi	p_data, 0xFF		; if last Byte was 0xFF give standart delay
                                    	breq	wm_del
                                    	andi	pol_cmd,0x0f		; write command: 0x48, 0x40
                                    	ori	pol_cmd,0x20		; read  command: 0x28, 0x20
                                    	clr	temp3			; clear polling counter
                                    	mov	s_data,pol_cmd	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(pol_cmd) SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	mov	s_data,pol_ah
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(pol_ah) SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	mov	s_data,pol_al	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(pol_al) SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	rcall	rdser			;               SPI read  (byte 4)
                                    	cp	s_data,p_data
                                    	breq	wm_ok			; s_data = p_data
                                    	dec	temp3
                                    	breq	wm_del			; 256 polling cycles are over, give another 50ms delay...
                                    	rjmp	wm_cy			; loop
                                    	ldi	temp1,50		; delay 50mS
                                    	rcall	delay
                                    	tst B_Mode
                                    	breq wm_end
                                    	tst Bcnt2
                                    	breq wm_end
                                    	rjmp w95
                                    	clr B_Mode			; Reset Block Mode Flag
                                    	rjmp put_ret
                                    poll_t2313:				; Polling ATTiny2313 is different
                                    	ldi	pol_cmd,0xf0		; Byte1= 0xF0
                                    	clr	temp3			; clear polling counter
                                    	mov	pol_ah,temp3		; Byte2= 0x00
                                    	mov	s_data,pol_cmd	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(pol_cmd) SPI write (byte 1)
                                    	mov	s_data,pol_ah
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(pol_ah) SPI write (byte 2)
                                    	mov	s_data,pol_al	
                                    	rcall	wrser			; wrser(pol_al) SPI write (byte 3)
                                    	rcall	rdser			;               SPI read  (byte 4)
                                    	andi	s_data,0x01		; last Bit tells if polling OK
                                    	breq	wm_ok			; s_data = p_data
                                    	dec	temp3
                                    	breq	wm_del			; 256 polling cycles are over, give another 50ms delay...
                                    	rjmp	p2313_1			; loop
                                    ;====== Command Error ======================================================
                                    put_debug:				; shows u_data on serial for debug reason				
                                    	rcall putc
                                    	ldi	u_data,'?'		; putc('?')
                                    	rcall	putc			; send '?'
                                    	rjmp	waitcmd		
                                    ;====== Reply Command ======================================================
                                    	ldi	u_data,0x0d		; putc(0x0D)
                                    	rcall	putc			; send CR
                                    	rjmp	waitcmd	
                                    ;* TABLE
                                    ;*	device codes
                                    ;* DESCRIPTION
                                    ;*	The following device codes must be used by the host computer. Note
                                    ;*	that the device codes are arbitrary selected, they do not have any
                                    ;*	thing in common with the signature bytes stored in the device.
                                    ;* 	This are the device Codes recognized by the AVRprog Software. Some
                                    ;*	Devices may require special hardware or a different, not yet 
                                    ;*	implemented Protocol! Use at your own risk.
                                    Dev_S:	; byte write
                                    ;      avr910-devcode   ,Code during polling Flash. 0x00: no polling supported, program default time
                                    ;	.db	0x10	,0x00	;AT90S1200A No support for this type
                                    ;	.db	0x11	,0x00	;AT90S1200B No support for this type
                                    ;	.db	0x12	,0x00	;AT90S1200C No support for this type
                                    	.db	0x13	,0x00	;AT90S1200
                                    	.db	0x20	,0x7F	;AT90S2313A
                                    	.db	0x28	,0x7F	;AT90S4414A
                                    	.db	0x30	,0xFF	;AT90S4433A
                                    	.db	0x34	,0xFF	;AT90S2333A
                                    	.db	0x38	,0x7F	;AT90S8515A
                                    	.db	0x48	,0xFF	;AT90S2323A
                                    	.db	0x4C	,0xFF	;AT90S2343A
                                    	.db	0x51	,0xFF	;tn10
                                    	.db	0x55	,0xFF	;tn12
                                    	.db	0x56	,0xFF	;tn15
                                    	.db	0x68	,0xFF	;AT90S8535
                                    	.db	0x6C	,0xFF	;AT90S4434
                                    	.db	0x86	,0xFF	;AT89S8252  bug in avrprog in Block write Mode!(See Note 18 for Workaround)
                                    	.db	0x87	,0xFF	;AT89S53    bug in avrprog
                                    	.dw	0		;End of table
                                    Dev_M:	; Devices which support Page Programming. Dont forget the Page Size of different Devices.
                                    	; Maximum ist 0x40 due to limitated RAM in 2313 Chip. (Pages with bigger Pages are programmed multiple times)
                                    ;      avr910-devcode   ,Pagesite in Words
                                    	.db	0x23	,0x10	;tn2313 avr910-Devicecode not official (STK500 Code used, avrdude.conf modification!)
                                    	.db 	0x3a	,0x20	;m8515, Pagesize 32 words (0x20)
                                    	.db 	0x3b	,0x20	;m8515boot  Bootloader Mode untested!
                                    	.db	0x41	,0x40	;m103	
                                    	.db	0x43	,0x40	;m128
                                    	.db	0x44	,0x40	;m128boot  Bootloader Mode untested!
                                    	.db	0x45	,0x40	;m64
                                    	.db	0x46	,0x40	;m64boot   Bootloader Mode untested!
                                    	.db	0x5E	,0x10	;tn26
                                    	.db	0x60	,0x40	;m161
                                    	.db	0x61	,0x40	;m161boot  Bootloader Mode untested!
                                    	.db	0x62	,0x40	;m162
                                    	.db	0x63	,0x40	;m162boot  Bootloader Mode untested!
                                    	.db	0x64	,0x40	;m163
                                    	.db	0x66	,0x40	;m163boot  Bootloader Mode untested!
                                    	.db 	0x69	,0x20	;m8535
                                    	.db 	0x6a	,0x20	;m8535boot Bootloader Mode untested!
                                    	.db	0x72	,0x40	;m32
                                    	.db	0x73	,0x40	;m32boot   Bootloader Mode untested!
                                    	.db	0x74	,0x40	;m16
                                    	.db	0x75	,0x40	;m16boot   Bootloader Mode untested!
                                    	.db	0x76	,0x20	;m8
                                    	.db	0x77	,0x20	;m8boot    Bootloader Mode untested!
                                    	.db	0x78	,0x40	;m169
                                    	.db	0x79	,0x40	;m169boot  Bootloader Mode untested!
                                    	.db	0x65	,0x20	;m83	obsolete 
                                    	.db	0x67	,0x20	;m83boot  obsolete
                                    	.db	0x42	,0x40	;m603	obsolete
                                    	.dw 	0		;End of Table
                                    ; Devices with known avr910 Devicecodes, but not supported with this Programmer
                                    ;	.db	0x50		;tn11 Needs additional High Voltage Hardware and uses different Protocoll! No Support!
                                    ;	.db	0x58		;tn19 Obsolete
                                    ;	.db	0x5C		;tn28 Only supported in parallel Programming Mode!
                                    ;	.db	0x70		;AT90C8534  unknown Hardware, untested!
                                    ;	.db	0x71		;AT90C8544  unknown Hardware, untested!
                                    ;	.db	0x80		;AT89C1051  unknown Hardware, untested!
                                    ;	.db	0x81		;AT89C2051  unknown Hardware, untested!
                                    ;* TABLE
                                    ;*	revision codes
                                    	.db "37",0,0
                                    	.db "12",0,0
                                    ;* TABLE
                                    ;*	ID string "AVR ISP"
                                    	.db "AVR ISP",0
                                    ;* TABLE
                                    ;*	Chip ID string to identify the Firmware
                                    	.db "Ver.3.7e (AVR109 Mode, 7.3728Mhz, 115.200 baud) for AN910, AT90S2313"
                                    	.db " 14.Jan.2005",0
                                    ;**** End of File ****

Programming the AVR Microcontrollers in Assember Machine Language

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Atmel AVR From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Avr) Jump to: navigation, search The AVRs are a family of RISC microcontrollers from Atmel. Their internal architecture was conceived by two students: Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan, at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH] and further developed at Atmel Norway, a subsidiary founded by the two architects. Atmel recently released the Atmel AVR32 line of microcontrollers. These are 32-bit RISC devices featuring SIMD and DSP instructions, along with many additional features for audio and video processing, intended to compete with ARM based processors. Note that the use of "AVR" in this article refers to the 8-bit RISC line of Atmel AVR Microcontrollers. The acronym AVR has been reported to stand for Advanced Virtual RISC. It's also rumoured to stand for the company's founders: Alf and Vegard, who are evasive when questioned about it. Contents [hide] 1 Device Overview 1.1 Program Memory 1.2 Data Memory and Registers 1.3 EEPROM 1.4 Program Execution 1.5 Speed 2 Development 3 Features 4 Footnotes 5 See also 6 External Links 6.1 Atmel Official Links 6.2 AVR Forums & Discussion Groups 6.3 Machine Language Development 6.4 C Language Development 6.5 BASIC & Other AVR Languages 6.6 AVR Butterfly Specific 6.7 Other AVR Links [edit] Device Overview The AVR is a Harvard architecture machine with programs and data stored and addressed separately. Flash, EEPROM, and SRAM are all integrated onto a single die, removing the need for external memory (though still available on some devices). [edit] Program Memory Program instructions are stored in semi-permanent Flash memory. Each instruction for the AVR line is either 16 or 32 bits in length. The Flash memory is addressed using 16 bit word sizes. The size of the program memory is indicated in the naming of the device itself. For instance, the ATmega64x line has 64Kbytes of Flash. Almost all AVR devices are self-programmable. [edit] Data Memory and Registers The data address space consists of the register file, I/O registers, and SRAM. The AVRs have thirty-two single-byte registers and are classified as 8-bit RISC devices. The working registers are mapped in as the first thirty-two memory spaces (000016-001F16) followed by the 64 I/O registers (002016-005F16). The actual usable RAM starts after both these sections (address 006016). (Note that the I/O register space may be larger on some more extensive devices, in which case memory mapped I/O registers will occupy a portion of the SRAM.) Even though there are separate addressing schemes and optimized opcodes for register file and I/O register access, all can still be addressed and manipulated as if they were in SRAM. [edit] EEPROM Almost all devices have on-die EEPROM. This is most often used for long-term parameter storage to be retrieved even after cycling the power of the device. [edit] Program Execution Atmel's AVRs have a single level pipeline design. The next machine instruction is fetched as the current one is executing. Most instructions take just one or two clock cycles, making AVRs relatively fast among the eight-bit microcontrollers. The AVR family of processors were designed for the efficient execution of compiled C code. The AVR instruction set is more orthogonal than most eight-bit microcontrollers, however, it is not completely regular: Pointer registers X, Y, and Z have addressing capabilities that are different from each other. Register locations R0 to R15 have different addressing capabilities than register locations R16 to R31. I/O ports 0 to 31 have different addressing capabilities than I/O ports 32 to 63. CLR affects flags, while SER does not, even though they are complementary instructions. CLR set all bits to zero and SER sets them to one. (Note though, that neither CLR nor SER are native instructions. Instead CLR is syntactic sugar for [produces the same machine code as] EOR R,R while SER is syntactic sugar for LDI R,$FF. Math operations such as EOR modify flags while moves/loads/stores/branches such as LDI do not.) [edit] Speed The AVR line can normally support clock speeds from 0-16MHz, with some devices reaching 20MHz. Lower powered operation usually requires a reduced clock speed. All AVRs feature an on-chip oscillator, removing the need for external clocks or resonator circuitry. Because many operations on the AVR are single cycle, the AVR can achieve up to 1MIPS per MHz. [edit] Development AVRs have a large following due to the free and inexpensive development tools available, including reasonably priced development boards and free development software. The AVRs are marketed under various names that share the same basic core but with different peripheral and memory combinations. Some models (notably, the ATmega range) have additional instructions to make arithmetic faster. Compatibility amongst chips is fairly good. See external links for sites relating to AVR development. [edit] Features Current AVRs offer a wide range of features: RISC Core Running Many Single Cycle Instructions Multifunction, Bi-directional I/O Ports with Internal, Configurable Pull-up Resistors Multiple Internal Oscillators Internal, Self-Programmable Instruction Flash Memory up to 256K In-System Programmable using ICSP, JTAG, or High Voltage methods Optional Boot Code Section with Independent Lock Bits for Protection Internal Data EEPROM up to 4KB Internal SRAM up to 8K 8-Bit and 16-Bit Timers PWM Channels & dead time generator Lighting (PWM Specific) Controller models Dedicated I²C Compatible Two-Wire Interface (TWI) Synchronous/Asynchronous Serial Peripherals (UART/USART) (As used with RS-232,RS-485, and more) Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) CAN Controller Support USB Controller Support Proper High-speed hardware & Hub controller with embedded AVR. Also freely available low-speed (HID) software emulation Ethernet Controller Support Universal Serial Interface (USI) for Two or Three-Wire Synchronous Data Transfer Analog Comparators LCD Controller Support 10-Bit A/D Converters, with multiplex of up to 16 channels Brownout Detection Watchdog Timer (WDT) Low-voltage Devices Operating Down to 1.8v Multiple Power-Saving Sleep Modes picoPower Devices Atmel AVR assembler programming language Atmel AVR machine programming language Atmel AVR From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Avr) Jump to: navigation, search The AVRs are a family of RISC microcontrollers from Atmel. Their internal architecture was conceived by two students: Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan, at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH] and further developed at Atmel Norway, a subsidiary founded by the two architects. Atmel recently released the Atmel AVR32 line of microcontrollers. These are 32-bit RISC devices featuring SIMD and DSP instructions, along with many additional features for audio and video processing, intended to compete with ARM based processors. Note that the use of "AVR" in this article refers to the 8-bit RISC line of Atmel AVR Microcontrollers. The acronym AVR has been reported to stand for Advanced Virtual RISC. It's also rumoured to stand for the company's founders: Alf and Vegard, who are evasive when questioned about it. Contents [hide] 1 Device Overview 1.1 Program Memory 1.2 Data Memory and Registers 1.3 EEPROM 1.4 Program Execution 1.5 Speed 2 Development 3 Features 4 Footnotes 5 See also 6 External Links 6.1 Atmel Official Links 6.2 AVR Forums & Discussion Groups 6.3 Machine Language Development 6.4 C Language Development 6.5 BASIC & Other AVR Languages 6.6 AVR Butterfly Specific 6.7 Other AVR Links [edit] Device Overview The AVR is a Harvard architecture machine with programs and data stored and addressed separately. Flash, EEPROM, and SRAM are all integrated onto a single die, removing the need for external memory (though still available on some devices). [edit] Program Memory Program instructions are stored in semi-permanent Flash memory. Each instruction for the AVR line is either 16 or 32 bits in length. The Flash memory is addressed using 16 bit word sizes. The size of the program memory is indicated in the naming of the device itself. For instance, the ATmega64x line has 64Kbytes of Flash. Almost all AVR devices are self-programmable. [edit] Data Memory and Registers The data address space consists of the register file, I/O registers, and SRAM. The AVRs have thirty-two single-byte registers and are classified as 8-bit RISC devices. The working registers are mapped in as the first thirty-two memory spaces (000016-001F16) followed by the 64 I/O registers (002016-005F16). The actual usable RAM starts after both these sections (address 006016). (Note that the I/O register space may be larger on some more extensive devices, in which case memory mapped I/O registers will occupy a portion of the SRAM.) Even though there are separate addressing schemes and optimized opcodes for register file and I/O register access, all can still be addressed and manipulated as if they were in SRAM. [edit] EEPROM Almost all devices have on-die EEPROM. This is most often used for long-term parameter storage to be retrieved even after cycling the power of the device. [edit] Program Execution Atmel's AVRs have a single level pipeline design. The next machine instruction is fetched as the current one is executing. Most instructions take just one or two clock cycles, making AVRs relatively fast among the eight-bit microcontrollers. The AVR family of processors were designed for the efficient execution of compiled C code. The AVR instruction set is more orthogonal than most eight-bit microcontrollers, however, it is not completely regular: Pointer registers X, Y, and Z have addressing capabilities that are different from each other. Register locations R0 to R15 have different addressing capabilities than register locations R16 to R31. I/O ports 0 to 31 have different addressing capabilities than I/O ports 32 to 63. CLR affects flags, while SER does not, even though they are complementary instructions. CLR set all bits to zero and SER sets them to one. (Note though, that neither CLR nor SER are native instructions. Instead CLR is syntactic sugar for [produces the same machine code as] EOR R,R while SER is syntactic sugar for LDI R,$FF. Math operations such as EOR modify flags while moves/loads/stores/branches such as LDI do not.) [edit] Speed The AVR line can normally support clock speeds from 0-16MHz, with some devices reaching 20MHz. Lower powered operation usually requires a reduced clock speed. All AVRs feature an on-chip oscillator, removing the need for external clocks or resonator circuitry. Because many operations on the AVR are single cycle, the AVR can achieve up to 1MIPS per MHz. [edit] Development AVRs have a large following due to the free and inexpensive development tools available, including reasonably priced development boards and free development software. The AVRs are marketed under various names that share the same basic core but with different peripheral and memory combinations. Some models (notably, the ATmega range) have additional instructions to make arithmetic faster. Compatibility amongst chips is fairly good. See external links for sites relating to AVR development. [edit] Features Current AVRs offer a wide range of features: RISC Core Running Many Single Cycle Instructions Multifunction, Bi-directional I/O Ports with Internal, Configurable Pull-up Resistors Multiple Internal Oscillators Internal, Self-Programmable Instruction Flash Memory up to 256K In-System Programmable using ICSP, JTAG, or High Voltage methods Optional Boot Code Section with Independent Lock Bits for Protection Internal Data EEPROM up to 4KB Internal SRAM up to 8K 8-Bit and 16-Bit Timers PWM Channels & dead time generator Lighting (PWM Specific) Controller models Dedicated I²C Compatible Two-Wire Interface (TWI) Synchronous/Asynchronous Serial Peripherals (UART/USART) (As used with RS-232,RS-485, and more) Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) CAN Controller Support USB Controller Support Proper High-speed hardware & Hub controller with embedded AVR. Also freely available low-speed (HID) software emulation Ethernet Controller Support Universal Serial Interface (USI) for Two or Three-Wire Synchronous Data Transfer Analog Comparators LCD Controller Support 10-Bit A/D Converters, with multiplex of up to 16 channels Brownout Detection Watchdog Timer (WDT) Low-voltage Devices Operating Down to 1.8v Multiple Power-Saving Sleep Modes picoPower Devices Atmel AVR assembler programming language Atmel AVR machine programming language Atmel AVR From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Avr) Jump to: navigation, search The AVRs are a family of RISC microcontrollers from Atmel. Their internal architecture was conceived by two students: Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan, at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH] and further developed at Atmel Norway, a subsidiary founded by the two architects. Atmel recently released the Atmel AVR32 line of microcontrollers. These are 32-bit RISC devices featuring SIMD and DSP instructions, along with many additional features for audio and video processing, intended to compete with ARM based processors. Note that the use of "AVR" in this article refers to the 8-bit RISC line of Atmel AVR Microcontrollers. The acronym AVR has been reported to stand for Advanced Virtual RISC. It's also rumoured to stand for the company's founders: Alf and Vegard, who are evasive when questioned about it. Contents [hide] 1 Device Overview 1.1 Program Memory 1.2 Data Memory and Registers 1.3 EEPROM 1.4 Program Execution 1.5 Speed 2 Development 3 Features 4 Footnotes 5 See also 6 External Links 6.1 Atmel Official Links 6.2 AVR Forums & Discussion Groups 6.3 Machine Language Development 6.4 C Language Development 6.5 BASIC & Other AVR Languages 6.6 AVR Butterfly Specific 6.7 Other AVR Links [edit] Device Overview The AVR is a Harvard architecture machine with programs and data stored and addressed separately. Flash, EEPROM, and SRAM are all integrated onto a single die, removing the need for external memory (though still available on some devices). [edit] Program Memory Program instructions are stored in semi-permanent Flash memory. Each instruction for the AVR line is either 16 or 32 bits in length. The Flash memory is addressed using 16 bit word sizes. The size of the program memory is indicated in the naming of the device itself. For instance, the ATmega64x line has 64Kbytes of Flash. Almost all AVR devices are self-programmable. [edit] Data Memory and Registers The data address space consists of the register file, I/O registers, and SRAM. The AVRs have thirty-two single-byte registers and are classified as 8-bit RISC devices. The working registers are mapped in as the first thirty-two memory spaces (000016-001F16) followed by the 64 I/O registers (002016-005F16). The actual usable RAM starts after both these sections (address 006016). (Note that the I/O register space may be larger on some more extensive devices, in which case memory mapped I/O registers will occupy a portion of the SRAM.) Even though there are separate addressing schemes and optimized opcodes for register file and I/O register access, all can still be addressed and manipulated as if they were in SRAM. [edit] EEPROM Almost all devices have on-die EEPROM. This is most often used for long-term parameter storage to be retrieved even after cycling the power of the device. [edit] Program Execution Atmel's AVRs have a single level pipeline design. The next machine instruction is fetched as the current one is executing. Most instructions take just one or two clock cycles, making AVRs relatively fast among the eight-bit microcontrollers. The AVR family of processors were designed for the efficient execution of compiled C code. The AVR instruction set is more orthogonal than most eight-bit microcontrollers, however, it is not completely regular: Pointer registers X, Y, and Z have addressing capabilities that are different from each other. Register locations R0 to R15 have different addressing capabilities than register locations R16 to R31. I/O ports 0 to 31 have different addressing capabilities than I/O ports 32 to 63. CLR affects flags, while SER does not, even though they are complementary instructions. CLR set all bits to zero and SER sets them to one. (Note though, that neither CLR nor SER are native instructions. Instead CLR is syntactic sugar for [produces the same machine code as] EOR R,R while SER is syntactic sugar for LDI R,$FF. Math operations such as EOR modify flags while moves/loads/stores/branches such as LDI do not.) [edit] Speed The AVR line can normally support clock speeds from 0-16MHz, with some devices reaching 20MHz. Lower powered operation usually requires a reduced clock speed. All AVRs feature an on-chip oscillator, removing the need for external clocks or resonator circuitry. Because many operations on the AVR are single cycle, the AVR can achieve up to 1MIPS per MHz. [edit] Development AVRs have a large following due to the free and inexpensive development tools available, including reasonably priced development boards and free development software. The AVRs are marketed under various names that share the same basic core but with different peripheral and memory combinations. Some models (notably, the ATmega range) have additional instructions to make arithmetic faster. Compatibility amongst chips is fairly good. See external links for sites relating to AVR development. [edit] Features Current AVRs offer a wide range of features: RISC Core Running Many Single Cycle Instructions Multifunction, Bi-directional I/O Ports with Internal, Configurable Pull-up Resistors Multiple Internal Oscillators Internal, Self-Programmable Instruction Flash Memory up to 256K In-System Programmable using ICSP, JTAG, or High Voltage methods Optional Boot Code Section with Independent Lock Bits for Protection Internal Data EEPROM up to 4KB Internal SRAM up to 8K 8-Bit and 16-Bit Timers PWM Channels & dead time generator Lighting (PWM Specific) Controller models Dedicated I²C Compatible Two-Wire Interface (TWI) Synchronous/Asynchronous Serial Peripherals (UART/USART) (As used with RS-232,RS-485, and more) Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) CAN Controller Support USB Controller Support Proper High-speed hardware & Hub controller with embedded AVR. Also freely available low-speed (HID) software emulation Ethernet Controller Support Universal Serial Interface (USI) for Two or Three-Wire Synchronous Data Transfer Analog Comparators LCD Controller Support 10-Bit A/D Converters, with multiplex of up to 16 channels Brownout Detection Watchdog Timer (WDT) Low-voltage Devices Operating Down to 1.8v Multiple Power-Saving Sleep Modes picoPower Devices Atmel AVR assembler programming language Atmel AVR machine programming language