;**** A P P L I C A T I O N N O T E A V R 2 0 0 b ************************
;* Title: Multiply and Divide Routines
;* Version: 1.1
;* Last updated: 97.07.04
;* Target: AT90Sxxxx (All AVR Devices)
;* Support E-mail: avr@atmel.com
;* This Application Note lists subroutines for the following
;* Muliply/Divide applications. Routines are straight-line implementations
;* optimized for speed:
;* 8 x 8 = 16 bit unsigned
;* 16 x 16 = 32 bit unsigned
;* 8 / 8 = 8 + 8 bit unsigned
;* 16 / 16 = 16 + 16 bit unsigned
.include "1200def.inc"
rjmp RESET ;reset handle
;* "mpy8u" - 8x8 Bit Unsigned Multiplication
;* This subroutine multiplies the two register variables mp8u and mc8u.
;* The result is placed in registers m8uH, m8uL
;* Number of words :34 + return
;* Number of cycles :34 + return
;* Low registers used :None
;* High registers used :3 (mc8u,mp8u/m8uL,m8uH)
;* Note: Result Low byte and the multiplier share the same register.
;* This causes the multiplier to be overwritten by the result.
;***** Subroutine Register Variables
.def mc8u =r16 ;multiplicand
.def mp8u =r17 ;multiplier
.def m8uL =r17 ;result Low byte
.def m8uH =r18 ;result High byte
;***** Code
mpy8u: clr m8uH ;clear result High byte
lsr mp8u ;shift multiplier
brcc noad80 ;if carry set
add m8uH,mc8u ; add multiplicand to result High byte
noad80: ror m8uH ;shift right result High byte
ror m8uL ;rotate right result L byte and multiplier
brcc noad81 ;if carry set
add m8uH,mc8u ; add multiplicand to result High byte
noad81: ror m8uH ;shift right result High byte
ror m8uL ;rotate right result L byte and multiplier
brcc noad82 ;if carry set
add m8uH,mc8u ; add multiplicand to result High byte
noad82: ror m8uH ;shift right result High byte
ror m8uL ;rotate right result L byte and multiplier
brcc noad83 ;if carry set
add m8uH,mc8u ; add multiplicand to result High byte
noad83: ror m8uH ;shift right result High byte
ror m8uL ;rotate right result L byte and multiplier
brcc noad84 ;if carry set
add m8uH,mc8u ; add multiplicand to result High byte
noad84: ror m8uH ;shift right result High byte
ror m8uL ;rotate right result L byte and multiplier
brcc noad85 ;if carry set
add m8uH,mc8u ; add multiplicand to result High byte
noad85: ror m8uH ;shift right result High byte
ror m8uL ;rotate right result L byte and multiplier
brcc noad86 ;if carry set
add m8uH,mc8u ; add multiplicand to result High byte
noad86: ror m8uH ;shift right result High byte
ror m8uL ;rotate right result L byte and multiplier
brcc noad87 ;if carry set
add m8uH,mc8u ; add multiplicand to result High byte
noad87: ror m8uH ;shift right result High byte
ror m8uL ;rotate right result L byte and multiplier
;* "mpy16u" - 16x16 Bit Unsigned Multiplication
;* This subroutine multiplies the two 16-bit register variables
;* mp16uH:mp16uL and mc16uH:mc16uL.
;* The result is placed in m16u3:m16u2:m16u1:m16u0.
;* Number of words :105 + return
;* Number of cycles :105 + return
;* Low registers used :None
;* High registers used :6 (mp16uL,mp16uH,mc16uL/m16u0,mc16uH/m16u1,m16u2,
;* m16u3)
;***** Subroutine Register Variables
.def mc16uL =r16 ;multiplicand low byte
.def mc16uH =r17 ;multiplicand high byte
.def mp16uL =r18 ;multiplier low byte
.def mp16uH =r19 ;multiplier high byte
.def m16u0 =r18 ;result byte 0 (LSB)
.def m16u1 =r19 ;result byte 1
.def m16u2 =r20 ;result byte 2
.def m16u3 =r21 ;result byte 3 (MSB)
;***** Code
mpy16u: clr m16u3 ;clear 2 highest bytes of result
clr m16u2
lsr mp16uH ;rotate multiplier Low
ror mp16uL ;rotate multiplier High
brcc noadd0 ;if carry set
add m16u2,mc16uL ; add multiplicand Low to byte 2 of res
adc m16u3,mc16uH ; add multiplicand high to byte 3 of res
noadd0: ror m16u3 ;shift right result byte 3
ror m16u2 ;rotate right result byte 2
ror m16u1 ;rotate result byte 1 and multiplier High
ror m16u0 ;rotate result byte 0 and multiplier Low
brcc noadd1 ;if carry set
add m16u2,mc16uL ; add multiplicand Low to byte 2 of res
adc m16u3,mc16uH ; add multiplicand high to byte 3 of res
noadd1: ror m16u3 ;shift right result byte 3
ror m16u2 ;rotate right result byte 2
ror m16u1 ;rotate result byte 1 and multiplier High
ror m16u0 ;rotate result byte 0 and multiplier Low
brcc noadd2 ;if carry set
add m16u2,mc16uL ; add multiplicand Low to byte 2 of res
adc m16u3,mc16uH ; add multiplicand high to byte 3 of res
noadd2: ror m16u3 ;shift right result byte 3
ror m16u2 ;rotate right result byte 2
ror m16u1 ;rotate result byte 1 and multiplier High
ror m16u0 ;rotate result byte 0 and multiplier Low
brcc noadd3 ;if carry set
add m16u2,mc16uL ; add multiplicand Low to byte 2 of res
adc m16u3,mc16uH ; add multiplicand high to byte 3 of res
noadd3: ror m16u3 ;shift right result byte 3
ror m16u2 ;rotate right result byte 2
ror m16u1 ;rotate result byte 1 and multiplier High
ror m16u0 ;rotate result byte 0 and multiplier Low
brcc noadd4 ;if carry set
add m16u2,mc16uL ; add multiplicand Low to byte 2 of res
adc m16u3,mc16uH ; add multiplicand high to byte 3 of res
noadd4: ror m16u3 ;shift right result byte 3
ror m16u2 ;rotate right result byte 2
ror m16u1 ;rotate result byte 1 and multiplier High
ror m16u0 ;rotate result byte 0 and multiplier Low
brcc noadd5 ;if carry set
add m16u2,mc16uL ; add multiplicand Low to byte 2 of res
adc m16u3,mc16uH ; add multiplicand high to byte 3 of res
noadd5: ror m16u3 ;shift right result byte 3
ror m16u2 ;rotate right result byte 2
ror m16u1 ;rotate result byte 1 and multiplier High
ror m16u0 ;rotate result byte 0 and multiplier Low
brcc noadd6 ;if carry set
add m16u2,mc16uL ; add multiplicand Low to byte 2 of res
adc m16u3,mc16uH ; add multiplicand high to byte 3 of res
noadd6: ror m16u3 ;shift right result byte 3
ror m16u2 ;rotate right result byte 2
ror m16u1 ;rotate result byte 1 and multiplier High
ror m16u0 ;rotate result byte 0 and multiplier Low
brcc noadd7 ;if carry sett
add m16u2,mc16uL ; add multiplicand Low to byte 2 of res
adc m16u3,mc16uH ; add multiplicand high to byte 3 of res
noadd7: ror m16u3 ;shift right result byte 3
ror m16u2 ;rotate right result byte 2
ror m16u1 ;rotate result byte 1 and multiplier High
ror m16u0 ;rotate result byte 0 and multiplier Low
brcc noadd8 ;if carry set
add m16u2,mc16uL ; add multiplicand Low to byte 2 of res
adc m16u3,mc16uH ; add multiplicand high to byte 3 of res
noadd8: ror m16u3 ;shift right result byte 3
ror m16u2 ;rotate right result byte 2
ror m16u1 ;rotate result byte 1 and multiplier High
ror m16u0 ;rotate result byte 0 and multiplier Low
brcc noadd9 ;if carry set
add m16u2,mc16uL ; add multiplicand Low to byte 2 of res
adc m16u3,mc16uH ; add multiplicand high to byte 3 of res
noadd9: ror m16u3 ;shift right result byte 3
ror m16u2 ;rotate right result byte 2
ror m16u1 ;rotate result byte 1 and multiplier High
ror m16u0 ;rotate result byte 0 and multiplier Low
brcc noad10 ;if carry set
add m16u2,mc16uL ; add multiplicand Low to byte 2 of res
adc m16u3,mc16uH ; add multiplicand high to byte 3 of res
noad10: ror m16u3 ;shift right result byte 3
ror m16u2 ;rotate right result byte 2
ror m16u1 ;rotate result byte 1 and multiplier High
ror m16u0 ;rotate result byte 0 and multiplier Low
brcc noad11 ;if carry set
add m16u2,mc16uL ; add multiplicand Low to byte 2 of res
adc m16u3,mc16uH ; add multiplicand high to byte 3 of res
noad11: ror m16u3 ;shift right result byte 3
ror m16u2 ;rotate right result byte 2
ror m16u1 ;rotate result byte 1 and multiplier High
ror m16u0 ;rotate result byte 0 and multiplier Low
brcc noad12 ;if carry set
add m16u2,mc16uL ; add multiplicand Low to byte 2 of res
adc m16u3,mc16uH ; add multiplicand high to byte 3 of res
noad12: ror m16u3 ;shift right result byte 3
ror m16u2 ;rotate right result byte 2
ror m16u1 ;rotate result byte 1 and multiplier High
ror m16u0 ;rotate result byte 0 and multiplier Low
brcc noad13 ;if carry set
add m16u2,mc16uL ; add multiplicand Low to byte 2 of res
adc m16u3,mc16uH ; add multiplicand high to byte 3 of res
noad13: ror m16u3 ;shift right result byte 3
ror m16u2 ;rotate right result byte 2
ror m16u1 ;rotate result byte 1 and multiplier High
ror m16u0 ;rotate result byte 0 and multiplier Low
brcc noad14 ;if carry set
add m16u2,mc16uL ; add multiplicand Low to byte 2 of res
adc m16u3,mc16uH ; add multiplicand high to byte 3 of res
noad14: ror m16u3 ;shift right result byte 3
ror m16u2 ;rotate right result byte 2
ror m16u1 ;rotate result byte 1 and multiplier High
ror m16u0 ;rotate result byte 0 and multiplier Low
brcc noad15 ;if carry set
add m16u2,mc16uL ; add multiplicand Low to byte 2 of res
adc m16u3,mc16uH ; add multiplicand high to byte 3 of res
noad15: ror m16u3 ;shift right result byte 3
ror m16u2 ;rotate right result byte 2
ror m16u1 ;rotate result byte 1 and multiplier High
ror m16u0 ;rotate result byte 0 and multiplier Low
;* "div8u" - 8/8 Bit Unsigned Division
;* This subroutine divides the two register variables "dd8u" (dividend) and
;* "dv8u" (divisor). The result is placed in "dres8u" and the remainder in
;* "drem8u".
;* Number of words :66 + return
;* Number of cycles :50/58/66 (Min/Avg/Max) + return
;* Low registers used :1 (drem8u)
;* High registers used :2 (dres8u/dd8u,dv8u)
;***** Subroutine Register Variables
.def drem8u =r15 ;remainder
.def dres8u =r16 ;result
.def dd8u =r16 ;dividend
.def dv8u =r17 ;divisor
;***** Code
div8u: sub drem8u,drem8u ;clear remainder and carry
rol dd8u ;shift left dividend
rol drem8u ;shift dividend into remainder
sub drem8u,dv8u ;remainder = remainder - divisor
brcc d8u_1 ;if result negative
add drem8u,dv8u ; restore remainder
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d8u_2 ;else
d8u_1: sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d8u_2: rol dd8u ;shift left dividend
rol drem8u ;shift dividend into remainder
sub drem8u,dv8u ;remainder = remainder - divisor
brcc d8u_3 ;if result negative
add drem8u,dv8u ; restore remainder
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d8u_4 ;else
d8u_3: sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d8u_4: rol dd8u ;shift left dividend
rol drem8u ;shift dividend into remainder
sub drem8u,dv8u ;remainder = remainder - divisor
brcc d8u_5 ;if result negative
add drem8u,dv8u ; restore remainder
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d8u_6 ;else
d8u_5: sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d8u_6: rol dd8u ;shift left dividend
rol drem8u ;shift dividend into remainder
sub drem8u,dv8u ;remainder = remainder - divisor
brcc d8u_7 ;if result negative
add drem8u,dv8u ; restore remainder
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d8u_8 ;else
d8u_7: sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d8u_8: rol dd8u ;shift left dividend
rol drem8u ;shift dividend into remainder
sub drem8u,dv8u ;remainder = remainder - divisor
brcc d8u_9 ;if result negative
add drem8u,dv8u ; restore remainder
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d8u_10 ;else
d8u_9: sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d8u_10: rol dd8u ;shift left dividend
rol drem8u ;shift dividend into remainder
sub drem8u,dv8u ;remainder = remainder - divisor
brcc d8u_11 ;if result negative
add drem8u,dv8u ; restore remainder
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d8u_12 ;else
d8u_11: sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d8u_12: rol dd8u ;shift left dividend
rol drem8u ;shift dividend into remainder
sub drem8u,dv8u ;remainder = remainder - divisor
brcc d8u_13 ;if result negative
add drem8u,dv8u ; restore remainder
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d8u_14 ;else
d8u_13: sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d8u_14: rol dd8u ;shift left dividend
rol drem8u ;shift dividend into remainder
sub drem8u,dv8u ;remainder = remainder - divisor
brcc d8u_15 ;if result negative
add drem8u,dv8u ; restore remainder
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d8u_16 ;else
d8u_15: sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d8u_16: rol dd8u ;shift left dividend
;* "div16u" - 16/16 Bit Unsigned Division
;* This subroutine divides the two 16-bit numbers
;* "dd8uH:dd8uL" (dividend) and "dv16uH:dv16uL" (divisor).
;* The result is placed in "dres16uH:dres16uL" and the remainder in
;* "drem16uH:drem16uL".
;* Number of words :196 + return
;* Number of cycles :148/173/196 (Min/Avg/Max)
;* Low registers used :2 (drem16uL,drem16uH)
;* High registers used :4 (dres16uL/dd16uL,dres16uH/dd16uH,dv16uL,dv16uH)
;***** Subroutine Register Variables
.def drem16uL=r14
.def drem16uH=r15
.def dres16uL=r16
.def dres16uH=r17
.def dd16uL =r16
.def dd16uH =r17
.def dv16uL =r18
.def dv16uH =r19
;***** Code
div16u: clr drem16uL ;clear remainder Low byte
sub drem16uH,drem16uH;clear remainder High byte and carry
rol dd16uL ;shift left dividend
rol dd16uH
rol drem16uL ;shift dividend into remainder
rol drem16uH
sub drem16uL,dv16uL ;remainder = remainder - divisor
sbc drem16uH,dv16uH ;
brcc d16u_1 ;if result negative
add drem16uL,dv16uL ; restore remainder
adc drem16uH,dv16uH
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d16u_2 ;else
d16u_1: sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d16u_2: rol dd16uL ;shift left dividend
rol dd16uH
rol drem16uL ;shift dividend into remainder
rol drem16uH
sub drem16uL,dv16uL ;remainder = remainder - divisor
sbc drem16uH,dv16uH ;
brcc d16u_3 ;if result negative
add drem16uL,dv16uL ; restore remainder
adc drem16uH,dv16uH
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d16u_4 ;else
d16u_3: sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d16u_4: rol dd16uL ;shift left dividend
rol dd16uH
rol drem16uL ;shift dividend into remainder
rol drem16uH
sub drem16uL,dv16uL ;remainder = remainder - divisor
sbc drem16uH,dv16uH ;
brcc d16u_5 ;if result negative
add drem16uL,dv16uL ; restore remainder
adc drem16uH,dv16uH
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d16u_6 ;else
d16u_5: sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d16u_6: rol dd16uL ;shift left dividend
rol dd16uH
rol drem16uL ;shift dividend into remainder
rol drem16uH
sub drem16uL,dv16uL ;remainder = remainder - divisor
sbc drem16uH,dv16uH ;
brcc d16u_7 ;if result negative
add drem16uL,dv16uL ; restore remainder
adc drem16uH,dv16uH
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d16u_8 ;else
d16u_7: sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d16u_8: rol dd16uL ;shift left dividend
rol dd16uH
rol drem16uL ;shift dividend into remainder
rol drem16uH
sub drem16uL,dv16uL ;remainder = remainder - divisor
sbc drem16uH,dv16uH ;
brcc d16u_9 ;if result negative
add drem16uL,dv16uL ; restore remainder
adc drem16uH,dv16uH
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d16u_10 ;else
d16u_9: sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d16u_10:rol dd16uL ;shift left dividend
rol dd16uH
rol drem16uL ;shift dividend into remainder
rol drem16uH
sub drem16uL,dv16uL ;remainder = remainder - divisor
sbc drem16uH,dv16uH ;
brcc d16u_11 ;if result negative
add drem16uL,dv16uL ; restore remainder
adc drem16uH,dv16uH
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d16u_12 ;else
d16u_11:sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d16u_12:rol dd16uL ;shift left dividend
rol dd16uH
rol drem16uL ;shift dividend into remainder
rol drem16uH
sub drem16uL,dv16uL ;remainder = remainder - divisor
sbc drem16uH,dv16uH ;
brcc d16u_13 ;if result negative
add drem16uL,dv16uL ; restore remainder
adc drem16uH,dv16uH
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d16u_14 ;else
d16u_13:sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d16u_14:rol dd16uL ;shift left dividend
rol dd16uH
rol drem16uL ;shift dividend into remainder
rol drem16uH
sub drem16uL,dv16uL ;remainder = remainder - divisor
sbc drem16uH,dv16uH ;
brcc d16u_15 ;if result negative
add drem16uL,dv16uL ; restore remainder
adc drem16uH,dv16uH
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d16u_16 ;else
d16u_15:sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d16u_16:rol dd16uL ;shift left dividend
rol dd16uH
rol drem16uL ;shift dividend into remainder
rol drem16uH
sub drem16uL,dv16uL ;remainder = remainder - divisor
sbc drem16uH,dv16uH ;
brcc d16u_17 ;if result negative
add drem16uL,dv16uL ; restore remainder
adc drem16uH,dv16uH
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d16u_18 ;else
d16u_17: sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d16u_18:rol dd16uL ;shift left dividend
rol dd16uH
rol drem16uL ;shift dividend into remainder
rol drem16uH
sub drem16uL,dv16uL ;remainder = remainder - divisor
sbc drem16uH,dv16uH ;
brcc d16u_19 ;if result negative
add drem16uL,dv16uL ; restore remainder
adc drem16uH,dv16uH
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d16u_20 ;else
d16u_19:sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d16u_20:rol dd16uL ;shift left dividend
rol dd16uH
rol drem16uL ;shift dividend into remainder
rol drem16uH
sub drem16uL,dv16uL ;remainder = remainder - divisor
sbc drem16uH,dv16uH ;
brcc d16u_21 ;if result negative
add drem16uL,dv16uL ; restore remainder
adc drem16uH,dv16uH
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d16u_22 ;else
d16u_21:sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d16u_22:rol dd16uL ;shift left dividend
rol dd16uH
rol drem16uL ;shift dividend into remainder
rol drem16uH
sub drem16uL,dv16uL ;remainder = remainder - divisor
sbc drem16uH,dv16uH ;
brcc d16u_23 ;if result negative
add drem16uL,dv16uL ; restore remainder
adc drem16uH,dv16uH
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d16u_24 ;else
d16u_23:sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d16u_24:rol dd16uL ;shift left dividend
rol dd16uH
rol drem16uL ;shift dividend into remainder
rol drem16uH
sub drem16uL,dv16uL ;remainder = remainder - divisor
sbc drem16uH,dv16uH ;
brcc d16u_25 ;if result negative
add drem16uL,dv16uL ; restore remainder
adc drem16uH,dv16uH
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d16u_26 ;else
d16u_25:sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d16u_26:rol dd16uL ;shift left dividend
rol dd16uH
rol drem16uL ;shift dividend into remainder
rol drem16uH
sub drem16uL,dv16uL ;remainder = remainder - divisor
sbc drem16uH,dv16uH ;
brcc d16u_27 ;if result negative
add drem16uL,dv16uL ; restore remainder
adc drem16uH,dv16uH
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d16u_28 ;else
d16u_27:sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d16u_28:rol dd16uL ;shift left dividend
rol dd16uH
rol drem16uL ;shift dividend into remainder
rol drem16uH
sub drem16uL,dv16uL ;remainder = remainder - divisor
sbc drem16uH,dv16uH ;
brcc d16u_29 ;if result negative
add drem16uL,dv16uL ; restore remainder
adc drem16uH,dv16uH
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d16u_30 ;else
d16u_29:sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d16u_30:rol dd16uL ;shift left dividend
rol dd16uH
rol drem16uL ;shift dividend into remainder
rol drem16uH
sub drem16uL,dv16uL ;remainder = remainder - divisor
sbc drem16uH,dv16uH ;
brcc d16u_31 ;if result negative
add drem16uL,dv16uL ; restore remainder
adc drem16uH,dv16uH
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d16u_32 ;else
d16u_31:sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
d16u_32:rol dd16uL ;shift left dividend
rol dd16uH
;* Test Program
;* This program calls all the subroutines as an example of usage and to
;* verify correct verification.
;***** Main Program Register variables
.def temp =r16 ;temporary storage variable
;***** Code
;Include these lines for devices with SRAM
; ldi temp,low(RAMEND)
; out SPL,temp
; ldi temp,high(RAMEND)
; out SPH,temp ;init Stack Pointer
;***** Multiply Two Unsigned 8-Bit Numbers (250 * 4)
ldi mc8u,250
ldi mp8u,4
rcall mpy8u ;result: m8uH:m8uL = $03e8 (1000)
;***** Multiply Two Unsigned 16-Bit Numbers (5050 * 10,000)
ldi mc16uL,low(5050)
ldi mc16uH,high(5050)
ldi mp16uL,low(10000)
ldi mp16uH,high(10000)
rcall mpy16u ;result: m16u3:m16u2:m16u1:m16u0
;=$030291a0 (50,500,000)
;***** Divide Two Unsigned 8-Bit Numbers (100/3)
ldi dd8u,100
ldi dv8u,3
rcall div8u ;result: $21 (33)
;remainder: $01 (1)
;***** Divide Two Unsigned 16-Bit Numbers (50,000/24,995)
ldi dd16uL,low(50000)
ldi dd16uH,high(50000)
ldi dv16uL,low(24995)
ldi dv16uH,high(24995)
rcall div16u ;result: $0002 (2)
;remainder: $000a (10)
forever:rjmp forever
Programming the AVR Microcontrollers in Assember Machine Language
Atmel AVR From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Avr) Jump to: navigation, search The AVRs are a family
of RISC microcontrollers from Atmel. Their internal architecture was conceived by two students: Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard
Wollan, at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH] and further developed at Atmel Norway, a subsidiary founded by the
two architects. Atmel recently released the Atmel AVR32 line of microcontrollers. These are 32-bit RISC devices featuring
SIMD and DSP instructions, along with many additional features for audio and video processing, intended to compete with ARM
based processors. Note that the use of "AVR" in this article refers to the 8-bit RISC line of Atmel AVR Microcontrollers.
The acronym AVR has been reported to stand for Advanced Virtual RISC. It's also rumoured to stand for the company's founders:
Alf and Vegard, who are evasive when questioned about it. Contents [hide] 1 Device Overview 1.1 Program Memory 1.2 Data Memory
and Registers 1.3 EEPROM 1.4 Program Execution 1.5 Speed 2 Development 3 Features 4 Footnotes 5 See also 6 External Links
6.1 Atmel Official Links 6.2 AVR Forums & Discussion Groups 6.3 Machine Language Development 6.4 C Language Development
6.5 BASIC & Other AVR Languages 6.6 AVR Butterfly Specific 6.7 Other AVR Links [edit] Device Overview The AVR is a Harvard
architecture machine with programs and data stored and addressed separately. Flash, EEPROM, and SRAM are all integrated onto
a single die, removing the need for external memory (though still available on some devices). [edit] Program Memory Program
instructions are stored in semi-permanent Flash memory. Each instruction for the AVR line is either 16 or 32 bits in length.
The Flash memory is addressed using 16 bit word sizes. The size of the program memory is indicated in the naming of the device
itself. For instance, the ATmega64x line has 64Kbytes of Flash. Almost all AVR devices are self-programmable. [edit] Data
Memory and Registers The data address space consists of the register file, I/O registers, and SRAM. The AVRs have thirty-two
single-byte registers and are classified as 8-bit RISC devices. The working registers are mapped in as the first thirty-two
memory spaces (000016-001F16) followed by the 64 I/O registers (002016-005F16). The actual usable RAM starts after both these
sections (address 006016). (Note that the I/O register space may be larger on some more extensive devices, in which case memory
mapped I/O registers will occupy a portion of the SRAM.) Even though there are separate addressing schemes and optimized opcodes
for register file and I/O register access, all can still be addressed and manipulated as if they were in SRAM. [edit] EEPROM
Almost all devices have on-die EEPROM. This is most often used for long-term parameter storage to be retrieved even after
cycling the power of the device. [edit] Program Execution Atmel's AVRs have a single level pipeline design. The next machine
instruction is fetched as the current one is executing. Most instructions take just one or two clock cycles, making AVRs relatively
fast among the eight-bit microcontrollers. The AVR family of processors were designed for the efficient execution of compiled
C code. The AVR instruction set is more orthogonal than most eight-bit microcontrollers, however, it is not completely regular:
Pointer registers X, Y, and Z have addressing capabilities that are different from each other. Register locations R0 to R15
have different addressing capabilities than register locations R16 to R31. I/O ports 0 to 31 have different addressing capabilities
than I/O ports 32 to 63. CLR affects flags, while SER does not, even though they are complementary instructions. CLR set all
bits to zero and SER sets them to one. (Note though, that neither CLR nor SER are native instructions. Instead CLR is syntactic
sugar for [produces the same machine code as] EOR R,R while SER is syntactic sugar for LDI R,$FF. Math operations such as
EOR modify flags while moves/loads/stores/branches such as LDI do not.) [edit] Speed The AVR line can normally support clock
speeds from 0-16MHz, with some devices reaching 20MHz. Lower powered operation usually requires a reduced clock speed. All
AVRs feature an on-chip oscillator, removing the need for external clocks or resonator circuitry. Because many operations
on the AVR are single cycle, the AVR can achieve up to 1MIPS per MHz. [edit] Development AVRs have a large following due to
the free and inexpensive development tools available, including reasonably priced development boards and free development
software. The AVRs are marketed under various names that share the same basic core but with different peripheral and memory
combinations. Some models (notably, the ATmega range) have additional instructions to make arithmetic faster. Compatibility
amongst chips is fairly good. See external links for sites relating to AVR development. [edit] Features Current AVRs offer
a wide range of features: RISC Core Running Many Single Cycle Instructions Multifunction, Bi-directional I/O Ports with Internal,
Configurable Pull-up Resistors Multiple Internal Oscillators Internal, Self-Programmable Instruction Flash Memory up to 256K
In-System Programmable using ICSP, JTAG, or High Voltage methods Optional Boot Code Section with Independent Lock Bits for
Protection Internal Data EEPROM up to 4KB Internal SRAM up to 8K 8-Bit and 16-Bit Timers PWM Channels & dead time generator
Lighting (PWM Specific) Controller models Dedicated I²C Compatible Two-Wire Interface (TWI) Synchronous/Asynchronous Serial
Peripherals (UART/USART) (As used with RS-232,RS-485, and more) Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) CAN Controller Support USB
Controller Support Proper High-speed hardware & Hub controller with embedded AVR. Also freely available low-speed (HID)
software emulation Ethernet Controller Support Universal Serial Interface (USI) for Two or Three-Wire Synchronous Data Transfer
Analog Comparators LCD Controller Support 10-Bit A/D Converters, with multiplex of up to 16 channels Brownout Detection Watchdog
Timer (WDT) Low-voltage Devices Operating Down to 1.8v Multiple Power-Saving Sleep Modes picoPower Devices
Atmel AVR assembler programming language
Atmel AVR machine programming language
Atmel AVR From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Avr) Jump to: navigation, search The AVRs are a family of
RISC microcontrollers from Atmel. Their internal architecture was conceived by two students: Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan,
at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH] and further developed at Atmel Norway, a subsidiary founded by the two architects.
Atmel recently released the Atmel AVR32 line of microcontrollers. These are 32-bit RISC devices featuring SIMD and DSP instructions,
along with many additional features for audio and video processing, intended to compete with ARM based processors. Note that
the use of "AVR" in this article refers to the 8-bit RISC line of Atmel AVR Microcontrollers. The acronym AVR has been reported
to stand for Advanced Virtual RISC. It's also rumoured to stand for the company's founders: Alf and Vegard, who are evasive
when questioned about it. Contents [hide] 1 Device Overview 1.1 Program Memory 1.2 Data Memory and Registers 1.3 EEPROM 1.4
Program Execution 1.5 Speed 2 Development 3 Features 4 Footnotes 5 See also 6 External Links 6.1 Atmel Official Links 6.2
AVR Forums & Discussion Groups 6.3 Machine Language Development 6.4 C Language Development 6.5 BASIC & Other AVR Languages
6.6 AVR Butterfly Specific 6.7 Other AVR Links [edit] Device Overview The AVR is a Harvard architecture machine with programs
and data stored and addressed separately. Flash, EEPROM, and SRAM are all integrated onto a single die, removing the need
for external memory (though still available on some devices). [edit] Program Memory Program instructions are stored in semi-permanent
Flash memory. Each instruction for the AVR line is either 16 or 32 bits in length. The Flash memory is addressed using 16
bit word sizes. The size of the program memory is indicated in the naming of the device itself. For instance, the ATmega64x
line has 64Kbytes of Flash. Almost all AVR devices are self-programmable. [edit] Data Memory and Registers The data address
space consists of the register file, I/O registers, and SRAM. The AVRs have thirty-two single-byte registers and are classified
as 8-bit RISC devices. The working registers are mapped in as the first thirty-two memory spaces (000016-001F16) followed
by the 64 I/O registers (002016-005F16). The actual usable RAM starts after both these sections (address 006016). (Note that
the I/O register space may be larger on some more extensive devices, in which case memory mapped I/O registers will occupy
a portion of the SRAM.) Even though there are separate addressing schemes and optimized opcodes for register file and I/O
register access, all can still be addressed and manipulated as if they were in SRAM. [edit] EEPROM Almost all devices have
on-die EEPROM. This is most often used for long-term parameter storage to be retrieved even after cycling the power of the
device. [edit] Program Execution Atmel's AVRs have a single level pipeline design. The next machine instruction is fetched
as the current one is executing. Most instructions take just one or two clock cycles, making AVRs relatively fast among the
eight-bit microcontrollers. The AVR family of processors were designed for the efficient execution of compiled C code. The
AVR instruction set is more orthogonal than most eight-bit microcontrollers, however, it is not completely regular: Pointer
registers X, Y, and Z have addressing capabilities that are different from each other. Register locations R0 to R15 have different
addressing capabilities than register locations R16 to R31. I/O ports 0 to 31 have different addressing capabilities than
I/O ports 32 to 63. CLR affects flags, while SER does not, even though they are complementary instructions. CLR set all bits
to zero and SER sets them to one. (Note though, that neither CLR nor SER are native instructions. Instead CLR is syntactic
sugar for [produces the same machine code as] EOR R,R while SER is syntactic sugar for LDI R,$FF. Math operations such as
EOR modify flags while moves/loads/stores/branches such as LDI do not.) [edit] Speed The AVR line can normally support clock
speeds from 0-16MHz, with some devices reaching 20MHz. Lower powered operation usually requires a reduced clock speed. All
AVRs feature an on-chip oscillator, removing the need for external clocks or resonator circuitry. Because many operations
on the AVR are single cycle, the AVR can achieve up to 1MIPS per MHz. [edit] Development AVRs have a large following due to
the free and inexpensive development tools available, including reasonably priced development boards and free development
software. The AVRs are marketed under various names that share the same basic core but with different peripheral and memory
combinations. Some models (notably, the ATmega range) have additional instructions to make arithmetic faster. Compatibility
amongst chips is fairly good. See external links for sites relating to AVR development. [edit] Features Current AVRs offer
a wide range of features: RISC Core Running Many Single Cycle Instructions Multifunction, Bi-directional I/O Ports with Internal,
Configurable Pull-up Resistors Multiple Internal Oscillators Internal, Self-Programmable Instruction Flash Memory up to 256K
In-System Programmable using ICSP, JTAG, or High Voltage methods Optional Boot Code Section with Independent Lock Bits for
Protection Internal Data EEPROM up to 4KB Internal SRAM up to 8K 8-Bit and 16-Bit Timers PWM Channels & dead time generator
Lighting (PWM Specific) Controller models Dedicated I²C Compatible Two-Wire Interface (TWI) Synchronous/Asynchronous Serial
Peripherals (UART/USART) (As used with RS-232,RS-485, and more) Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) CAN Controller Support USB
Controller Support Proper High-speed hardware & Hub controller with embedded AVR. Also freely available low-speed (HID)
software emulation Ethernet Controller Support Universal Serial Interface (USI) for Two or Three-Wire Synchronous Data Transfer
Analog Comparators LCD Controller Support 10-Bit A/D Converters, with multiplex of up to 16 channels Brownout Detection Watchdog
Timer (WDT) Low-voltage Devices Operating Down to 1.8v Multiple Power-Saving Sleep Modes picoPower Devices
Atmel AVR assembler programming language
Atmel AVR machine programming language
Atmel AVR From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Avr) Jump to: navigation, search The AVRs are a family of
RISC microcontrollers from Atmel. Their internal architecture was conceived by two students: Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan,
at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH] and further developed at Atmel Norway, a subsidiary founded by the two architects.
Atmel recently released the Atmel AVR32 line of microcontrollers. These are 32-bit RISC devices featuring SIMD and DSP instructions,
along with many additional features for audio and video processing, intended to compete with ARM based processors. Note that
the use of "AVR" in this article refers to the 8-bit RISC line of Atmel AVR Microcontrollers. The acronym AVR has been reported
to stand for Advanced Virtual RISC. It's also rumoured to stand for the company's founders: Alf and Vegard, who are evasive
when questioned about it. Contents [hide] 1 Device Overview 1.1 Program Memory 1.2 Data Memory and Registers 1.3 EEPROM 1.4
Program Execution 1.5 Speed 2 Development 3 Features 4 Footnotes 5 See also 6 External Links 6.1 Atmel Official Links 6.2
AVR Forums & Discussion Groups 6.3 Machine Language Development 6.4 C Language Development 6.5 BASIC & Other AVR Languages
6.6 AVR Butterfly Specific 6.7 Other AVR Links [edit] Device Overview The AVR is a Harvard architecture machine with programs
and data stored and addressed separately. Flash, EEPROM, and SRAM are all integrated onto a single die, removing the need
for external memory (though still available on some devices). [edit] Program Memory Program instructions are stored in semi-permanent
Flash memory. Each instruction for the AVR line is either 16 or 32 bits in length. The Flash memory is addressed using 16
bit word sizes. The size of the program memory is indicated in the naming of the device itself. For instance, the ATmega64x
line has 64Kbytes of Flash. Almost all AVR devices are self-programmable. [edit] Data Memory and Registers The data address
space consists of the register file, I/O registers, and SRAM. The AVRs have thirty-two single-byte registers and are classified
as 8-bit RISC devices. The working registers are mapped in as the first thirty-two memory spaces (000016-001F16) followed
by the 64 I/O registers (002016-005F16). The actual usable RAM starts after both these sections (address 006016). (Note that
the I/O register space may be larger on some more extensive devices, in which case memory mapped I/O registers will occupy
a portion of the SRAM.) Even though there are separate addressing schemes and optimized opcodes for register file and I/O
register access, all can still be addressed and manipulated as if they were in SRAM. [edit] EEPROM Almost all devices have
on-die EEPROM. This is most often used for long-term parameter storage to be retrieved even after cycling the power of the
device. [edit] Program Execution Atmel's AVRs have a single level pipeline design. The next machine instruction is fetched
as the current one is executing. Most instructions take just one or two clock cycles, making AVRs relatively fast among the
eight-bit microcontrollers. The AVR family of processors were designed for the efficient execution of compiled C code. The
AVR instruction set is more orthogonal than most eight-bit microcontrollers, however, it is not completely regular: Pointer
registers X, Y, and Z have addressing capabilities that are different from each other. Register locations R0 to R15 have different
addressing capabilities than register locations R16 to R31. I/O ports 0 to 31 have different addressing capabilities than
I/O ports 32 to 63. CLR affects flags, while SER does not, even though they are complementary instructions. CLR set all bits
to zero and SER sets them to one. (Note though, that neither CLR nor SER are native instructions. Instead CLR is syntactic
sugar for [produces the same machine code as] EOR R,R while SER is syntactic sugar for LDI R,$FF. Math operations such as
EOR modify flags while moves/loads/stores/branches such as LDI do not.) [edit] Speed The AVR line can normally support clock
speeds from 0-16MHz, with some devices reaching 20MHz. Lower powered operation usually requires a reduced clock speed. All
AVRs feature an on-chip oscillator, removing the need for external clocks or resonator circuitry. Because many operations
on the AVR are single cycle, the AVR can achieve up to 1MIPS per MHz. [edit] Development AVRs have a large following due to
the free and inexpensive development tools available, including reasonably priced development boards and free development
software. The AVRs are marketed under various names that share the same basic core but with different peripheral and memory
combinations. Some models (notably, the ATmega range) have additional instructions to make arithmetic faster. Compatibility
amongst chips is fairly good. See external links for sites relating to AVR development. [edit] Features Current AVRs offer
a wide range of features: RISC Core Running Many Single Cycle Instructions Multifunction, Bi-directional I/O Ports with Internal,
Configurable Pull-up Resistors Multiple Internal Oscillators Internal, Self-Programmable Instruction Flash Memory up to 256K
In-System Programmable using ICSP, JTAG, or High Voltage methods Optional Boot Code Section with Independent Lock Bits for
Protection Internal Data EEPROM up to 4KB Internal SRAM up to 8K 8-Bit and 16-Bit Timers PWM Channels & dead time generator
Lighting (PWM Specific) Controller models Dedicated I²C Compatible Two-Wire Interface (TWI) Synchronous/Asynchronous Serial
Peripherals (UART/USART) (As used with RS-232,RS-485, and more) Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) CAN Controller Support USB
Controller Support Proper High-speed hardware & Hub controller with embedded AVR. Also freely available low-speed (HID)
software emulation Ethernet Controller Support Universal Serial Interface (USI) for Two or Three-Wire Synchronous Data Transfer
Analog Comparators LCD Controller Support 10-Bit A/D Converters, with multiplex of up to 16 channels Brownout Detection Watchdog
Timer (WDT) Low-voltage Devices Operating Down to 1.8v Multiple Power-Saving Sleep Modes picoPower Devices
Atmel AVR assembler programming language
Atmel AVR machine programming language