;neil barnes / nailed_barnacle 2003
;this is intended to run on the AVRMega8 at 16MHz
.include "m8def.inc"
;* most variables live in the registers full time
;r1 and r0 are needed by multiply
;r0 has low byte, r1 high byte
;r2 used as temp store for 16*16 mul
;r3 used as temp store
.def result0 = r16 ;partial result for 16*16 mult summed here
.def result1 = r17 ;also accumulator for fir filter
.def result2 = r18 ;
.def result3 = r19 ;high byte
.def main0 = r20 ;Temp variable used by main program
.def main1 = r21 ; " " " " "
.def main2 = r22 ; " " " " "
.def main3 = r23 ; " " " " "
;* Port Pin Assignements
;* Interrupt vectors
.org 0
rjmp RESET ;reset
rjmp RESET ;external int 0
rjmp RESET ;external int 1
rjmp RESET ;timer 2 compare
rjmp RESET ;timer 2 overflow
rjmp RESET ;timer 1 capture
rjmp sample ;timer 1 compare a
rjmp RESET ;timer 1 compare b
rjmp RESET ;timer 1 overflow
rjmp RESET ;timer 0 overflow
rjmp RESET ;serial xfer complete
rjmp RESET ;usart rx complete
rjmp RESET ;usart data register empty
rjmp RESET ;usart tx complete
rjmp RESET ;adc conversion complete
rjmp RESET ;eeprom ready
rjmp RESET ;analogue comparator
rjmp RESET ;two-wire serial
rjmp RESET ;store program memory ready
.equ length = 21 ;size of buffer
; bit defines for the UART status register
.equ idle = 1
.equ rxflag = 2
.equ start = 3
.equ run = 4
.equ framerr = 5
.equ stop = 6
input: .byte 2
output: .byte 2
result: .byte 1
rx: .byte 1
status: .byte 1
clock: .byte 1
bit: .byte 1
q: .byte 1
buffer: .byte (length*2) ; room here for 21 samples
delay: .byte 10
;offset: .byte 2 ; this says where we're reading the data offset
nextwrite: .byte 2 ; and this is where the next write occurs
;we need to set the stack pointer to top of ram
ldi Main1,$04
out SPH, Main1
ldi Main1,$5f
out SPL, Main1 ;top of ram is $045f
; set up an interrupt to look at a port so we can use
; a pre-fudged test data suite
; in the real world we will read the adc port
; using a 16MHz clock and with a 9600 per second sample rate
; it needs an interrupt every 1667 clocks (strictly 1666.6666...)
; so we will use timer 1 with no prescale
ldi main1,0b11111111 ;set port D bits to outputs
out DDRD,main1
ldi main1,0b00000000 ;preset output state
out PortD,main1
ldi main1,0b00000000 ;set port B to inputs
out DDRB,main1
ldi main1,0b11111111 ;turn on pullups on inputs
out PortB,main1
ldi main0,low(1667)
ldi main1,high(1667)
out ocr1ah,main1
out ocr1al,main0 ;set timer values for 9600
ldi main0,0b00001001
out TCCR1B,main0 ;don't use timer prescaler, use CTC mode
ldi main0,0b00010000 ;M8 uses bit 5 to
out TIMSK,main0 ;enable comparator a interrupt
;clear the delay and main buffer
ldi main0,10
ldi ZH,high(delay)
ldi ZL,low(delay)
clr main1
st Z+,main1
dec main0
brne init_01
ldi main0,42
ldi ZH,high(buffer)
ldi ZL,low(buffer)
st Z+,main1
dec main0
brne init_02
sei ;and allow interrupts
;setup stuff for the software uart
;it occurs to me that one could pass the data out
;on a pin and back to the usart as an input
;but where's the fun in that?
clr main0
sts nextwrite,main0
sts nextwrite+1,main0
sts result,main0
clr r15
sts bit,main0
sts clock,main0
ldi main0,exp2(idle)
sts status,main0
lds r24,status
andi r24,exp2(rxflag)
breq forever ;watch for the rxflag to be set
lds r24,rx
out portd,r24 ;output the data
lds r24,status
andi r24,exp2(rxflag)
brne forever_1 ;wait for rxflag to reset
jmp FOREVER ;loop forever
sample: ;we get here when there's a timer1 tick
;every 104uS or thereabouts
;read the B port and feed it to the filter
;the main program will look after what's happening
;to the data itself
in main1,pinb
rcall filter
inc r15
; this is translated from C code
; it can probably be improved :)
; called every time a new sample is taken
; i.e. every 9600th second
; other frequencies could be used; but the sample
; rate must be chosen to give an even whole number of
; samples per bit period e.g. 7200, 9600, 12000
; 7200 samples/sec = 6 samples/bit and is the lowest that
; will reliably work
; 'thingy' is the sample received from the ADC, though we could
; get the sample directly in finished code
; the system decodes the codec tones by delaying
; each sample by half a bit length, multiplying the
; delayed sample by the inverse of the current sample,
; and low-pass filtering the result
; input = ((((short)thingy)-0x80)<<8); // upscale the sample
; this assumes 8-bit unipolar data is being received
; i.e. maximum negative is 0, maximum positive is 0xff,
; and zero is 0x80
; the data is expected to arrive in the main1 register
ldi main0,0x80
sub main1,main0
clr r2
sts input,r2
sts input+1,main1 ; and save the result
; // we delay the input samples_per_bit/2 samples (4 samples)
; for (q=0; q<5; q++)
; delay[q] = delay[q+1];
ldi main0,4
ldi r30,low(delay)
ldi r31,high(delay) ;point Z at delay[0]
ldi r28,low(delay+2)
ldi r29,high(delay+2) ;point Y at delay[1]
ld r0,Y+
st Z+,r0
ld r0,Y+
st Z+,r0 ;copy one word
dec main0
brne fi_0001 ;and repeat four times
; // save new sample
; delay[spb/2] = input;
;Z should be pointing at delay[4]
lds r0,input
lds r1,input+1
st Z+,r0
st Z+,r1
; // now we multiply todays sample with the delayed one
; ac = (int)delay[0]*(int)input*-1;
movw main1:main0,r1:r0
lds r0,delay
lds r1,delay+1
movw main3:main2,r1:r0
rcall mul16 ;result in result0-3
ldi main0,0xff
ldi main1,0
eor result0,main0 ;now multiply by -1
eor result1,main0 ;the fast way
eor result2,main0
eor result3,main0
inc main0
inc main0
add result0,main0
adc result1,main1
adc result2,main1
adc result3,main1 ;should be a touch quicker than
;calling mul16 again
; // and finally, low pass filter the result
; b[0] = ac>>15;
; if we look at the result of a 16*16 signed multiply
; it turns out there are two sign bits
; we only want one of them
; so we'll shift up one rather than down 15
rol result1
rol result2
rol result3 ;our result is in result2,3
; work out where to put it
; see below - we're emulating a circular buffer
; we are trying to synchronise two buffers here
; the buffer itself is in ram
; the coefficients are in program rom
; what we are implementing is this:
; a standard FIR filter sums the products of the filter coefficients
; and the data, and then shifts the data along one place
; the next item of data gets added in at the beginning of the data buffer
; we don't want to do the shift if we can avoid it
; as it costs 11uS and we don't have time to spare
; a real DSP chip would have a circular buffer, we emulate it
; we have two copies of the filter coefficients butted to each other
; P Q R S T P' Q' R' S' T'
; and one copy of the data buffer
; A B C D E
; we start with a pointer to P', and do the summation
; AP'+BQ'+CR'+DS'+ET'
; next time we add new data to replace A
; F B C D E
; decrement the pointer to T, and do the summation
; FT+BP'+CQ'+DR'+ES'
; and so on. When the coefficient filter passes P we aim it at P'
; and in this way need not move any data
; buffer[nextwrite] = ac>>15;
lds main0,nextwrite
clr main1 ;will always be 0
push main1
push main0 ;save nextwrite
ldi YL,low(buffer)
ldi YH,high(buffer)
add YL,main0
adc YH,main1 ;Y points to buffer[nextwrite]
st Y+,result2
st Y+,result3
; offset = 21-nextwrite;
ldi ZL,42 ;21 words
clr ZH
sub ZL,main0
sbc ZH,main1 ;Z now has offset
; ac = 0;
clr result0
clr result1
clr result2
clr result3
; for (q=0; q<21; q++)
ldi main3,20
mov r3,main3
; ac+= (int)buffer[q]*(int)hi1k2[q+offset];
ldi YL,low(buffer)
ldi YH,high(buffer)
ldi main2,low(hi1k2*2)
ldi main3,high(hi1k2*2)
add ZL,main2
adc ZH,main3
clr r2 ;this needs to be zero
;for the multiply
ld main0,Y+
ld main1,Y+ ;buffer[q]
lpm main2,Z+
lpm main3,Z+ ;hi1k2[q+offset]
;and both pointers incremented
; 16*16->32 bit multiply and accumulate
; result0-3 += main0,1 * main2,3
; inlined for speed
muls main3,main1
add result2,r0
adc result3,r1
mul main2,main0
add result0,r0
adc result1,r1
adc result2,r2
adc result3,r2
mulsu main3,main0
sbc result3,r2
add result1,r0
adc result2,r1
adc result3,r2
mulsu main1,main2
sbc result3,r2
add result1,r0
adc result2,r1
adc result3,r2
dec r3
brge fi_0002 ;and do this 21 times
; nextwrite++;
pop main0
pop main1 ;get it back
inc main0
inc main0 ;increment to next word - won't roll over
; if (nextwrite > 20)
cpi main0,42
brne PC+2
; nextwrite = 0;
clr main0
sts nextwrite,main0
;sts nextwrite+1,main1
; if (ac>0)
; result = 1;
; result = 0;
; at this point, r2 is still cleared
; we need to do a 16-bit compare to set the final result
subi result2,1
sbc result3,r2
brlt PC+2
inc r2 ;then make r2 positive
; from here r2 holds the output of the filter stage
; // now we can build a uart
; // the data is delivered in ten bit chunks...
; // in order,
; // start bit (0)
; // bit 0
; // ...
; // bit 7
; // stop bit (1)
; some register assignments
.def r_clock = r20
.def r_rx = r21
.def r_bit = r22
.def r_status = r23
; // see what our state is
lds r_clock,clock
lds r_rx,rx
lds r_bit,bit
lds r_status,status ;get clock and status and such
; if (status & IDLE) // we're idling
sbrs r_status,idle
jmp fi_0003 ;skip if clear
; {
; status &= ~RXFLAG;
cbr r_status,EXP2(rxflag) ;clear rxflag bit
; if (!result) // falling edge of start bit
tst r2 ;result is still in r2
breq fi_0004
; {
; status &= ~IDLE; // so we idle no longer
cbr r_status,EXP2(idle)
; status |= START; // we're started
sbr r_status,EXP2(start)
; bit = 0; // reset bit counter
clr r_bit
; clock = 0; // and the clock count
clr r_clock
; }
; // else we're still waiting for end of stop bit
; }
jmp fi_0005
; else
; {
; if (status & START) // aha, we got the falling edge
sbrs r_status,start
jmp fi_0005
; {
; if ((clock <= spb/2) && (result)) // oops, false trigger...noise perhaps
cpi r_clock,5
brge fi_0014
tst r2
brne fi_0014
; {
; status &= ~START;
cbr r_status,EXP2(start)
; status |= IDLE; // so drop back to idle mode
sbr r_status,EXP2(idle)
jmp fi_0007
; }
; else
; {
; clock++; // otherwise, one more clock
inc r_clock
; }
; if (clock == spb/2) // or are we now in mid start-bit
cpi r_clock,4
brne fi_0006:
; {
; status &= ~START;
cbr r_status,EXP2(start)
; status &= ~IDLE;
cbr r_status,EXP2(idle)
; status |= RUN; // so now we're hot to trot
sbr r_status,EXP2(run)
; clock = 0; // reset counter
clr r_clock;
; }
; }
jmp fi_0008
; else
; {
; if (status & RUN) // we're reading data (allegedly)
; {
sbrs r_status,run
jmp fi_0009
; if (clock < spb-1) // time for a sample?
cpi r_clock,7
breq fi_0010
; clock++; // not yet
inc r_clock
jmp fi_0011
; else
; {
; if (bit != 8) // normal read
cpi r_bit,8
breq fi_0012
; {
; clock = 0;
clr r_clock
; rx = rx>>1;
; if (result)
; rx |= 0x80;
; else
; rx &= 0x7f;
sbrc r2,0 ;skip if output was '1'
sec ;else set carry
ror r_rx ;and slide it into the rx byte
; bit ++;
inc r_bit
jmp fi_0013
; }
; else
; {
; if (! result) // frame error
; {
; status |= FRAMERR;
; }
; else
; {
; status &= ~FRAMERR;
; }
sbr r_status,EXP2(framerr)
tst r2
brne PC+1
cbr r_status,EXP2(framerr)
; bit = 0
clr r_bit
; status |= IDLE;
sbr r_status,exp2(idle)
; status |= RXFLAG;
sbr r_status,exp2(rxflag)
; status &= ~RUN;
cbr r_status,exp2(run)
; status &= ~START;
cbr r_status,exp2(start)
; }
; }
; }
; }
; }
; output = (status<<8)+rx;
; return(output);
sts status,r_status
sts clock,r_clock
sts bit,r_bit
sts rx,r_rx
; 16*16->32 bit multiply, signed
; code from Atmel appnote AVR201
; multiplicands are in main1/2 and main3/4
clr r2
muls main3,main1
movw result3:result2, r1:r0
mul main2,main0
movw result1:result0, r1:r0
mulsu main3,main0
sbc result3,r2
add result1,r0
adc result2,r1
adc result3,r2
mulsu main1,main2
sbc result3,r2
add result1,r0
adc result2,r1
adc result3,r2
; which should leave a nice 32-bit product in result
; 16*16->32 bit multiply and accumulate
; result0-3 += main0,1 * main2,3
clr r2
muls main3,main1
add result2,r0
adc result3,r1
mul main2,main0
add result0,r0
adc result1,r1
adc result2,r2
adc result3,r2
mulsu main3,main0
sbc result3,r2
add result1,r0
adc result2,r1
adc result3,r2
mulsu main1,main2
sbc result3,r2
add result1,r0
adc result2,r1
adc result3,r2
; the static data for the filter coefficients
; these are 16-bit binary fractions of the coefficients for a low pass filter
; there are two copies of the filter so we can emulate a circular buffer
; without having to test for end conditions
.dw 0,84,0,-284,-691,-796,0,1992,4756,7209,8191,7209,4756,1992,0,-796,-691,-284,0,84,0
.dw 0,84,0,-284,-691,-796,0,1992,4756,7209,8191,7209,4756,1992,0,-796,-691,-284,0,84,0
;// a dll to decode an 8 bit audio data stream into its fsk
;// data symbols assuming 1200Hz = 0, 2200Hz = 1, 1200 bps
;// and a sample rate of either 7200 or 9600
;// definitions of calls
;int filter (unsigned char thingy, int spb);
;#include "nbfsk.h"
;// uart variables
;#define IDLE 1
;#define START 2
;#define RUN 4
;#define RXFLAG 8
;#define FRAMERR 16
;#define STOP 32
;static int lo1k2[21] = {
; 0, // -0.00000010
; 0, // -0.00000010
; 189, // 0.00578410
; 347, // 0.01061810
; 0, // 0.00000010
; -975, // -0.02977210
; -1540, // -0.04701110
; 0, // -0.00000010
; 4119, // 0.12572310
; 8829, // 0.26945810
; 10922, // 0.33333310
; 8829, // 0.26945810
; 4119, // 0.12572310
; 0, // -0.00000010
; -1540, // -0.04701110
; -975, // -0.02977210
; 0, // 0.00000010
; 347, // 0.01061810
; 189, // 0.00578410
; 0, // -0.00000010
; 0}; // -0.00000010
;static int hi1k2[21] = {
; 0, // 0.00000010
; 84, // 0.00256410
; 0, // 0.00000010
; -284, // -0.00866910
; -691, // -0.02110710
; -796, // -0.02430910
; 0, // -0.00000010
; 1992, // 0.06080010
; 4756, // 0.14517310
; 7209, // 0.22001210
; 8191, // 0.25000010
; 7209, // 0.22001210
; 4756, // 0.14517310
; 1992, // 0.06080010
; 0, // -0.00000010
; -796, // -0.02430910
; -691, // -0.02110710
; -284, // -0.00866910
; 0, // 0.00000010
; 84, // 0.00256410
; 0}; // 0.00000010
;int filter (unsigned char thingy, int spb)
;int ac;
;short input;
;short output;
;char result;
;static short delay[5];
;static short b[22];
;static char rx = 0;
;static short status = 1;
;static int clock = 0; // counter for sample
;static int bit = 0; // bit counter
;int q;
; input = ((((short)thingy)-0x80)<<8); // upscale the sample
; // we delay the input samples_per_bit/2 samples...
; for (q=0; q<(spb/2+1); q++)
; delay[q] = delay[q+1];
; // save new sample
; delay[spb/2] = input;
; // now we multiply todays sample with the delayed one
; ac = (int)delay[0]*(int)input*-1;
; // and finally, low pass filter the result
; // select filter depending on sample rate
; b[0] = ac>>15;
; ac = 0;
; if (spb < 7)
; {
; for (q=21; q>=0; q--)
; {
; ac += (int)b[q]*(int)lo1k2[q];
; b[q+1] = b[q];
; }
; }
; else
; {
; for (q=21; q>=0; q--)
; {
; ac += (int)b[q]*(int)hi1k2[q];
; b[q+1] = b[q];
; }
; }
; if (ac>0)
; result = 1;
; else
; result = 0;
; // now we can build a uart
; // the data is delivered in ten bit chunks...
; // in order,
; // start bit (0)
; // bit 0
; // ...
; // bit 7
; // stop bit (1)
; // see what our state is
; if (status & IDLE) // we're idling
; {
; status &= ~RXFLAG;
; if (!result) // falling edge of start bit
; {
; status &= ~IDLE; // so we idle no longer
; status |= START; // we're started
; bit = 0; // reset bit counter
; clock = 0; // and the clock count
; }
; // else we're still waiting for end of stop bit
; }
; else
; {
; if (status & START) // aha, we got the falling edge
; {
; if ((clock <= spb/2) && (result)) // oops, false trigger...noise perhaps
; {
; status &= ~START;
; status |= IDLE; // so drop back to idle mode
; }
; else
; clock++; // otherwise, one more clock
; if (clock == spb/2) // or are we now in mid start-bit
; {
; status &= ~START;
; status &= ~IDLE;
; status |= RUN; // so now we're hot to trot
; clock = 0; // reset counter
; }
; }
; else
; {
; if (status & RUN) // we're reading data (allegedly)
; {
; if (clock < spb-1) // time for a sample?
; clock++; // not yet
; else
; {
; if (bit != 8) // normal read
; {
; clock = 0;
; rx = rx>>1;
; if (result)
; rx |= 0x80;
; else
; rx &= 0x7f;
; bit ++;
; }
; else
; {
; if (! result) // frame error
; {
; status |= FRAMERR;
; }
; else
; {
; status &= ~FRAMERR;
; }
; status |= IDLE;
; status |= RXFLAG;
; status &= ~RUN;
; status &= ~START;
; }
; }
; }
; }
; }
; output = (status<<8)+rx;
; return(output);
;int _stdcall NbFskDecodeBytes (unsigned char * audio,
; long length,
; unsigned char * decode,
; int samples_per_bit)
; // this routine takes a block of 8 bit audio data and decodes it
; // using the bel202 fsk standard
; // only bytes which decode without a frame error are saved in 'decode'
; // the calling routine is responsible for ensuring that the decode
; // buffer is sufficiently large - there are about 60-80 samples per
; // byte of output
; // if 'clear' is set then the filter buffer is cleared before use
;int q;
;int bytes = 0;
;struct rec1 {
; char rx;
; char status;
;} rec;
;union {
; short rex;
; rec1 rec;
;} r;
; for (q=0; q<length; q++)
; {
; r.rex = filter(audio[q],samples_per_bit);
; if (r.rec.status & RXFLAG) // aha - a byte is complete
; {
; if (!(r.rec.status & FRAMERR)) // and it has no frame error
; {
; decode[bytes++] = r.rec.rx;
; }
; }
; }
; return bytes;